The Game Begins
You are in a 10 by 10 dungeon room. The stone walls smell of mould and death. An orc stares at you. It holds a spear and behind it is a pie. There is a door past the pie to the north or you can flee into the tunnel to the south.
Rolling 3d6: (2+1+3): Total = 6
Rolling 3d6: (3+5+6): Total = 14
Rolling 3d6: (1+5+1): Total = 7
Rolling 3d6: (3+3+4): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (4+4+3): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (6+3+4): Total = 13
Name: Pakos
Class: Thief
STR: 6 (-2)
DEX:14 (+2)
CON:7 (-2)
INT:10 (+0)
WIS:11 (+0)
CHA:13 (+1)
Pakos will attempt to argue with the GM that he was sneaking all along.
Rolling 3d6: (1+4+6): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (4+5+1): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (2+1+3): Total = 6
Rolling 3d6: (2+5+6): Total = 13
Rolling 3d6: (5+4+5): Total = 14
Rolling 3d6: (4+3+4): Total = 11
The orc attempts to notice Pakos!
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
The orc fails to notice Pakos! WHAT DOES THE THIEF DO NOW?????
Name: Shakespeare
Class: Cleric
Str- 11 (+0)
Dex- 10 (+0)
Con- 6 (-2)
Int- 13 (+1)
Wis- 14 (+2)
Cha- 11 (+0)
Shakespeare casts Light a rock so that he can see the orc with the spear and then flees to the south without rolling to try and notice the orc.
The orc is dazed by the light for a moment and then sees the hated human! When Shakespeare runs away, the orc yells and considers throwing his spear but decides that would be too much work.
Shakespeare soon finds himself in the village! A terrible village filled with terrible peasants. A shameful place. There is an inn, a blacksmith and a portal to hell visible here, along with the forest in the distance and a river next to it.
Shakespeare goes to the river and throws his light rock into it to appease any wrathful river gods before continuing.
Rolling 1d100: (71): Total = 71
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
Rolling 2d47: (2+26): Total = 28
You encounter
Rolling 1d4: (2): Total = 2
giant snakes with human heads. They or it pops out of the water, looking at you.
One near you asks "I am curious as to why you would throw a glowing rock in this river. Please explain yourself."
protrip: water nagas gotta have lots of treasure
Shakespeare attempts to recall of talking snakes grant wishes.
Rolling 1d20+1: (5)+1: Total = 6
Shakespeare concludes it is unlikely and attempts to parley with the snake for it's no doubt great wealth.
the two water nagas look at you some more. It's getting awkward. Dude.
You don't know shit about no wishes
Shakespeare offers more glowing rocks in exchange for them sparing his life and attempts to reduce the awkardness of the situation with an off color joke about centipedes, assuming nagas, having no legs, will fucking hate centipedes, which have many legs.
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
The water nagas do not find the joke funny. Worse, they are offended that Shakespeare thought they were going to kill him. "We are curious and harmless unless provoked. Now you're close to provoking us. But not quite. So, as punishment, we will put you on a quest. Kill at least one evil monster. Do this or you will forever be known as a dick."
Shakespeare agrees and wonders where to find an evil creature. He clearly remembers not noticing any orcs recently.
Shakespeare travels to the terrible village and enters the inn to search for a band of adventurers to help him slay one evil creature, or maybe to find a thief who would steal the naga's dazzeling wealth.
Malgog, the level 1 wizard shows up, offers Shakespeare some weed, smokes a blunt, and vanishes
Pakos waited for the Cleric to distract the Orc to proceed into a SNEAK ATTACK. He will attempt to stab the orc in the neck.
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
Pakos stabs the orc in the neck! Blood spurts out of the orc's neck! It squeals like the man-pig that it is. ROLL FOR DAMAGE IF YOU DARE (1d4)
The Inn
Shakespeare finds the inn is populated by drunk farmers, a mysterious cloaked stranger with a staff inscribed with elder runes of power, a female barbarian warrior with a great-axe and Lord Omnicron, demi-god son of OA the over-god. Oh and some guy. He's got like a hat? or some bullshit like that.
