Author Topic: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents  (Read 730658 times)


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #255 on: April 20, 2011, 11:29:48 PM »
The Martyr's updated character breakdown for Tier 2 based on 311 pts

Real Name: Jamal Sykes
Gender: Male     Age: 18
Height: 5'7"     Weight:  135 lbs
Ethnicity: African-American
Education: High School (GED)
Birthplace: New Arcadia
Base of Operations: The Ruins
Occupation: Legal Aid to Peter Silvertail
Loyalty: The Forgotten, the Abandoned, and the Castoffs (4pts)
Passion: Theology, Politics, and Arcane (3pts apiece)


Body: 2d
Coordination: 2d
Sense: 4d
Mind: 5d
Charm: 4d
Command: 5d
Base Will: 13
Willpower: 13


Lockpicking: 1d(3d)     Empathy: 1d(5d)      First Aid: 1d(6d)               Lie: 1d(5d)                 Conjuration: 2d(7d)
Stealth: 1d(3d)          Perception: 1d(5d)    Knowledge (Law): 1d(6d)   Invocation: 1d(5d)      Intimidation: 1d(6d)  
                               Scrutiny:  1d(5d)      Research: 1d(6d)             Persuasion: 2d(6d)      Leadership: 1d(6d)
                                                            Spellcraft: 2d(7d)                                            Stability: 2d(7d)                                
                                                            Streetwise: 1d(6d)
                                                            Tactics: 1d(6d)

Illusion     6d+1wd
Source: Paranormal
Permission: One Power
Attack: Range, No Physical Change  
Defend: Range, Duration, No Physical Change
Useful: Range, Duration, No Physical Change  

Amulet of the Conjurer
Source: Power Focus
Permission: Power Theme
Extras: Indestructible, Irreplaceable
Attack: Fire Demon  3hd
Useful: Balgrin the Imp  3hd
Defend and Useful x2: Angel  2hd

Buckle of Defense   2hd
Source: Paranormal
Permission: Inventor
Defends: 2hd
Extras: Endless, Hardened Defense, Focus, Armored Defense, Willpower Bid, If/Then - Activated by Rubbing Buckle

Hoodie of Teleportation  2hd
Source: Paranormal
Permission: Inventor
Useful: 2hd
Extras: Booster +3, Go First, Self Only, Focus, If/Then - Pull strings in specific order
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 04:33:48 PM by Jason »


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #256 on: April 21, 2011, 05:27:05 PM »
(Googling the Trail of Median)

Your search terms have found 1 result


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #257 on: April 21, 2011, 05:40:21 PM »
(Googling the Trail of Median)

Your search terms have found 1 result

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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #258 on: April 21, 2011, 05:42:54 PM »
this is so awesome


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #260 on: April 22, 2011, 05:59:54 PM »

"Where the hell is Geddy?  He needs to see how metal this Meridian guy is!"
"All of time and space, everything that ever happened or will happen. Where do you want to begin?"


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #261 on: April 23, 2011, 04:24:33 AM »
An Eden-like world in a pocket universe, Sanctuary was discovered by Avalon. It is used as a permanent refugee camp for displaced aliens, humans from parallel Earth and Omega's former citizens. It is ruled by wise and just aliens so crime and corruption are all but unknown. Super-tech is used to keep things running. However, it is isolated from the rest of the multiverse. No Earth government wants the refugees and no alien government is trusted enough to take them. The people of Sanctuary want to open permanent dimensional portals to Earth so they can trade and move freely. No government wants to deal with the headache and corporations fear competing with such a technologically superior country. Only Avalon could move freely between Sanctuary and our world. Many wonder if Sanctuary will be okay now that Avalon is gone.  Some have called for the government to find a way to Sanctuary so they can make sure they are okay. Cynical observers have remarked that the US just wants to find Sanctuary so they can exploit its technology and people.

