Point taken. But are you sure there is no magical force? Certainty is always tricky...
Yes, I am certain. Take that.

A great example of actual gamer logic:
I had some players in a Mage the Awakening game. For those of you not familiar, by the time a character hits the game equivalent of level 10 in this setting, they can basically level a city if they so choose. They will likely explode afterwards, but the damage will be done.
In the early game they ran across a Necromancer mage who was using animated corpses (Life 3, Mind 2, Prime 3, for those who are keeping track) to do his will. They tracked him down to an abandoned McMansion on the edge of town which they detect has been awakened into a sort of malevolent blood house being. (Matter 3, Mind 3, Prime 3). Realizing he was dangerous, but also seeing all the bodies, they made what was at once a brilliant and completely doomed plan.
They called the police. "There are like three or four bodies, we believe he is involved in some sort of organized crime, etc." Squad cars roll in, lights flashing. They knock on the door and present a warrant like good cops. One sneaks around back without a warrant like a bad cop. Five minutes later, while they are investigating the interior, the screaming starts. Gunshots ring out. The characters with Mind sense a strange emotion of joy from the house.
Shock and dismay, the police were not equipped to handle ZOMBIES AND MAGIC. The players are surprised and think I gimped the police to force the party into the house, because "how dangerous can one guy in a McMansion be"?
Five mintues (of game time) later, one of them is using their life magic to try and reassemble a teammate's face, another is using his lightsaber (what else would a geek character with matter/forces/prime create?) to try and tear down the magic circle that the wizard uses to bind the zombies, while the last is desperately firing a machinegun towards the wizard and his zombies to try and keep them too busy dodging to attack.
One character ended up dead (granted, this was planned as he was being forced to retire from the game), another wound up with some permanent scarring and disfiguration, they were all a little scared after that. They managed to kill the guy despite his attempts to escape, but that required a madcap driving expedition in which they accidentally killed a pedestrian.
So now one has a criminal hit-and-run investigation bearing down on them, the others are trying to figure out what to do in order to
keep the magic house without having the cops investigate all those dead officers. And at one point someone asks "Why are they so persistent? They already found the cops and their stuff."
Yes. Because that is why the police would be upset about dozens of dead police officers. Their stuff.