Housecat approaches you, purring.
Rolling 1d4: (2): Total = 2
orc hit points
Rolling 1d8: (5): Total = 5
haha you're fucked.
Due to Pako's strength penalty, the orc takes a mere 1 point of damage. IT ATTACKS
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
so what is pakos going to do now?
oh wait. to be fair, I forgot backstab damage. So you did 2 points of damage. GREAT JOB
"You guys look trust worthy." The cleric steps out of the shadows.
Memorized Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Light
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(2+4+1): Total = 7 </div>
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(4+1+3): Total = 8 </div>
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(6+6+6): Total = 18 </div>
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(2+6+2): Total = 10 </div>
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(5+3+5): Total = 13 </div>
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(5+1+1): Total = 7 </div>
The orc snarls at the cleric! It has already attacked though and missed. WHAT DOES NAMELESS CLERIC DO?
"Fuck you buddy!" Shouts the cleric and casts light right in the motherfucker's face.
The orc tries to save vs the light!
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
"I have seen the light" the orc yells "AND IT BURNS" as it is now totally blind.
Cleric takes his holy weapon (named Torquemada) and smacks it against the back of the Orcs knees.
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
roll damage 1d6+1
OCC: I want this to be subdue damage. The object is to make him drop to the ground not kill.
Rolling 1d6: (3): Total = 3
Seeing the orc genuflecting, Cleric begins to pray over him, asking his God to remove the Orc's blindness if he becomes a true believer.
Fine. You have a knocked out orc. HORRAJ
you gain 10 experience points.
"I hate it when I knock them completely out. So much harder to pacify then."
Cleric binds the Orc's hands and feet together.
Rope Check
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Cleric ties the orc up real good. Just like his uncle used to do.
Pakos takes the pie.
Cleric waits for the orc to wake up and then begins proselytizing.
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
Pakos has gained a delicious pie. It smells so good, it may even be magical. Its aroma is that of apples and cinammon.
The orc is slapped awake. It listens to Cleric and decides to take up Religion, the faith of Cleric. It cries with joy. "Oh, I shall no longer listen to Dawkins as an atheist orc!"
Cleric gains 5 experience points.
As a sign of faith, Cleric casts Cure Light Wounds on the orc. (OCC: Gotta have my tank at full HP.)
Cleric explains that by gaining admittance into the new religion orc will be given a new name and that name will be Jerry Farwell. Cleric also introduces himself as Richelieu.
Oh yeah, Cure Light:
Rolling 1d8: (5): Total = 5
Cleric also unties Jerry Falwell.
Jerry Falwell the orc picks up his spear and points it at Pakos the thief. "Do you believe in Religion?" it yells out angrily.
"That's a good question." Richelieu looks at Pakos and shakes Torquemada menacingly. "Do you?"
Pakos offers a piece of the pie to Orc and says "I believe, my friend. Now eat a piece of this glorious pie as a sign of our new friendship." He also offers a piece to the Cleric.
Bluff (Cha +2)
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
roll roll roll your boat
Rolling 3d6: (2+6+5): Total = 13
Rolling 3d6: (1+4+2): Total = 7
Rolling 3d6: (3+3+2): Total = 8
Rolling 3d6: (4+6+3): Total = 13
Rolling 3d6: (3+5+2): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (4+5+1): Total = 10
Name: Iresdold
Class: Elf
STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 7 (-2)
CON: 8 (-1)
INT: 13 (+1)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 10 (+0)
Iresdold sits with his hood up at a table by himself in a corner facing the front door.
"And where, sir, did you procure such pie? Was not that pie Mr. Jerry Falwell's pie that you are now offering him?"
Aware that the caffing damage from his own armor is likely to kill him if he has to fight, Shakepeare attempts to parley with the cat while edging around it towards the table with an elf at it.
"Was this not the pie of an atheist, an heathen, rightfully taken so it can now be consumed under the blessing of our common gods? I ask you."
Iresdold attempts to intimidate the cat with his boots.