The major cultural groups on Sanctuary

Luyten refugees: Mostly soldiers and ship crew from the invasion. Second generation Luytens have been born that have never seen their home world. Major cultural shift towards American/democratic beliefs as part of an Ideal assimilation program – they eventually wanted Luytens to help colonize the solar system and become part of an Earth-led coalition.  Some diehards refuse to adapt.

Omega’s abandoned citizens: From Omega’s country – their homeland has been cut up by European governments since Ragnarok so they are truly abandoned. Humans – many soldiers, scientists and engineers – veterans of Omega’s army.

Zombie Apocalypse survivors from Parallel universe: An excursion into a parallel reality found an exact duplicate of Earth that had suffered a zombie apocalypse. Due to quarantine protocols, the survivors are banned from Earth until the zombie disease is completely understood and a cure has been found.

Greys: Aliens from the first invasion. Fully assimilated and peaceful now after their collective consciousness was briefly linked to Avalon.  They humbly and cheerfully build and maintain the infrastructure of Sanctuary. As a result of their link, they feel emotions on an extreme level. When they are calm and meditative (their usual emotional state) they are nearly impossible to affect – zen masters. However, if they are affected, then they lose self control and become irrational. Get them laughing and they are paralyzed with joy for minutes. Get them sad and they weep for hours. Get them mad and they stay silent, fuming for days.

The Trans-Dimensional Alliance (TDA): An outpost from a powerful and highly advanced civilization to provide aid to the refugees and conduct scientific research. The TDA is the only known government that extends through multiple dimensions and governs over 100 planets through 4 separate dimensions with over 300 sapient species listed in its citizens. Due to their own laws, the TDA has not established diplomatic contact with Earth (principally due to Earth’s lack of civil rights for all sapient beings in their own laws) and it is illegal for TDA citizens to visit Earth. It is possible for TDA citizens to sneak on to Earth but only a few instances have ever been recorded.
When the Ideal made contact with the TDA in 1986 and helped them deal with a major crisis, the TDA agreed to help the refugees of Sanctuary. Due to the pocket universe’s unique properties, the TDA could not establish a dimensional gate directly on the planet. Instead the TDA must travel to Earth and then to Sanctuary, like everyone else. The TDA outpost has thousands of personnel working to help the refugees including immigration officials. The TDA has allowed some refugees to leave Sanctuary and settle in the TDA but it is a slow process.

Lemurians: Refugees from a world of magic that was destroyed by the Demiurge. Humans, elves, dwarves and other fantastic creatures were saved by Cerulean and the Ideal by a powerful gate spell shortly before Demiurge destroyed the world of Lemuria in order to summon Xothol-Mog, an elder god said to hold dominion over Time itself. The summoning failed, as Demiurge did not gain the power to rewind time and slay Avalon, as was his plan. The Lemurians have taken well to Sanctuary, seeing its vast wilderness as clay to mold into new kingdoms. They are frequently in conflict with the Sanctuary Council, as the Lemurians are the most violent and savage of all the groups on Sanctuary. However, they have calmed down in the last 30 years. Only the most foolhardy ‘adventurers’ still seek out violence and danger to gain glory and loot. Many talented magic users among their group obviously.

Diaspora:  The last group isn’t a group at all but rather the unique beings that have found their way here. Criminals from the TDA sneak into Sanctuary to hide out from the law but have gotten stuck. Some supervillains, too monstrous for normal life have begged Avalon to be allowed to live out their days on Sanctuary. Experimental test subjects from Omega and Pangloss’ labs. Strange beings from the Tunguska zone.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #262 on: April 23, 2011, 04:24:52 AM »
The government of Sanctuary
Avalon organized a representative parliament (think UK rather than USA) where each major group gets a vote. Most of the laws are modeled from the TDA’s laws (which has the most sophisticated and fair laws in regards to dealing with multiple sapient species from radically different backgrounds). Visitors from Earth would view the Sanctuary government as unimaginably liberal, merciful and perhaps even naïve. It is extremely complex but for the most part invisible to the average citizen. The greatest difference comes from the attitudes of the leaders of Sanctuary. They believe they are all in this together, despite their differences and think that gaming the system for their own personal benefit or agenda is immoral, even evil.  This is not immediately apparent to visitors though, as the leaders argue and debate one another to extreme ends.

