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Messages - AmishNinja

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RPGs / Re: My Gencon Games
« on: June 30, 2009, 10:58:04 PM »
get generic tickets and show up. I won't let a RPPR listener down.  8)

Done. You're a prince among bros.

General Chaos / Re: Looking into getting a new PC
« on: June 30, 2009, 03:27:21 PM »
I would advise building your own. If you don't feel comfortable using online guides to do so, get a friend to help. Your first build will seem daunting but overall it's not difficult.

Tigerdirect is a decent source for parts, but I personally like the best. If you want some advice as far as what parts to get, hit me up on AIM (amishninja05). Good luck.

RPGs / Re: My Gencon Games
« on: June 30, 2009, 03:22:47 PM »
Pre-Registration is now closed? But... but... GenCon isn't for another month and a half.

I was going to sign up for the Wild Talents game. The timeslot is perfect.

I totally missed this thread! What follows is probably the worst thing I've done to a fellow PC: murder.

Back in college I played in a brief mini-series D&D game with some friends of mine. The game was based around our characters essentially being a pirate crew, though not in the traditional sense. We were on a ship headed towards this island that was said to be under this powerful curse. The captain of the ship was this drow matron of some sort. My character was basically one of her thralls: a lawful evil human wizard with plans to become an assassin. The captain's "first mate", and other member of our group was a drow priestess who just loved to torment my character any chance she got. The third member of our party was a druid who mostly kept to himself.

During our journey to the island, we had some downtime for character interaction and getting to know the crew of the ship. There are a number of unremarkable lackeys, but one of them in particular ends up standing out. It's this goblin cook that I figured out was actually an assassin. He feigned stupid quite a bit to throw off other members of the crew, and it turned out that only I, the druid and possibly the captain were aware of this.

Throughout this whole trip, the drow priestess continues to harass, belittle, and at one point throw what sounds like a death threat at my character. By this time we had just arrived at the island where the captain, since I was basically her slave, charged me with going into town to pick up some magical items. I figured out that she'd given me double the amount of gold that I needed to buy the items, but that she would require some form of receipt to reconcile her spending. This is where I saw the opportunity to hatch a plan, get some revenge, and maybe even pre-emptively protect myself. I took the list of items to the various stores, purchased what was needed and ended up with 2400 gold left over. I then bought a scroll of minor image, casted it on the receipt to make it look like I had spent all 5000 of the gold on the items, and then casted nystul's undetectable aura over that so that the alteration couldn't be detected.

I pocketed the 2400 gold, presented the receipt and items to the captain, and then paid off the Goblin cook to kill the drow priestess. He tells me that it will happen that same night after everyone has gone to sleep. So I get ready to be there to witness the act, not willing to get my hands directly dirtied. The goblin shows up eventually and begins killing her right on the top deck when mostly everyone had gone to sleep. He doesn't finish the job as efficiently as I would've liked, however, and the druid wakes up to the sounds of the priestess crying out. It becomes clear that he is probably going to see this go down before we're able to hide the body, so to speed things up I step out of hiding to finish her off with my quarterstaff.

The druid catches the end result of this and reluctantly agrees to keep his mouth shut.

Thinking back, I probably didn't need to resort to killing another PC, and it was the only time I'd ever done so in a game. But I was so focused on roleplaying lawful evil that it just made sense at the time. Despite this, everyone (except the drow priestess player) had fun. The player and I are still on good terms and ended up dating. :)

We had our portfolio assessment today for the FYC program at the university I teach at. During the assessment, which is supposed to be a blind assessment by the way, my colleague Meredith turns to another one of the instructors and says: "There is a lot of God in your student's paper." Apparently the student had written a paper about how religious moral teaching have been replaced by secular (amoral) legal codes of conduct. The paper didn't make it into my reading pile, so I'm paraphrasing from discussion.

If the student is a Christian, then I'm impressed he actually recognized that there is such a thing as secular morality.

Ultimate Frisbee is great. I played it back in college when it was dubbed, "The sport for jocks who hate jocks". And it was true; You had your atypical "jock" types, along with the rest who are generally stoners/hippies. In what other sport do you get teams who play beer points (play the entire point with a beer in one hand), or come up with parody songs for the opposing team after the game? Good stuff.

General Chaos / Re: Twitter
« on: May 04, 2009, 01:57:28 PM »
I, too, am a twitter shitter.

General Chaos / Re: Good anime series?
« on: April 27, 2009, 01:23:29 AM »
Gantz was good, just make sure you remember it can fall into the "fucked up shit" category sometimes. Alot of the time. Freaky ass show.

Agreed. Although the ending for the animated series was awful.

RPGs / Re: Gencon Events this year...
« on: April 23, 2009, 01:03:36 PM »
Hey I was just wondering if anyone else had any problems with the new Rubi system for signing up for events for Gencon this year.  the events just went active yesterday and i was wondering if anyone else didn't get their games yet like me.  The website has a problem taking credit card orders.   

I bought my badge and signed up for an event yesterday just fine with the RUBI system. So I guess they recently fixed their credit card processing issues.

Quote from: clockworkjoe
Just confirmed with Adam Scott Glancy that we will be recording 2 new playtests of different WW1 call of cthulhu games for Gencon.


General Chaos / Re: Omegle - for all your random chat trolling
« on: April 20, 2009, 03:13:30 AM »
As funny as that last one was, I feel dirtier having read it than I did performing my last chat log. Still, well done. I'm a bad person who laughed multiple times at it.