Rolling 1d20: (2): Total = 2
Rolling 3d6: (2+6+3): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (1+5+4): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (3+5+5): Total = 13
Rolling 3d6: (5+6+3): Total = 14
Rolling 3d6: (2+5+3): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (5+6+2): Total = 13
The cat is enraged! Attempts to parley with a cat or intimidate it instantly fail because it is evil.
It hisses and rears back, about to pounce on a random character in the Inn. The other patrons draw weapons and prepare for a fight. No one moves. It is like super tense and stuff. The calm before the storm.
You guys better roll initiative and junk. Gonna use d20 init rules because it's easier.
Atilla Redcap
STR 11 - 0
DEX 10 - 0
CON 13 +1
INT 14 +2
WIS 10 0
CHA 13 +1
Atilla kicks the door to the inn open after hearing the cat hiss its evil cry and charges in with his axe out!
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
a mysterious cloaked stranger with a staff inscribed with elder runes of power: Initiative
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
a female barbarian warrior with a great-axe: Initiative
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
Lord Omnicron, demi-god son of OA the over-god: Initiative
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Some guy: Initiative
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Greater Otyugh: Initiative
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
Rolling 1d20-2: (14)-2: Total = 12
Shakespeare rolls
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
Lord Omnicron goes first and begins casting Commune to ask his dad for some cash to pay the bar tab.
The female barbarian goes next and attacks the nearest target, the mysterious cloaked stranger!
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
And she hits!
Rolling 1d18+15: (2)+15: Total = 17
The mysterious cloaked stranger explodes in a burst of gore and viscera! He's totally dead and shit.
IT IS NOW Iresdold's TURN
Iresdold flips shit and makes with the stabby stab at the female barbarian, crying a mighty "ASDLKFJHASDLFKJH"
Rolling 1d20+1: (19)+1: Total = 20
That totally hits! A long sword does 1d8 damage. ROLL FOR IT
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 1d8: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(2): Total = 2 </div>
{Sean-o-tron rolled a 20 so that damage should be double. Woot. 4 points. For some reason, I went to hit quote and hit modify me. Silly moderator buttons.}
Meanwhile, back in the dungeon.
"Is not stealing, even if it is from an atheist, still stealing? If you were of our religion, you would respect the property rights of others despite race, sex, ethnicity, or creed."
Richelieu turns to Jerry Falwell, "This man is a true nonbeliever. Shall we convert him?"
I run north with the pie!
Sounds like a 21rst century way of thinking to me
Sounds like a 21rst century way of thinking to me
My holy weapon is named after a 16C Spanish Inquisitor, my character is named after a 17C French aristocrat, my orcish friend is named after a 20C evangelical, and my religious philosophy is based on 21C ministry of prosperity doctrine---if you want to get technical about it.
No, I'm fine with it. I just noticed that in a lot of D&D games, religions are approached by players in a very open-minded kind of way. Rarely have I seen players act like real bigots. But I've no qualms with you. Keep on rolling them dices. :)
No, I'm fine with it. I just noticed that in a lot of D&D games, religions are approached by players in a very open-minded kind of way. Rarely have I seen players act like real bigots. But I've no qualms with you. Keep on rolling them dices. :)
You haven't been in many games with me then. Once I choose a character archetype, I tend to stick to it. No pussyfooting for me. Ask Ross for details...
Watches the thief run "north" (I'm hoping that's smack into a wall) and places a hand on Jerry Falwell's arm, "Let's not follow him. He would make a poor convert. I will buy you a new pie once we are out of this dungeon. Shall we look for an exit?"
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Also, there are two exists in room 1. To the north, where Pakos went and to the south which leads to the village. Of course that is not counting potential secret doors.
Room 2 is 30x30.
more random generation features
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
Rolling 1d20: (2): Total = 2
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
Room 2 has 4 exits
2 doors leading to the north
1 passage to the north
1 passage to the west
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Rolling 1d100: (3): Total = 3
Room 2 is empty, save for a badly dented helmet. It has 4 exits, 2 doors to the north (call them north door 1 and north door 2) and 1 door to the west and 1 passage to the west. All doors are closed. The passage is 10 feet wide. Everything is generic stone dungeon. A few torches, still lit line the walls.