The Crisis on Sanctuary

With Avalon gone, so goes their connection to the outside. Sanctuary is an Earth-like Planet but only holds under two million citizens altogether. They do not have the numbers to maintain an advanced civilization – not enough skilled labor, especially in the ultra-high end. They also lack sufficient stockpiles of certain raw materials and equipment to keep the infrastructure running at peak efficiency. They need massive infusions of people and material.

Furthermore, the longer Sanctuary stays in isolation, the bolder the extremists will become. Luyten diehards, Lemurian adventurers and TDA criminals will seek to settle personal scores or carve out a personal fiefdom somewhere. It is a big planet after all. Others may try desperate measures to escape the pocket universe. Avalon has warned that any attempt to open a gate will cause a massive explosion but no one’s tried it…so far. A stable connection to the outside that the people of Sanctuary can control  is necessary but that will require learning the properties of the pocket universe – something only the Ideal truly understood.

 Finally, the USA government has smuggled a weapon of mass destruction and has activated it on the Planet. Less than a year remains before GOLDEN CALF activates and wipes the planet out.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 04:27:35 AM by clockworkjoe »


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #263 on: April 23, 2011, 04:26:24 AM »

A human on Earth found an Ideal base and took a TDA gate suit with Augmented Reality nano machines from the base. The gate suit was designed to facilitate trans-dimensional travel – heavily armored, teleportation matrix, nano-healing kit and a gate generator. This particular suit was keyed to Sanctuary and was used by Ideal members to inspect the capital Luyten ship – check on its reactor and recover data from its storage and so forth. The human learned how to use the suit, injected himself with the AR nano package and opened a gate to Sanctuary. He found himself in the wreckage of the Luyten capital ship. Shortly after exploring it, he encountered Mechanic, a Luyten salvager. The Luyten made a deal with the human (now calling himself Wayfarer), alien tech for certain goods on Earth – machine tools, medical supplies and laptop batteries.

The gate suit made theft simple. Wayfarer simply found warehouses that contained what he wanted, teleported in, opened a gate to sanctuary, teleported the supplies in, closed the gate and then teleported home. Wayfarer thought this was an equal and mutually beneficial relationship. Mechanic never told him otherwise. As a Luyten, Mechanic regarded humans rather poorly. The alien felt that if he told Wayfarer the truth, Wayfarer would exploit the situation, perhaps even bring in other humans to steal from Sanctuary. Mechanic even implied that he was part of the Luyten ‘mafia’ and this was a big criminal enterprise, lying about how it was extremely profitable to sell tech from the ship. Thus, Wayfarer had no idea of the gravity of the situation.

The Luyten capital ship was infested with spores that caused Luyten’s disease. The reactor had been damaged in the fight on Earth so Avalon had it sent to Sanctuary. Unfortunately, the move further damaged the ship and now it was too delicate to move again and its technology was important to destroy. Thus, the spores festered in the wreckage. Measures had been taken to seal them in but after Ragnarok, the Sanctuary council ran out of supplies to keep the ship sealed and a leak infected several thousand citizens – half of which were human and thus highly vulnerable. Fortunately the doctors of Sanctuary knew how to cure the disease but it required months of treatment with a cure made from fresh spores. A clinic was established near the wreckage. The strain on the resources of Sanctuary meant that everyone on the planet had to sacrifice something to help the infected. But it still wasn’t enough. Salvaging the ship became necessary. Mechanic was one of the few to volunteer. He was immune to the disease since he had already been infected by it and Luytens were vastly more resistant to it than humans. Mechanic wanted to redeem himself for the atrocities he had committed as a soldier – to save innocent lives – even the barbaric humans.

The sensors set up to monitor the capital ship’s reactor had to be replaced often. Spores clogged them. Only a few people on the Ideal and on Sanctuary knew about this but it had been forgotten. So much was going on. Everyone was overworked. That could be forgiven. User error.

