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Messages - Ryo

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RPGs / Re: yeah rpgs are pretty great
« on: October 22, 2011, 09:32:27 AM »
Its lace.

RPGs / Re: Google Plus
« on: September 25, 2011, 09:09:51 PM »
I like google+ better than skype. It drops less. The video is cleaner and the sound is sharper.

A superhero is just a thug who assaults people. These 'criminals' that they attack weren't arrested. They weren't charged with a crime. They were denied their rights. They were not allowed to be judged by a jury of their peers or had a judge rule on their case.

The superhero determined they had commented a crime. The super found them guilty. He decided on what the punishment should be and carried out the sentence.

So remind me what makes a superhero, heroic?

Doesn't spiderman's "With great power comes great responsibility" boil down to "Might makes right?" I have more power than you so I will use that power to enforce my will upon those around me. Who is he responsible for? Himself right? But then he would just use his power to protect himself. Everyone weaker than he is? Did they ask him to be responsible for them? Did they give him the authority to be judge, jury, and executioner of them?

A couple think they are alone and role-play a little 'bad guy/good girl'. Spiderman swings in, beats the hell out of the guy, webs him up a leaves. Maybe the guy suffers brain damage. He at least suffered the mental and physical trauma of being assaulted. Was spiderman being responsible with his power or does he suffer the hubris of believing that he is better than others because of his power and therefor can sit in judgement of them?

RPGs / Re: Starting Out: Wild Talents
« on: August 29, 2011, 08:00:26 AM »
I'd say a dud. Is not taking damage from a fall really worth points? How often is it even going to come up?
If you want a power, then make it immunity to impact damage.

General Chaos / Re: The Official Marble Hornets Thread
« on: August 26, 2011, 12:04:35 PM »
Also what does them explaining a few things matter when they were just pulling it out of their ass? If you look at the first few seasons then look at the last few, they clearly 'lost' whatever spark they had tapped into.

General Chaos / Re: The Official Marble Hornets Thread
« on: August 25, 2011, 10:13:28 PM »
Lost died when they left the Island. There is no way the creators knew what they were doing(we had this all planned from the start..bullcrap). They had one good idea, ran with in then got their egos inflated and tried to show how clever they were.

General Chaos / Re: Best Internet Vidyas
« on: August 23, 2011, 08:20:16 PM »
I would say the stomp should be a different power than telekinesis. She also was the one to kill him.

I'd have

telekinesis (power might only work when person isn't touching the ground. Shared. The monster's claws don't actually touch him, so the monster is using telekinesis)
Stomp (lift people off the ground. Shared)
Break (snap spine/neck. Shared, but only the girl can use)
black smoke bullets (goes through people and things)
The other stuff (smoke and dust and glowing eyes) would just be cool effects, duds.

I have never read the twilight books so I can say honestly that they weren't the worst things I have ever read.

RPGs / Re: Gamma World Character Creation
« on: August 18, 2011, 02:53:20 PM »
Admiral Kizaru is badass. If he wasn't high all the time. He'd be even more dangerous. :P

RPGs / Re: Gamma World Character Creation
« on: August 18, 2011, 02:07:34 PM »
I was thinking more like Birdman

right after we conclusively prove spider man is street level or not

You aren't street level if you beat up a herald of Galactus.

RPGs / Re: Gamma World Character Creation
« on: August 17, 2011, 07:15:39 PM »
Photonic Regenerator (11,11,4,6)

General Chaos / Re: Cody's got a new website!
« on: May 28, 2011, 09:55:41 PM »
No, for all the reasons you point out (plus there aren't just black people living in Africa). How can it even be made racist?

Keeping in mind, he isn't human and second if he does discriminate against humans, its all humans he hates.

General Chaos / Re: Boycott Thor?
« on: December 20, 2010, 01:48:17 PM »
Stringer Bell owns all of Asgard's corners.

But, anyways, let's consider this: Thor isn't real. He never was, even when he was "real" to the Norse.

Do you mean because the people who worshiped Thor didn't have a written language (unlike say the Egyptians) we don't really know all that much about the actual religion?

What's your point is what? Runic alphabet does not compare to Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Educate yourself

General Chaos / Re: Best Internet Vidyas
« on: December 20, 2010, 10:17:59 AM »
Why did papa smurf wear clothes to bed and then undress to go out?

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