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Messages - beej

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RPGs / Re: Trying to plan my first EP module
« on: June 19, 2012, 03:27:40 AM »
I see your point.  Hmm.


Would it make better sense if the pirates were sent deliberately? 

Firewall suspects something is up about the artifacts and decides to attempt to plant survellience equipment to figure out what it is?  Nanites and such.

(I'm using the Telemetry Gate uproar from Know Evil as the reason why the goods haven't left for Mars yet.  Its just happened a few days ago and there's been disruptions to interplanetary ship.  They won't know enough about the science and politics to know I'm bs'ing the reasoning.)

The FW cell is sent under fake ids to 'pick merchendise' up from the platform and attempt survellience, plant tracking bugs etc etc.  They arrive to find a bunch of dead pirates and Go-Nin personal.  They discover the statuttes are really alien bots.

From there the players track down the pirates, follow the artifacts to Hypercorp office?  hyperelite exec's home?  hypercorp lab?  The players call in the eraser squad and hit the place with them?

RPGs / Re: Trying to plan my first EP module
« on: June 19, 2012, 02:14:23 AM »
'the Outfit'  I created a crime group and made it only local to Venus.  They're supposed to be 'up and coming' until the players come along...

As for paring down factions?  Drop Comex from being mentioned?  TerraGenesis?  Make Solaris's involvement hidden? Go-nin?

RPGs / Trying to plan my first EP module
« on: June 18, 2012, 11:43:28 PM »
So as the guy in my group who pushes new systems/games, I going to be shotgun herding my fellows into trying EP.  Also as gm a who knows his players, I need to make something a little shooting heavy to draw them in (one of my players is good with RP but it takes a while to draw'em out into a character)

So here's here's what I've got so far

The Gold Bug

Go-nin has bribed TerraGenesis to smuggle an unknown quantity of alien gold statuettes (about a foot tall) through the Vulcanoid Gate so the Go-Nin Board of Directors can give themselves the artwork as a yearly bonus.  Solaris catches wind that Go-Nin has smuggled the artifacts for their Board members and wishes to steal them as an F'you to their biggest competitors in banking.

A Solaris representative approaches a Firewall cell masquerading as corporate 'security consultants' with a job.  Solaris wishes the players to 'acquire' a shipment of rare statuette art pieces from a Comex aero-storage-stat on Venus and deliver them to a rep on Venus.

Firewall is aware of the statuettes, however they are not completely sold on them being just artwork.  Far too many credits have exchanged hands and pecular personal changes at TerreGensis occured right before the 'statuettes' came through the gate.  Firewall tasks the players with investigating the alien artifacts.  If the statuettes really are just art, go through with the contract.  If they are more than just art, aquire if possible, eliminate if necessary.

The players take a shuttle provided by FW, piloted by a FW friendly Uplift Crow...yep.  :)   

They arrive on the Comex facility and discover it has been recently attacked by pirates.  They will search the facility to discover if the statuettes are still there and if possible why the platform was attacked.  They will find the bodies of dead pirates and Comex staff, it is obvious there was a serious firefight.  Players locate the statuettes, some still in their packing cases, some scattered about the facility.  While searching platform records, they find recordings of the statuttes coming to life and attack the staff and pirates.   At this point the robot statuttes outside of the packaging activiate and attack the players who must fight them off and scuttle the platform to prevent the robots from escaping.

After destroying the platform, players will fall back to Pavarti and interrogate the stacks.  They will discover the pirates who attacked the platform were hired by the Outfit to retrieve Congnite hardware stored there and decided to scoop up the 'artwork' as well.  When the statuettes activiated while they were still loading up their ship, the captain took off and abbandoned some of his men on the platform.

Players will have to hunt through the underworld of Pavarti to locate the pirate captain and interrogate him.  They will uncover that the pirate turned the robots over to the Outfit.  The players must then figure out their location and with the help of an eraser squad, storm the Outfit warehouse and retreive/destroy the robots.

So...too much?

Advice?  Thoughts?  Disparagements about my parentage?

