I've recently started a Mutants & Masterminds game (my first one ever) with 3 of my friends and we all had a lot of fun. The first session was started at Power Level 5, but as most of the players didn't like their characters build and we established a few house rules (such as no longer allowing the power to teleport), we had another game yesterday, now at power level 6. I'm in charge of the game, but we decided to have two people GM each session so everyone gets to play a bit and when one mission is finished, the second GM has another one planned out. I'm drawing sketches to go along with my account of the various adventure of the Heroes' Club, an organization established to bring order in Montreal. It is currently 2015, in a world filled without various superheroes and supervillains. Most cities have superheroes' group protecting them except our hometown, who lost their when they were attached to a rocket and sent to the sun by some mad scientist vampire... robot... or something.
As it still takes some time to draw the sketches, I'll gradually post the story as I'm finished with them. Feel free to comment and ask questions or tell me I'm an awful GM. I GM the first game, I'll say the first name of each player and GM at the end of chapters
Chapter 1: The rescueOur story starts with a peculiar man. As the alarms echoes in the metal hallways of a mysterious facility, he runs along with three other guards toward an unknown destination. He has no idea how he came to be here, how long he's been here or why he wears a weird collar. He only knows the simple fact that he has to
kill the intruder. The three other guards next to him don't wear any collars and hide behind masks, but he can't think too much about that or his headaches starts.
As they arrive in one of the security offices, a man clad in a black spandex with red blood-like patterns and enough guns to arm a military squad is bent over a computer. Next to him a hole was blown through the wall where a tunnels can be seen beyond. All four men get in position and raises their submachine guns, the collared man despite himself.
"Shoot the intruder" says one of the guards.
The man in spandex responds, "My name is not 'intruder'..."
They three guards immediately opened fire and the fourth one shortly after that. Deathkill pulled out his own submachine gun and in his turn opened fire at the guards. Bullets we're flying everywhere and none seem to be touching the intruder. While the guards we're getting mowed down, the collard man kept shooting when a bullet hit his collar shattering it at impact. His immediate thought was "Louis.... my name is Louis." as he fell on his back.