The reactor had never stopped since the fight. It started to heat up.

Wayfarer and Mechanic began to argue. Wayfarer was taking more and more risks to get the goods – he had even been shot (his armor protected him but it was a shock to say the least) yet Mechanic could not pay him more. As a proud soldier not wanting to show weakness, Mechanic would not beg or cajole Wayfarer. He just yelled. Wayfarer finally canceled the deal, telling the alien to fuck off. Wayfarer had only made a few thousand bucks from selling the tech but he figured he could just loot the ship on his own without the Luyten. Mechanic lost his temper and attacked. The two wrestled for a while, tumbling through the wreck. Wayfarer lacked the skills to even connect a blow on Mechanic and Mechanic could not get past the armor of the suit. Mechanic threatened Wayfarer, claiming that his criminal associates with armor piercing energy weapons were just below the ship and would be up shortly to kill him. Wayfarer was too panicked to think straight and was operating on instinct at that point.

They finally hit the reactor room. Mechanic realized how dangerous the reactor was at this point. He called for the fight to stop and tried to stabilize the reactor. In order to do so, Mechanic had to crawl into an unshielded section to access a certain control panel. The alien received a lethal radiation dose but managed to temporarily stabilize the reactor. Unfortunately, Mechanic passed out right after he crawled back out.

Wayfarer calmed down a bit and using the AR interface learned how the reactor worked. The reactor just needed to vent off the waste heat. Remembering what Mechanic had told him, Wayfarer vented the heat right under the ship, where the alien had told him that armed killers were waiting to assassinate him and steal his gate suit.

He vented the reactor.

Realizing their energy weapons would be worth a fortune, Wayfarer used the AR interface to navigate the ship and found an exit near the belly of the ship. He opened it, expecting to see a few fried Luytens. He heard the screaming.  Part of the clinic tent city had set up under the ship. The damage was indescribable. It was not hot enough to kill instantly. But it was hot enough to set fires and melt the skin. Not powerful enough to create a crater but just enough to cause a shockwave to scatter the flimsy structures of the tent city. Hundreds were already dead and fires burned through their tents and huts. Aliens of a dozen different species and humans burned around Wayfarer, a hell of his own making.

To his credit, Wayfarer stopped thinking and started acting. His mind had snapped and what was left was instinct. He had always thought of himself as a good person, not perfect, but the kind that would at least help the needy if saw them. That was all that was left that day. His desire to be good, to help the needy right in front of him. He saw a child and teleported her to safety. Then a woman surrounded by flame. A man crying out through the smoke. Wayfarer felt nothing as he saved as many as he could. He felt nothing when the air supply in his suit ran out and he had to breathe the air of Sanctuary, despite the warning about Luyten’s disease. He pushed himself until finally he teleported the last living victim he could find. He passed out at the feet of a Sanctuary doctor.

When he awoke, he was in a Sanctuary hospital, far from the capital ship. He was not restrained, nor was he in prison. But he was not alone. He was in a ward with other survivors from the disaster. Some were burned. Others had broken limbs. All had Luyten’s disease. A kindly old man noticed that Wayfarer was awake and asked him to come with him. Wayfarer was still too numb to ask questions or disobey.

The man took him to a conference room. Several councilors were there. A monitor showed footage from the AR interface of Mechanic talking to Wayfarer. They explained that they knew everything. The AR recorded all of his movements and actions. It had taken them a while to process what had happened but they had finally come to a decision. Wayfarer was free to go. His suit would be returned to him, although the gate device would be modified so that it would only open a gate to a secure building on Sanctuary. The government would always know when he would arrive and leave but he was free to come and go as he pleased.