It is now Atilla Redcap's turn: WHAT DOES HE DO?
Richelieu thanks Jerry Falwell for reminding him to search for hidden doors before they exit to the south. "You're such a good adventurer Jerry Falwell. Hopefully we can find some treasure through which we can enrich our God by enriching ourselves."
Searching for motherfucking doors.
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
Jerry Falwell
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
a fucking secret door. Just staring at you. This one goes to the east.
Thanks his God - my God's name is Haggart - for this bounteous find.
"Jerry Falwell, will you please open this secret door so that we may hunt treasure and enrich our God by enriching ourselves?"
Rolling 1d100: (83): Total = 83
Jerry Falwell the orc's eyes sparkle with religious fervor as he opens the door boldly. Surely his faith will guide him riches and protect him from evil! Surely, life will be better in the Falwell household! Surely, nothing could possibly go wrong.
Then there is a loud mechanical KA-CHUNK as a six foot long ballista bolt launches towards Jerry Falwell's torso.
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Sadly, the ballista bolt hits solidly. It inflicts
Rolling 3d6: (5+4+4): Total = 13
damage on the orc.
Jerry Falwell the orc is dead. NPCs can't go into negative hit points.
But the trap is no longer armed!
Richelieu (15/1550 XP)
"Oh, Jerry Falwell, you've died too young." Richelieu mourns his fallen friend then searches the corpse and the room.
The cleric finds
Rolling 2d6: (5+4): Total = 9
electrum pieces a spear and some crappy leather armor on the corpse.
Richelieu places electrum pieces over each of Jerry Falwell's eyes and places the spear on his chest, crossing his arms over it. He then speaks to the darkness of the dungeon in a deep tremolo,
"It is always difficult to mourn a follower of the faith. But during these times we should be thankful for the life that our God Haggart has given us. A life to be adventurous and courageous. A life filled with as much swilling of the sword in our enemies as the swilling of grog in our tankards. Such a life Jerry Falwell lived before his conversion and such a life would he have continued to live as a member of the faithful. Poor, poor is it that Jerry Falwell will never again swill his sword or his grog. Poor, poor is it that he will never cry out and throw his spear. Poor, poor our we who must live in his legacy with his passing. In Haggart's name, we will pour out our poor grog and grope on groggily without him."
hahaha +50 experience points for roleplaying
Richelieu (65/1550)
Richelieu proceeds cautious into the secret corridor.
Checking for more traps
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Somewhere in the dungeon...
Pakos checks for traps on the North Door 2
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Doesn't find anything and opens the door.
Shakespeare gets the fuck out of dodge. As he double moves away from the inn he considers it might be a good idea for him to get a god that he could blame for this kind of shit. And, you know, since he's a cleric might be a good idea.
Once outside of the radius of the evil cat and psycotic adventurers Shakespeare will consult the yellow scrolls for gods accepting clerics.
Shakespeare leaves like the coward that he is! The cat takes notice and licks its chops. So does the greater Otyugh.
Checking the yellow scrolls he finds a list of gods
JERK GOD (http://www.hotchickswithdouchebags.com/)- GOD OF BEING A JERK AND/OR A DICK - ALSO POPPED COLLARS AND EVIL
The 'We're places not people' Pantheon
Geneva - God of Conventions and War
Emergency Room - God of healing and protection
Pet Cemetery - God of Death, necromancy and Stephen King
The other pantheon
Antidisestablishmentarianism - god of trivia and really long words
Ka-Blam - The god of onomatopoeia
Arse-rope - god of intestines, farts and if you worship this god, I will kill your character immediately.
The door opens to reveal a passage. It continues for at least 30 feet. The torchlight doesn't go any further. What does Pakos do?
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Richelieu finds a door blocking his way after walking 30 feet.
"Fuck me..." Richelieu prays to Haggart and then searches for traps.
Traps Again
Rolling 1d20: (2): Total = 2
No traps on the door. At least as far as Richelieu can tell.
Richelieu (65/1550)
"Well, here goes nothing." Richelieu opens the door slowly.
