Author Topic: Eclipse Phase  (Read 767633 times)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #210 on: May 12, 2012, 03:34:59 PM »
I was looking for Mindflayer Nazis picture and found a picture of Prestons muse in stead.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #211 on: May 29, 2012, 09:24:45 AM »
Speak for yourself.  Mmmmm
"The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes.  The middle class pays all of the taxes and does all of the work.  The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class.  Keep them showing up at those 'jobs'."  George Carlin


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #212 on: June 01, 2012, 09:31:00 AM »
Speak for yourself.  Mmmmm

I think my SAN just dropped.

EDIT: What I meant to say is, I think I just took a few Stress points. Forgot which thread this was in for a minute there.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 09:45:00 AM by IDaMan008 »


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #213 on: June 04, 2012, 03:53:55 PM »
Earth Tier starts tonight! For those who haven't checked the main book for the location, here is my expanded write-up for where the first game is set.


Hotel California is a massive asteroid repositioned into high-Earth orbit before the Fall. A number of now defunct hypercorps mined the asteroid for rare elements for years leading up to the apocalypse, making enough progress to install a fairly sophisticated facility in the honeycombs left by the drilling.

In the Fall, the station became abandoned, either due to attack or evacuation. A number of refugees, unable to secure interplanetary transport or farcasting facilities, maneuvered their ailing vessels and took over the mining base.  Using salvaged parts from their wrecked ships, the refugees managed to retrofit the facility for basic human habitation.

Years later, when new hypercorps laid claim to the asteroid’s salvage, they found the squatters less than welcoming. When the fools didn’t even offer a contract resettling the refugees, the PC diplomats were expelled with force. Thus the asteroid earned its name: Hotel California, where you check in, but never leave.

While the facility has no orbital defenses, taking the asteroid back by force isn’t realistic. To attack the squatters, ships would have to infiltrate the Vent, a large core tunnel formally used to ship out materials in the days of operation. There is no telling what nefarious defenses the squatters could have rigged up in the Vent. Using heavy ordinance to crack the shell of the asteroid would likely destroy the entire structure. Soft entry has been made impossible; the squatters destroyed their only ego bridge after learning about the hypercorp interest. Any attempt to take the station back is likely to result in the destruction of all useful salvage and a guerilla war against locals with a decade to prepare.

Despite their unanimous resistance to being expelled, the residents of Hotel California have yet to develop any form of government. It is fairly easy to dock with the asteroid so long as ships announce themselves on the limited mesh and approach slow. The desperate refugees need the trade brought by occasional ships too much to be completely isolationist. These circumstances have lead to more than a few of transhumanity’s fringe elements calling the Hotel home. Aside from the original squatters, California is almost entirely populated with criminals, runaways, political refugees, and straight-up nutters. There is no law, trade operates strictly on a barter system, and the anarchism is strictly of the non-cuddly variety.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #214 on: June 04, 2012, 04:53:45 PM »
Oh my god. Earth Tier. I can't wait.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #215 on: June 05, 2012, 12:07:50 AM »
holy fucking shit


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #216 on: June 05, 2012, 12:08:49 AM »
in other news:

Found this great summary of an EP one shot on the SA Forums

I ran a Law & Order: SVU in space style oneshot last week for our group and I think it went pretty well. We didn't have a bunch of sci-fi combat or high adventure. We did have a small team of underpaid and over worked members of a lowest bid security firm for an O'Neil cylinder colony try to untangle a pretty twisted crime.

I gave them a missing persons case involving a hypercorp VIP. Basically they are called in and given a chance to find the victim or recover her stack for a nice finders fee, before company protocol restores her from backups. Plenty of red herrings, side plots, and some random secret motivations that the players seemed to get a kick out of.

The thing I'm proud of, however, is that the resolution to the session is the first time I've gotten a "whooaa, dude!" out of a game I ran. See the mission seems pretty simple at first. VIP probably kidnapped for ransom or to steal company secrets from her stack. Along the way, the players are finding little hints and clues that something is a little off. The victim has an XP playback module in her room with a large number of highly illicit XP scenarios, all featuring romantic engagements with one of her female coworkers, an uplifted dolphin in a humanoid splicer morph working as an indenture in the company's systems analysis department. The victim also has a forged alternate mesh ID, some high end neural pruning software, and a number of regular credit transfers to an unknown source. Interrogating the co-worker reveals that while the dolphin girl tried to befriend the obviously overstressed VIP, the VIP suddenly broke things off and has been cold to her since then. The players eventually track the transactions and XP production to the dolphin girl's live-in girlfriend. Other circumstantial evidence is found that prompts the players to arrest the girlfriend for the VIPs murder with a search of their apartment turning up trace evidence of a cortical stack being destroyed. The session ended with the players getting their bonus for confirming the the VIPs death and destruction of the stack and they have a suspect in custody but the "who, dude!" moment came later, where I filled the players in on the whole story.