“I vented the heat. I killed them all. I did it. Oh god, I killed them. How can you let me go?”
The lead councilor, a grey, replied calmly. “Because you were misled. It wasn’t your fault. Mechanic lied to you.”
Wayfarer broke down in tears.
Another councilor, a Luyten, spoke after a minute. “You did commit a crime by our laws but the venting wasn’t it.”
“What was it?”
“You knew that we were isolated. Alone. That Avalon couldn’t resupply us. Yet you tried to take advantage of the situation. Profiteering is a crime.”
Wayfarer’s stomach sank. He had always rationalized that part to himself. Mechanic had hinted several times that things were getting tougher but somehow Wayfarer still tried to get a better take for himself.
“So why aren’t I being punished for that?”
“Partially because Mechanic encouraged your perceptions but mainly because you acted.”
The screen cut to the first moments of the disaster. A moment of stillness then action.
“Most would have been overwhelmed with the realization of their action. Yet you acted. You saved many that would have otherwise died.” The old man spoke, the leader of the councilors.
“That can’t make up for what I did do.”
The old man sighed.
“No, but if the reactor had blown, who knows how many would have died. In the end, you made up for your actions. We can’t hold a misinformed person accountable for what is ultimately an accident. A terrible, tragic accident, but one none the less. Besides, I think you’ve been punished enough.”
Wayfarer then realized the old man was referring to the disease. Wayfarer had been infected.
“So what happens now?”
The old man shifted back in his seat, exhausted.
“You are free to go, of course.”
Wayfarer sat, numb.
“What do you want to happen?” the councilor asked.
“I…I want to help.”
“We offer nothing. No threats, no rewards. We have not damned you, nor can we promise anything to you. We can’t treat you. We don’t even have enough to treat all of our own citizens.”
“I understand that. I still want to help.”
“This will most likely not ease your guilt. It will probably make it worse. It will not bring you riches. It will bring you pain and fear.”
“I don’t care. I want to help.”
“We do not want your help, unless you give it freely and knowingly. Do not do this unless you think this is the right thing for you to do on its own merits.”
“It’s the only thing that makes sense to me. “
The old man sat up.
“Very well. Take this list. Go home. Bring what you can.”

And so it began. Wayfarer has spent several months now, stealing for Sanctuary. He has even come out of his shell, as the residents of Sanctuary have treated him quite well. He has even formed a few tentative friendships. Only the leadership knows of his involvement with the disaster. It is known he can gate out, as that has provided a slight morale boost but given that Earth is viewed as a violent unstable world, it is not viewed as an escape. Wayfarer is even seeing a therapist on Sanctuary to deal with the PTSD he suffers from as a result of the disaster. He knows that there is a cure for the disease on Earth at the Center for Disease Control but taking it will alert the US government. He is already wanted by Interpol for his theft and surely some hypermind can build a tracking device to trace his teleports (total speculation btw) Wayfarer is paranoid about placing Sanctuary in further danger and he feels that the US military will hunt him down so they can invade Sanctuary and loot the alien technology used there. Thus, he keeps delaying curing himself. 


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #264 on: April 23, 2011, 11:17:46 AM »
Totally awesome dude! I am getting crazy psyched for the campaign to start up again. When are you going to start posting these, btw?


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #265 on: April 23, 2011, 01:24:56 PM »
As soon as the New World campaign is over. It will replace NWC as the regular RPPR campaign.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #266 on: May 06, 2011, 03:04:19 AM »
The Journal of ...  Year XXXX.3

A novel solution in defeating the airplane graveyard golem to be sure. Not one I'd recommend though.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #267 on: May 09, 2011, 07:23:42 PM »
Not going to be there on Thursday...again. Another meeting for a film project. Sorry.
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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #268 on: May 28, 2011, 06:37:37 PM »
How go the adventures?
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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #269 on: June 02, 2011, 12:01:29 AM »
Things are going well.  We are finding out more about Ragnarok and Nemesis.  Each of us seem to have our own individually intriguing subplots, and together we are affecting things moreso on a global scale.  I think you'll be happy to know that I've replaced Shift's antagonism toward Steel Centurion with The Martyr's.  Let's just say Jamal has taken the Steel Centurion off his friend's list.  Tomorrow will be interesting.  I hope things work out for both of us, but I'm a little worried.