Would it be possible to do a collage of random RPG book covers?
I like this idea. The easiest way to do this would probably have someone take a picture of a bunch of them scattered (and I think it would look the best), unfortunately I don't have enough to be able to volunteer that. The other option would be to just take stock images of covers and collage them, which wouldn't look nearly as good. Suggestions for books/systems:
DnD (obviously): PHB and DMG have cool covers, don't really think MM would be necessary
Call of Cthulhu
Savage Worlds
Eclipse Phase
^All have more than one game on the site.
Mutants and Masterminds
Monsters and Other Childish things
^Both likely to get the addition of another game
World of Synnibarr
^Because it's crazy and has a "super awesome hip hardcore cover"