Author Topic: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents  (Read 730957 times)


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #405 on: November 04, 2011, 12:08:03 AM »

double length episode AGAIN


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #406 on: November 04, 2011, 03:26:27 AM »
We love double helpings.

I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.

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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #407 on: November 04, 2011, 11:25:49 AM »
I agree with my friend above, though in a manner that makes me sound less like an addict if possible. I prefer to think of myself as a connoisseur who keeps an episode tally carved into his skin of APs rather than being "addicted".


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #408 on: November 07, 2011, 10:51:05 PM »
Schrodinger's Gat

god damn you ross payton

that is the best thing i've ever heard


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #409 on: November 07, 2011, 11:16:02 PM »
Schrodinger's Gat

god damn you ross payton

that is the best thing i've ever heard

hahah i had forgotten about that. What's the timecode for that bit?


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #410 on: November 28, 2011, 08:21:52 PM »
(Googling the Trail of Median: The Gazebo Incident)

god damn it. finally fullreadthroughing I made it to page seventeen without replying, but here I am. Caleb keeps doing this thing, making these spaces feel real. my fantivity is getting embarrassing.

can't believe there's ten months of already-completed New Arcadia to come.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 08:36:05 PM by crawlkill »


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #411 on: November 28, 2011, 08:52:36 PM »
(Googling the Trail of Median: The Gazebo Incident)

god damn it. finally fullreadthroughing I made it to page seventeen without replying, but here I am. Caleb keeps doing this thing, making these spaces feel real. my fantivity is getting embarrassing.

can't believe there's ten months of already-completed New Arcadia to come.

You and me both dude (and all of the rest of us but shhh). I'm a billion times more excited for these games than I ever was for New World.
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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #412 on: December 08, 2011, 04:51:54 PM »
Anybody else hear Aaron's excuse for the collateral loss of life in Episode 4?  After attempting to cause a meltdown on a power core, where the strength of the explosion was unknown, he brushes off the chance of killing civilians by explaining that the destruction could be blamed on the Syndicate.

That's a case of Noble Corruption, or Aaron is secretly playing a Lawful Evil character who will ultimately make a totalitarian version of the Ideal.  A version where they'll protect you, even if it kills you.

Tom's on the same path, where killing is ok, but sparing someone and removing their instruments of their crimes is not ok.

I miss Cody.  At least he was upfront about his character's loose morals.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #413 on: December 08, 2011, 05:24:12 PM »
To be fair Tom's character was a killer/thief in his past and he's trying to redeem himself.  He never claimed to be Superman, none of us have.  Our characters are more akin to Watchmen.  We are going to use the quickest and most effective means to thwart an enemy.  If that means killing a villain in self-defense, then yeah we'll do it.  Chirop does struggle with this later and realizes even in self-defense, he's still committing murder, so he begins to reel in his strength.  In game terms, he changes his hard dice to wiggle dice.  I don't think Tom as a player realized just how strong he was making his character when we first made our characters.  Heck, I had to continually change something with The Martyr just to iron out the kinks of learning a new system.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #414 on: December 08, 2011, 10:02:36 PM »
To be fair Tom's character was a killer/thief in his past and he's trying to redeem himself.  He never claimed to be Superman, none of us have.  Our characters are more akin to Watchmen.  We are going to use the quickest and most effective means to thwart an enemy.  If that means killing a villain in self-defense, then yeah we'll do it.  Chirop does struggle with this later and realizes even in self-defense, he's still committing murder, so he begins to reel in his strength.  In game terms, he changes his hard dice to wiggle dice.  I don't think Tom as a player realized just how strong he was making his character when we first made our characters.  Heck, I had to continually change something with The Martyr just to iron out the kinks of learning a new system.

It does make more sense to approach the situations with the idea that Chirop was an ex-convict.  From what I heard in the first episode of the series, Finn/Chirop is a criminal with an at least decade long rap sheet.  This tracks when he gleefuly kills people with industrail air conditioing units or by using them as human cannon balls.  It also applies when he steps into make moral decisions for other people, while ignoring his own actions.  One of the reoccuring themes of lifelong criminals is that they can't take responsibilty for their situations and readily condemn others who make the same decisions.

The fact that you guys play games without Superman characters is why I love listening to you guys.  RPPR is an adult gaming group that isn't afraid to play in adult situations, where right and wrong aren't black and white.  This isn't the part that rubs me the wrong way.  In Watchmen, the characters were human with consistent idealogies.  To the point where one of them becomes a megalomaniacal villian, and another dies for his inability to compromise his beliefs.  Those situations are awesome.  Watchmen would have been jarringly different if after Night Owl and Silk Specter kicked some hooligan ass, Silk Specter stops Night Owl from kicking down the doors of the Psychiatric Detention Facility because some orderlies might get hurt or it was against the law.