Pakos proceed to eat a piece of the pie before proceeding in dark corridor.
Resolving that any god with Steven King in its portfolio is likely to be familiar with running away from scary shit, Shakespeare fills out the tear away/mail in application form for Pet Cemetery.
Shakespeare attempts to fill out the card but has no ink!
Shakespeare searches for a pen.
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 1d20: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(17): Total = 17 </div>
Richelieu - RANDOM DUNGEON MUSIC doot doot doot
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Rolling 1d20: (2): Total = 2
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
Rolling 1d100: (12): Total = 12
Rolling 1d100: (55): Total = 55
ROOM 3: Richelieu sees the following:
a 30 x 30 room
There is a 20 foot wide passage on the east wall (next to the door he just entered from) - it turns to the south - Ends in a door.
There is a discarded copper tube on the floor and a barrel sitting squarely in the center of the room.
Shakespeare sees two pens! One lying in front of the portal to hell and one at the counter of the blacksmith's shop.
Pakos eats the magical pie
Rolling 1d100: (57): Total = 57
Pakos laughs uncontrollably!
Richelieu (65/1550)
Richelieu readies Torquemada, his holy weapon, and approaches the barrel cautiously. "This better not be a mimic..."
The barrel says "I am not a mimic."
Richelieu is not convinced by the talking barrel. "What are you then? Eh, barrel?"
"I am a barrel. A magical talking barrel."
noooo I'm stuck in the endless limbo of combat initiative order
Richelieu (65/1550)
Richelieu ponders how much he can sell a magical, talking barrel for in town.
"Say barrel, do you mind if I put this piece of copper tube in you and roll you back to town?"
The barrel says "You could do that, but there is a greater treasure and only I can guide you there."
Boyos make your attack roll already!
Richelieu (65/1550)
Richelieu picks up the copper tube and puts it in his pack. "Tell me the way barrel."
noooo I'm stuck in the endless limbo of combat initiative order
This is why large groups are bad in PbP.
The barrel says "Take the door leading south and then the staircase leading down."
Richelieu (65/1550)
Richelieu carefully tips barrel on its side and pushes it to the south door. "Barrel, I will call you Winthrop."
Atilla Redcap
Quickly makes a grab for the back of the cats neck
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
sorry for taking so long waited all night last night to post but never saw shakespear post. thought he was ahead of me.
Richelieu checks for traps and then opens the door.
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
Door Open
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
Atilla Redcap fails to grab the cat!
The greater Otyugh attacks next
It makes three attacks, lashing out with three great tentacles
First attack on the female barbarian
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
Second attack on Lord Omnicron
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
third attack on the elf PC, whatever the fuck his name is
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Alas, the poor elf Ireshold (?) is slain as the Otyugh inflicts
Rolling 2d12: (3+10): Total = 13
with its critical hit! You may make an obituary to gain +100 EXP for your next character.
Lord Omnicron easily deflects the otyugh's attack.
The female barbarian is grappled by the otyugh's tentacle and takes :1d12: damage.
The house cat attacks Atilla Redcap with 2 claw attacks
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
The cat inflicts 1 point of damage on Atilla Redcap! Twas a mighty blow indeed.
The female barbarian takes
Rolling 1d12: (7): Total = 7
Atilla Redcap has exactly 1 hit point left!
It is now some guy's turn! He uses a wand of wonder on the greater Otyugh!
Rolling 1d100: (15): Total = 15
Some guy yells out in joy! "HAHAHAHA, take that you stupid monster!" But nothing happens. Clearly, he is delusional.
Lord Omnicron continues to cast Commune
The female barbarian writhes around in the tentacle, flexing her muscles to get free!
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
She breaks free!
It is now Initiative 12-9 - i.e. the players. Well Atilla Redcap at least. Then the rest of the NPCs go.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla quickly backs down from the grand feast he was attempting to aquire and makes for the door. Shouting back at the cat "Curse you beast, ill consume you later"!
"Alas, Iresasdlkfjadshlkj was a fine elf, though of stunningly average intellect and rather frail and sickly. Surely his entrails shall stain the barroom walls for decades to come."
