Author Topic: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents  (Read 730693 times)


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #135 on: February 12, 2011, 04:27:42 PM »
Ivan 'The Tank' Burkowitz in prison: Ivan Burkowitz, a former Russian mob enforcer has been arrested for receiving illegal super soldier implant technology and treatments. His skin is now stronger than steel and has inhuman strength. However, Phantom Mech, a 'ghost robot' vigilante blasted Ivan with a magical attack that appears to have mentally traumatized Ivan. He is now in a federal metahuman holding facility.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #136 on: February 12, 2011, 06:58:12 PM »

Led by an Army veteran named Tyler, they forced the recruiters to abandon the camp. "What we worked out is their words can't hurt if they can't be heard, sonificiation wise so we out talked them vis a vie sociopolitical ramifications of their ideologicalisms" Tyler said.

Best. NPC. EVER.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #137 on: February 12, 2011, 11:14:04 PM »
Another pertinent sketch...

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

Ok, here's my character in this world. A lonely supermarket clerk, slightly behind in social skills but with the mind of a biological and mechanical engineer has found clues to the science of cloning in hidden messages on the website of an agricultural megacorp (read: Monsanto). He uses this knowledge to build a machine the size of a blender that you can place in a bath full of water and, with regular draining and refilling of the tub and the steady input of 30 gallons of mayonnaise, you can grow an adult human clone in 8 days. The clones themselves take a further 2 days to develop walking and talking abilities, but only to the equivalent of a 2 year old. He mostly clones himself for use in difficult or amusing tasks that ultimately result in death, but he has begun experimenting with clones of others in both nefarious and good-willed adventures.

Heh. Fun.
It's too late to be clever. I'll try being adventurous.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #138 on: February 14, 2011, 09:43:15 AM »

Led by an Army veteran named Tyler, they forced the recruiters to abandon the camp. "What we worked out is their words can't hurt if they can't be heard, sonificiation wise so we out talked them vis a vie sociopolitical ramifications of their ideologicalisms" Tyler said.

Best. NPC. EVER.

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Tom Church

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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #139 on: February 20, 2011, 11:24:40 PM »
My dude, Chirop.  Enjoy.

"The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes.  The middle class pays all of the taxes and does all of the work.  The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class.  Keep them showing up at those 'jobs'."  George Carlin


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #140 on: February 21, 2011, 07:24:26 AM »
I thought Chirop liked Shasta...

Tom Church

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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #141 on: February 21, 2011, 07:36:11 AM »
True.  But he likes coffee more.
"The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes.  The middle class pays all of the taxes and does all of the work.  The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class.  Keep them showing up at those 'jobs'."  George Carlin


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #142 on: February 21, 2011, 01:06:20 PM »
Hahahaha!  That's great Tom.  I wish I could draw; I'd post a pic of Norm trying to button a shirt or something.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #143 on: February 22, 2011, 01:16:12 AM »
new arcadia news

Robot Assassin on arsonist rampage! The dreaded robot assassin was spotted after Prospero's Bounty was burned down, fleeing with documents in hand. He was later seen terrorizing a crowd after starting a fire at Joe's Cybercafe. To top it off, the assassin attacked a police station with hand grenades and flew over the building, taunting police. Experts believe the robot assassin is a rogue war machine built with Omega-tech and has been permanently set to kill all humans. Its erratic behavior can be explained by errors in its programming, possibly from an alien computer virus. The police have received anti aircraft missiles from the national guard and now have shoot to kill orders on all flying robots seen in the city.

Russian Mob fights Syndicate: The Russian Mob has gunned down syndicate gangsters in an explosive gang war. They have even used flying robots armed with lasers to kill 4 syndicate members and notorious super soldier 'Esteban'. The robots were identified as Russian because the exact same robots were used to rob a Moscow bank earlier this year.

Infamous occultist, Victor Hite, found murdered: The former Rhodes scholar turned occultist was found on a rooftop, his neck broken from blunt force trauma. Hite was a notorious smuggler and diabolist. Before he turned to crime, he was one of the few magic users in the world that used his powers in public and allowed scientists to record and study his abilities. Investigators have several leads on his murder and it is thought the killer has superhuman strength. The police have ruled out the supernatural as the cause of his death.