Tom did know he had the ability to pull his punch and spare the spellcaster's life.  He specifically refused to spare the man's life, stating he didn't want the man to live because he feared for his life.  That's a valid argument.  The spellcaster was trying to death spell Chirop to death.  The issue I'm seeing is Chirop's schizophrenic logic in similar situations.  The situation where Chirop stopped Caleb from neutralizing a mad surgeon's ability to harm him and others in the future, without so much a thought to what a decision like that could make for future victims.  Now there's the issue.  I know I'm hanging my hat on that situation repeatedly for the Heroes of New Arcadia, but it's a reoccuring trait in Tom's character's (Vashyk).

At least Cody would stand up and play the devil's advocate.  He would probe further than the face of a situation before making a decision.  In a situation where a man who lead a good life or a baby with an uncertain future should be spared, Tom an Aaron would instantly pitch their votes for the baby and then condemn anyone who thought otherwise.  Cody, on the other hand, slowed everyone down to weigh the situation before casting his vote.  Caleb's similar to Cody in his decision making, but still does so with his own personal flare.

All in all, thank you guys for being an awesome group of gamers.  I might have my gripes, but it's like talking about an episode of a good drama series.


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #415 on: December 11, 2011, 11:58:00 AM »
We are going to use the quickest and most effective means to thwart an enemy.  If that means killing a villain in self-defense, then yeah we'll do it. 

I would disagree with this.

There was some death in the first session, but after that we reeled it in pretty hard.

Norm's just plain out of his element.
Shift's a stupid idealistic pretender who thinks he's a lot more powerful than he is, and can afford to just take people alive.
The Martyr's a kid, and still forming his morals, but even you never really bring out the fire demon all that often/ or at all.
Chirop's the ex-con trying to reform and coming to grips with his awesome power.

I can't speak for the Robot Assassin or Ghost Robot because I didn't meet up with them till the first climatic battle.

We were not doing what we could to thwart the enemy, we were a mickey mouse operation and we messed up a great deal. For me that's the fun part. Far better than this...
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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #416 on: December 17, 2011, 01:20:06 AM »
Oh gosh I guess this makes me a huge fangirl nerd but I doodled some Chirop fanart:


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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #417 on: December 17, 2011, 01:36:29 AM »
'Fuck yeah I'm throwing an air conditioner AT YO FACE!'

Tom Church

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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #418 on: December 17, 2011, 01:39:21 PM »
Yes.  It's official.  That is fucking awesome.  I really should have said something at that moment. 

"Cool off."

"Chill out."

"Let's try to keep a cool head."
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Re: The Heroes of New Arcadia - RPPR Superheroes campaign - Wild Talents
« Reply #419 on: December 19, 2011, 02:40:58 AM »
We are going to use the quickest and most effective means to thwart an enemy.  If that means killing a villain in self-defense, then yeah we'll do it. 

I would disagree with this.

There was some death in the first session, but after that we reeled it in pretty hard.

Norm's just plain out of his element.
Shift's a stupid idealistic pretender who thinks he's a lot more powerful than he is, and can afford to just take people alive.
The Martyr's a kid, and still forming his morals, but even you never really bring out the fire demon all that often/ or at all.
Chirop's the ex-con trying to reform and coming to grips with his awesome power.

I can't speak for the Robot Assassin or Ghost Robot because I didn't meet up with them till the first climatic battle.

We were not doing what we could to thwart the enemy, we were a mickey mouse operation and we messed up a great deal. For me that's the fun part. Far better than this...
Yeah, I love the fact that we are such amateurs and in way over our heads, especially since when I try to act all confident like a hardened hero. I never meant to imply that we just go around killing anyone who gets in our way like the Squadron Supreme, but we certainly don't pull our punches when our lives are threatened. We may not have the experience to plan things out as effectively as seasoned heroes, but we do treat life and death struggles more realistically. It's about survival and stopping our enemies however we can while trying to keep ourselves safe in the process. There are several villains who are killed because we don't let up and our backs are against the wall. The sorcerer Chirop killed is only one circumstance. We don't really tie up the bad guys and let the police take care of the paperwork. In fact, I think there's only a couple of times we turned a villain over to the authorities, and those were very unique situations.