Rolling 3d6: (5+5+6): Total = 16
Rolling 3d6: (1+2+5): Total = 8
Rolling 3d6: (3+3+3): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (6+5+4): Total = 15
Rolling 3d6: (3+4+4): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (2+5+2): Total = 9
The NPCs continue to fight a while, talk a while, take a smoke break, talk about their lives and get to know one another. When they leave, there is a note
"Dear Mr. Dungeon Master we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday to be NPCs for your stupid game. But we think you're crazy to make us fight each other. You see us as you want to see us... In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain..and an athlete...and a basket case...a princess...and a criminal...Does that answer your question?... Sincerely yours, the NPC Club."
Then they all get cancer and die or go visit Costa Rica. I don't know.
So, Atillalas Redcap the dwarf and Shakespeare the cleric are looking around in the village. Shakespeare sees 2 pens he can try to swipe, as mentioned earlier. I don't know what Redcap wants to do.
Name: Krokk
Class: fighty smash man
Weapon: Axe
str: 16 (+3)
dex: 8 (-1)
con: 9 (-1)
int: 15 (+2)
wis: 11 (+0)
cha: 9 (-1)
Rather than risk angrying the black smith, who is certainly a retired adventurer with a horde of magical weapons, Shakespeare retrieves the pen near the portal to hell.
Shakespeare rolls for common sense.
Rolling 1d20+2: (5)+2: Total = 7
Pakos tries to recover from his incontrollable laughter.
Goddamnit Tad why did you take the right pen, that blacksmith was totally going to fucking murder you and it would have been hilarious.
Shakespeare retrieves the pen next to the portal to hell.
Krokk awakens in Room 1 of hte dungeon: the pie room.
Pakos recovers. What does he do?
fuck man, now I have to map shit out
Shakespeare attempts to complete the form using the pen.
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Form "completed", Shakespeare realizes he has no money for postage!
Thinking quickly, he throws the form into the portal to hell, taking a wild guess as to where the god of Steven King might hang out.
Shakespeare rolls to deliever letter:
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
God damn, did I fucking call it when I put quotes around completed in that post or what?
Shakespeare is now a cleric of Stephen King.
I'll just let the irony sink in there.
You can go back into the Inn, which appears to have some new NPCs in it, visit the blacksmith, go back into the dungeon, go to the forest, go to the river, or visit the floating steampunk palace of infinite beauty and joy.
Too late.
The steampunk palace of infinite beauty and joy floats away.
Krokk stumbles into the room to the north and heads down the passage to the west.
was my obit worth anything?
The obit was worth 20 exp.
Rolling 2d8: (6+3): Total = 9
Rolling 1d12: (11): Total = 11
Rolling 1d100: (5): Total = 5
Feeling more confident with a god... of sorts... Shakespeare heads back to the inn, thinking of an excuse for why he ran away before.
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
Krokk finds a 20x40 chamber with no other exits.
In the center of the room are 45 pairs of socks. Each seems to be filled with something. One sock has a hole in it and shows electrum pieces within the sock.
The room is cold.
Richielieu opens the door to the south and sees:
a 30x30 room.
A staircase leading down.
A broken table.
Rolling 1d12: (2): Total = 2
Rolling 1d100: (41): Total = 41
Rolling 3d10: (2+7+2): Total = 11
The cleric and winthrop see that many orcs talking about how great atheism is!
oh yeah personal note:
We going to use d20 skill and stat check standards from now on - higher is better
easier for me to keep trakc of
Pakos leaves the Pie on the floor very visibly in the middle of the room and goes through the hallway behind the door he just opened.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla continues his endless search for a great feast and heads to the back of the inn to see what he can scope out back there. Perhaps a new cat to catch, maybe just a larget pile of garbage to wallow in. He searches.
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Tad goes back into the inn and sees
Rolling 1d100: (91): Total = 91
Rolling 1d100: (66): Total = 66
Rolling 1d100: (62): Total = 62
At the inn, there are
Rolling 2d4: (1+3): Total = 4
skilled artisans talking about work, a nobleman with :1d4: burly bodyguards and
Rolling 1d3: (3): Total = 3
merchants. They are normal humans discussing normal human things.