So how much is the stretch reward for seeing a one-shot of Augustine & the Fire Wall crew meeting the Doctor?

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Thanks Tom
« on: June 15, 2012, 05:53:24 PM »
Tom, I ran my SWSE adaption of Divine Fire again for a different group of friends over vent last night.  And once again I want to thank you for giving me material that induces nightmares in players.  Right about the time they found barracks full of dead frozen storm troopers cracked up like lobsters and de-boned they started to get antsy.  Then I would randomly drop people into private chat channels and play the sound of people whispering.  And then of course there was the comatose trooper in the med-bay they had to feed to the Anzati researcher to gain his help figuring out what went wrong in the facility.

Thank you for giving my players nightmares. 

Other RPG's and Misc. / Skype Eclipse Phase?
« on: June 15, 2012, 05:33:24 PM »
I'm really interested in playing EP after listening to Know Evil.  Is anyone interested in starting up a Skype game?

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Zombies and Caped Cannibals
« on: June 09, 2012, 03:24:17 PM »
Well crap.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Zombies and Caped Cannibals
« on: June 09, 2012, 01:45:09 PM »
Hey Ross, those pregens look empty.

You know, if you pass the current stretch goal you could make a new wih some regular rppr CoC aps and share that ransom cheese with Ross.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: D&D Next
« on: June 05, 2012, 09:45:24 PM »
Its not as bad as F.A.T.A.L

The student has become the master?

Caleb, since you're only 600 off from the latest stretch goal, any plans for the next one? :)

RPGs / Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« on: June 01, 2012, 04:30:39 AM »
I know my group would be interested in a ORE Star Wars system.  That being said after Wild Talents, Saga is my second all time favorite system.  Its that right point between 3.5 and 4.  Love it, love it, love it.  Not to mention I've seen some awesome adaptions to Mass Effect with it. 

General Chaos / Re: DayZ
« on: June 01, 2012, 04:24:22 AM »
That article was pretty sweet.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: D&D Next
« on: June 01, 2012, 03:58:03 AM »
After playing on thinking about 5e...I'm on the fence.  I will say I am a much bigger fan of 4e than the prior additions.  So I am biased against a nostalgic approach I'll admit.  That being said, I don't think I've seen enough to say I wouldn't play it.

My group really liked the advantage/disadvantage.  The GM said he had a few concerns about the potentional un-hitability when you stack defense abilities with it.  But still really liked it on the whole.

As for wizard, the wizard player and myself was never fans of 'pick your spells for the day and hope you don't get any nasty surprise encounters.'  We're considering house ruling it to a mana pool system, but I hear that was not uncommon in 3.5?  Our wizard player prefers a more dps heavy spell caster and did not enjoy a more control focused caster.  That's a character creation complaint however and not a mechanics issue.

The Fighter, I don't know about other people's experiences but it tore the hell out of mobs.  Spine out the back ala Predator, I will paint my face with your blood.     

Rogue we didn't play right.  There was a hard time remembering the new rules for it  so it ended up feeling under powered.   Also the way the dungeon was laied out we did not find a lot of good situations for using him as an ambusher/skirmisher.  That's a more situational complaint though.  If we generated our own landscape/encounter that wouldn't be an issue.  I was never a fan of the class in 3.5 and 4e so I'm not sure how I feel about them.  They seemed to play fine from what people said.

The Background & Theme feels like it has a lot of potential.  A Fighter can be a beserker, tank, pitfighter, brawler, instead of making 4 seperate classes that are essentially a re-dressing of the fighter. 

Healing is a big concern, at least for my group.  We never have 5 players and no one likes to play cleric.  One of the things our group really loved about 4e is class flexibility, you could have two players that had some healing abilities and you could move right along without too much trouble.  Since we haven't seen character creation options or stuff beyond lvl 3, I'll have to wait and see how it pans out.   

There's a few other minor things, like we're going to house rule potions to be 4+1d4 hp and get rid of electrum? 

On the whole, on the fence.  A lot of my groups concerns are character creation related and whats beyond lvl 3.  Looking forward to the next phase of the playtest.

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