The Hell Mirror has been found: The so-called 'Hell Mirror' or 'King's Mirror' one of 7 Mirrors of the Seneschal was found in a burned out antique store by police. Only 2 other mirrors are publicly known - one in actor Jack Crow's Hollywood mansion (the 'Maiden's Mirror') and the Louvre in Paris (The 'Jester's Mirror'). Each mirror is believed to be a magical artifact but this is unconfirmed. Many conspiracy theorists and religious extremists believe that arranging 5 specific mirrors of the seven in a pentagram will cause the world to end but the exact arrangement and mirrors are unknown. Each mirror is a priceless artifact - displaying artistry and skill unknown to the 11th century, when they were made. The mirrors are: King, Queen, Jester, Knight, Bishop, Maiden and Heaven.

The Fall of the Crystal Children
: William Noris, the 'guide' or 'crystalsinger' of the Crystal Children, a new age minor religion (or cult) has been arrested and extradited to France for charges of fraud. The remaining Children have either left their new faith or have reformed their religion - making it more open and integrated into society.

A new supervillain? It is rumored that the Syndicate's leader has been revealed - a telepath of enormous power that goes by the name Paragon. Over 30 Russian gangsters have been found dead of cerebral hemorrhaging in the last week, clear evidence of telepathic attack. The leader has been drawn out of hiding due to the pressure put on the Syndicate by the new metahuman vigilantes of this city.

Raid on Soup Kitchen foiled by Vigilantes:
A soup kitchen was targeted for destruction near the Ruins because of an ongoing feud between the Syndicate and the  Hybrids but metahuman vigilantes stopped the Syndicate crew from blowing it up. Eyewitnesses reported seeing Median among others. "That guy with the robot claws is awesome!" A homeless alcoholic man said after seeing the fight.

Working hand in hand: humans and luyten refugees:
Squatters have taken to working with luyten refugees and escapees in the abandoned sewers and subway tunnels of New Arcadia, including one Luyten super soldier. "Don't worry about Squad Leader. That's what the Luyten super soldier calls himself on account of him not remembering his own name due to excessive brain traumatism. He's all right and his powers are anti psionicology focused anyhow." A homeless man said after translating the Luyten super soldier.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 01:19:57 AM by clockworkjoe »


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #144 on: February 22, 2011, 01:16:38 AM »
let me know if I missed any important events


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #145 on: February 22, 2011, 03:06:47 AM »
let me know if I missed any important events

We had our first good press, after the events at the temple of the Crystal Children.
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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #146 on: February 22, 2011, 07:40:08 AM »
Quote from: clockworkjoe

Robot Assassin on arsonist rampage! The dreaded robot assassin was spotted after Prospero's Bounty was burned down, fleeing with documents in hand. He was later seen terrorizing a crowd after starting a fire at Joe's Cybercafe. To top it off, the assassin attacked a police station with hand grenades and flew over the building, taunting police. Experts believe the robot assassin is a rogue war machine built with Omega-tech and has been permanently set to kill all humans. Its erratic behavior can be explained by errors in its programming, possibly from an alien computer virus. The police have received anti aircraft missiles from the national guard and now have shoot to kill orders on all flying robots seen in the city.

Goddamnit Ross. Goddamnit.
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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #147 on: February 22, 2011, 10:06:13 AM »
Ditto on the good press thing.  We were this close to getting a name for the team!

On the other hand, the part about me founding a multi-species, post-scarcity socialist utopia underground, let's keep that under wraps for as long as possible.  ;D

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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #148 on: February 22, 2011, 11:33:27 AM »
Quote from: clockworkjoe
The police have received anti aircraft missiles from the national guard and now have shoot to kill orders on all flying robots seen in the city.

Way to fuck things up for all the other flying robots.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #149 on: February 22, 2011, 02:15:07 PM »
Quote from: clockworkjoe

 To top it off, the assassin attacked a police station with hand grenades and flew over the building, taunting police.

Goddamnit Ross. Goddamnit.

Why do I feel like this was a flustered Aaron going "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Here have some grenades to make up for it!"
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