Redcap finds a pile of garbage in the back of the inn. Also a cat. and a rat.
Rolling 1d4: (4): Total = 4
bodyguards that is
250 exp to the first person who makes this goddamn dungeon
and posts it on here of course
I'm assuming the 45 pairs of socks are in some sort of pile?
Krokk takes one of the torches from the passageway and promptly tries to set the socks on fire.
"Let's hope everything that isn't electrum burns away."
Rolling 1d20-1: (18)-1: Total = 17
There is a a ghostly wail as a flaming sock RISES up from the pile of flaming socks and is magically hurled at Krokk!
Rolling 1d20+3: (9)+3: Total = 12
Atilla Redcap
Atilla attempts to charm the cat into catching the rat for him and the cat to share. "Oh fine and bountiful cat, would you use your mighty agility and cunning skills of catching rats, to snag the rat over there so we can feast on it?"
Rolling 1d20+1: (3)+1: Total = 4
the flaming sock HITS Krokk square in the nuts and while it normally wouldn't do any damage, because it is on fire, it does a single point of damage. Krokk is now staggered. He can act but first must make a savings throw vs spell.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla instantly notices that his charm will clearly not work on this cat and quickly makes a surprise attack on the cat in hopes of a great meal to insure.
Forgot my attack haha!
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
cat hit points
Rolling 1d6: (2): Total = 2
roll for damage. An axe does 1d8 damage.
saving throw:
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
Atilla Redcap
Rolling 1d8: (7): Total = 7
licks his lips as he swings his mighty blade down on the back of the cat!
welp guess it doesn't matter because the crit will do at least 2 points of damage.
Redcap gains 12 experience points and a cat corpse.
Krokk staggers away in a blind panic, dazed by groin pain and fear at being confronted by a poltergeist.
He runs away for
Rolling 2d12: (11+6): Total = 17
Rolling 1d100: (31): Total = 31
When he recovers he finds himself in the forest, outside the village.
Atilla Redcap
rolling for Initiative in going for the rat as my next pray!
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
rat init
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
Redcap can attack!
Atilla Redcap
Atilla feeling him self on a great run of luck quickly slams his axe onto the rat!
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Still slightly dazed, he heads towards the village.
I had an annotated map in progress in photoshop, but I got mixed up between Pakos and Richielieu's exploring so fuck it.
The rat squeaks and tries to bite Redcap
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
Still slightly dazed, he heads towards the village.
I had an annotated map in progress in photoshop, but I got mixed up between Pakos and Richielieu's exploring so fuck it.
post what u got
The rat bites Redcap and does 1 point of damage!
this is but a mere shadow of what I once had. plus the passageways are all wrong. it is crap crap crap.
Redcap has 0 hit points and is staggered! He is wozy. He can still act but he is on his last legs.
The secret door is in room 1 and is pointed to the east.
Krokk gets to the village no problem.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla attemps to beg for mercy at the rats feet. "Oh mighty beast please forgive me for what I have done here today, your clearly a far better fighter then I." Atilla then begains to pray to what ever dark god enjoys cat slaying.
Rolling 1d20+1: (14)+1: Total = 15
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 3d10: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(2+7+2): Total = 11 </div>
The cleric and winthrop see that many orcs talking about how great atheism is!
oh yeah personal note:
We going to use d20 skill and stat check standards from now on - higher is better
easier for me to keep trakc of
Oh, fine, Ross. You're the one that wanted to go OLD SCHOOL and you're not hardcore enough to go OLD SCHOOL.
Richelieu (65/1550)
Richelieu listens to the orcs for a few minutes before boldly stepping forward,
"Oh orcish brothers, I knew one of your comrades. A fine orc. A strong orc. Alas, he has passed along. But, why, why do you sit here and praise atheism, when atheism has left you penniless. Why not join me in following Haggart so that we may enrich God by enriching ourselves. Yes, brothers, you have heard me correctly. Haggart wants you to be rich because through you Haggart will himself become rich. Haggart will guide your arm as it pierces the side of your enemy. Haggart will lead you to so much treasure that your pockets will overfill. And, again, Haggarts wants this for you. Your orcish brother saw this to be true. So brothers will you follow me?"