General Chaos / Re: Ok Random Question
« on: April 18, 2009, 03:01:24 PM »
Sounds like you probably have an app running in the background. Check your taskbar and try closing some of those programs (right click - exit or close). If that fails, ask your son what he installed and if he knows how to disable it. If all else fails I'd suggest ctrl+alt+delete to end some processes but I'm guessing you aren't comfortable doing that.

General Chaos / Re: Omegle - for all your random chat trolling
« on: April 18, 2009, 12:53:15 AM »
Alright, I've got a few. The first couple are short with very abrupt endings that some of you may find amusing (or not) depending on if you have an odd sense of humor. The last one is a bit more drawn out.

You: Hey
Stranger: HALLO
Stranger: asl
You: 22/m/bro-town you?
Stranger: bro-town
Stranger: wheres that?
You: exactly. you cunt.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: guy or girl?
You: girl ^^
You: you?
Stranger: where u from sweete?
Stranger: im a male
You: i'm from CA
Stranger: cool
You: age?
Stranger: im from FL
Stranger: im 20 u?
You: 19 :)
Stranger: cool
Stranger: u have msn?
You: I hope you die.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: sup
Stranger: hey
You: ./
Stranger: whats good with u
You: ./
You: ././
You: ././././
You: ././././././././
Stranger: eh?
You: Shut up. I'm trying to make a pattern here
You: god
You: ./
You: ././
You: ././././
You: ././././././././
Stranger: ././././././
Stranger: ././././././
You: ...
Stranger: ././././././././././
You: What I wouldn't give for the ability to bitch slap people via TCP/IP.
You: Because I would.
You: I would slap you.
Stranger: seriously
You: Seriously.
Stranger: id punch u
You: I would double slap you.
Stranger: id fuck u
You: I have a mean bitch slap.
You: And by you I mean your dick, handsome.
You: unf
Stranger: id fuck that tight ass
You: unf unf unf
Stranger: sorry
You: what
Stranger: that was really gay
You: wait a minute you were into it
You: how dare you
You: don't stop now
You: cmon, let's get this thing going
You: ever cybered?
Stranger: ya
Stranger: u?
You: all the time
You: go ahead, you start. let's see what you can come up with.
Stranger: not with another guy tho
You: it should come naturally (haha no pun intended!)
Stranger: but im very open minded
Stranger: hahaha
You: well. think about how you like to be stimulated. and just work with that
You: set the scene
Stranger: umm
Stranger: ok
Stranger: lets see
Stranger: im the cable man
Stranger: and your "cable" is out
You: it sure is
You: hanging right out of my pants, it is
Stranger: and im there to "fix" it
You: uh huh. go on.
Stranger: ok ready?
Stranger: *knock knock*
You: *answers door, with only a bathrobe on*
Stranger: *taps foot*
You: Wh- hello?
Stranger: "Hey" "My name is richard, but i prefer Dick"
Stranger: "Im here to fix your cable
Stranger: May i see where your cables are?
You: "Ah, hello. That's funny. I prefer dick as well."
You: "Please, come in."
Stranger: "Wow what a beautiful place you have here. You have a very nice assortment of dildos and lube too"
You: "Yeah, the TV is right over here and oh shi-" *slips on mysteriously placed dildo on the ground* *cock falls out of bathrobe*
Stranger: "Whoa hey there! Do you need hel- oh my god. That is the biggest cock. May I touch it?"
You: "Well, I suppose that's one of my cables! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA" *awkward stare, followed by 20 seconds of silence* "Yes."
Stranger: ok i cant go on anymore im sorry it was fun <3
You: hahaha
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

General Chaos / Re: My conversation with a Craigslist whore.
« on: April 12, 2009, 03:48:58 PM »
Hahaha, that was great. I'm going to have to try this sometime and share my experience, but I'll definitely have to bring my A game if I want to get anywhere close to what you just put out. Bravo dude.

And yes, Mitch Hedburg was an amazing and talented guy. When I first started listening to him I drew some blanks, but his brand of humor really grew on me after a while and now I count him among my favorites as well.

RPGs / Re: Bad GM habits
« on: April 10, 2009, 01:13:24 PM »
I even ran a horror-themed Exalted game once.  Most of the players I know don't like horror as much as I do, so it ends up bad sometimes.

What...? How in the world did you pull this off? Exalted is such a high-powered system, I'm wondering how PCs could ever be afraid of anything in the traditional horror sense. All games of that type I've been in have involved playing very mortal characters. Exalted just seems so ill-suited to this - I love horror games and I probably wouldn't have been able to get into it myself.

General Chaos / Re: Screen name history
« on: April 09, 2009, 03:50:16 PM »
I'm a huge RTS (real time strategy) game fan, and back in the day I used to play Age of Empires II a lot. I joined this clan called the Amish Rake Fighters because they were cool and didn't take things too seriously despite being overall decent players. I became notorious for using sneaky flanking tactics, and surprise-champion flooding people's towns late game, sometimes while maintaining a front-line battle elsewhere. It was described a few times by fellow clanmates as ninja-like behavior. It was around this time that I needed an online alias, so amish ninja just seemed to fit at the time. Images of a pitchfork wielding ninja who sneaks around in barns abound, and good times were had.

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