See, they more or less got their man, so to speak, when they arrested the girl friend but they hadn't quite connected the dots. Turns out the girlfriend was actually a specially pruned fork of the VIP whose stressful responsibilities along with a company morality clause that forbid her from continuing her relationship with the uplift coworker lead her to create a version of herself that wasn't bogged down with corporate responsibility or obligation. She paid a black market morph broker in the colony's growing slums to sleeve the fork. Since the fork was so divergent by that point, she couldn't just reintegrate and experience her relationship by proxy with the coworker, so she provided a regular stipend in exchange for XP files from the fork. The VIP became increasingly addicted to these experiences and, over time, the fork became more and more uncomfortable with the situation culminating in the fork refusing further XPs. The VIP has a nervous breakdown soon after and confronts the fork. During the encounter, the VIP has is accidentally killed and the fork removes the VIPs stack before leaving the body in an alleyway. The body was later found with an infomorph refugee sleeved into it. It was a kick seeing the player's Holy Shit! expressions as they connected the dots.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #217 on: June 05, 2012, 03:48:21 AM »
That is an awesome example of using the tools provided by the setting to the GM's full advantage.
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #218 on: June 13, 2012, 01:47:44 AM »
This was so amazing I had to steal from the SA forums. Here's the original post

Quote from: Ettin
Some sheets I made!

Basically I am running an Eclipse Phase game and the current adventure has the PCs entering an MMO to look for some guy. So, naturally, I surprised them with simplified 4E sheets for this adventure!

The MMO is based on Sword of Pandora, an in-universe cheesy sci-fi TV series the PCs infiltrated an episode of during a previous adventure, so these may be a little silly.

(art by some dudes on deviantart)

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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #219 on: June 13, 2012, 02:39:20 PM »
This has probably been asked before, but is it possible to stat aliens, that aren't robotic or cybernetic, and don't originate from trans-humanity? I recall mention of fans using the system for mass effect and am curious what was done to allow players to play the alien races in that scenario?
Liquid Water?


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #220 on: June 13, 2012, 05:06:28 PM »
This has probably been asked before, but is it possible to stat aliens, that aren't robotic or cybernetic, and don't originate from trans-humanity? I recall mention of fans using the system for mass effect and am curious what was done to allow players to play the alien races in that scenario?

There's multiple threads about mass effect conversion on the EP forums and a link on the resources page. Races like Quarians, Turians, and Krogan are treated like exotic morphs. Realistically, you could just have the Mass Effect morphs injected into an EP game as exotic morphs. Otherwise you'll have to cut out cortical stacks; Shepard's the only one that gets to resleeve, apparently.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #221 on: June 14, 2012, 02:27:34 AM »
Interesting question, I was wondering about this one myself. Was also curious if anyone else has used the Eclipse Phase rules system for other settings and genres. Obviously, it would seem to be a good fit for any near future, far future, cyberpunk, or post-apocalypse game, but I was thinking that it might also be good for a supers game. Most of regular humanity could be considered "flats" maybe, with super powered characters created using morphs, gear, etc.
Also, as an aside, I know the EP rules are criticized for being too complex(especially character generation), but I actually don't find them too bad and like them quite a bit. I mean, apart from character creation, it's mostly just percentage rolls anyway, right?

This has probably been asked before, but is it possible to stat aliens, that aren't robotic or cybernetic, and don't originate from trans-humanity? I recall mention of fans using the system for mass effect and am curious what was done to allow players to play the alien races in that scenario?

There's multiple threads about mass effect conversion on the EP forums and a link on the resources page. Races like Quarians, Turians, and Krogan are treated like exotic morphs. Realistically, you could just have the Mass Effect morphs injected into an EP game as exotic morphs. Otherwise you'll have to cut out cortical stacks; Shepard's the only one that gets to resleeve, apparently.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #222 on: June 14, 2012, 03:22:59 AM »
Also, as an aside, I know the EP rules are criticized for being too complex(especially character generation), but I actually don't find them too bad and like them quite a bit. I mean, apart from character creation, it's mostly just percentage rolls anyway, right?

I had some trouble with character creation the first time through, but once I got the hang of it, it was much, much easier. And you're right: during gameplay, most of the rolls you make are either percentage rolls or d10 rolls for damage / stress / initiative. The rules for determining MOS in the third printing make it much easier to adjudicate rolls without doing math. The only place I can see where the system can be a real bastard is when you have to keep track of a lot of situational modifiers as a result of your gear. However, if you use the Excel sheet, it'll do that for you, for the most part, and it provides you with the page references for every item you hook into yourself.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 11:17:01 AM by IDaMan008 »


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #223 on: June 23, 2012, 01:17:17 AM »
None of my friends are really up for as high-concept a game as Eclipse Phase is (or much into the horror and gritty aspects of it either) so I've been relegated to play-by-post. I've still been impressed with how elegant and simple most of the game mechanics are, even more so with the blackjack system. It feels like it could be powergamed, but the setting provides a lot of reasons not to, and there's only so much of an edge you can get out of that with how universally deadly it is.

I really am looking forward to being able to GM it one day.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #224 on: June 24, 2012, 11:20:01 PM »
What Preston does daily.

You've been sucked out of the airlock into the black. Roll all the dice on the table for damage.