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
According to old school rules, a 1 is the best possible roll on a skill check, but Ross will be a dick and say that's a critical failure because he's not hardcore enough to play by the rules that he himself set up in the title. So preemptively, fuck you Ross.
Feeling like a proper adventurer, Shakespeare takes a seat at the bar and searches his change purse for treasure.
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
What character class are you? You should start out with X-amount of coinage depending on your class.
Prays to Pet Sematary that he'll find the end of the corridor eventually.
Shakespeare is broke. Perhaps someone picked his pocket.
The orcs laugh at Richelieu. The lead orc, named orc says "orc think that religion is opiate of masses. Orc not taken in by such words. If you want pass then you pay orc or beat Sidney in orc fight club."
Sidney, the biggest orc, flexes his orcish muscles. "I'm going to beat you till you love me."
Richelieu (65/1550)
Richelieu considers the situation for a moment and then walks over to Winthrop the barrel and whispers softly enough that the orcs can't hear him, "Stay quiet."
Richelieu turns to the orcs and says, "I accept. But, since I have been challenged and as per the terms of any test of combat the challenger may determine the weapons or the type of combat, I choose the classic cask colliding contest of the InBev tribe of Dwarves. You see, the rules are quite simple. In fact, it is similar to office chair hockey, but whom am I kidding, you've never played hockey or sat in an office chair. Sidney must procure a barrel, such as my barrel here, and we will face off several feet apart. Then we will roll our barrels towards one another as fast as we can and collide into one another. The person that lives, well, he's the winner."
Richelieu is betting that the magical barrel is of harder substance than a normal wooden barrel because of its magical properties.
Pakos follows the corridor another 80 feet before coming to a side tunnel heading east. He can continue north or try the side passage to the east.
Redcap's attempt at diplomacy succeeds! The rat squeaks in agreement then presents the dwarf with a piece of green cheese. Green with magic. He motions for the dwarf to eat the cheese.
The orcs huddle and discuss their options. Finally orc speaks "Orc, leader of orcs say that we agree to plan, with one change. Orc say you must get second barrel because while orc respectful of dwarf tradition orc notice that there are eleven orcs in room and only one human. So human play by orc rules. Human must get second barrel."
Sidney the orc looks a little disappointed.
Richelieu (65/1550)
Richelieu stoops down and whispers to Winthrop the barrel, "Where can I find another magic barrel? Answer softly though."
Winthrop whispers back "down the stairs and a few rooms over. You can get a normal barrel in the village from the blacksmith."
Orc says "Orc wonder why human lean over to barrel. Orc thinks that is rude."
Richelieu (65/1550)
"Ah, Orc, you must forgive me. I was checking the condition of my barrel to see how it was constructed so that I can get another one just like it. Well, Sidney shall we be off to find a barrel for the competition? I have no coin, so I guess we should hunt a barrel out in the dungeon."
In case it's needed, skill check: Bluff Like Hell
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
orc says "sidney not go with human. Human will try to convert Sidney and Sidney is dumb."
Sidney looks even sadder.
Orc says "Orc is sorry. Words come wrong out of orc's mouth. What orc meant to say is that human will trick Sidney and Sidney needed to protect broken table and stairs. Is important in this completely believable underworld realm of fantasy and adventure that orcs guard dungeon room. Some orcs say is useless task but orc think that world is fundamentally absurd and only way to define meaning in world is to struggle against absurdity. One might say that orc guarding useless crap in room is...happy."
The orcs nod in sage agreement.
Richelieu (65/1550)
"Well, then, you're in luck. Let me present you with some more treasure, eh useless crap, to guard." Richelieu pulls the abandoned copper tube from his pack. "Feast your eyes upon this!"
Pakos takes the passage to the east. TO THE EAST!
What character class are you? You should start out with X-amount of coinage depending on your class.
Yeah, but I can't find them.
Knowing that to be a true adventurer one must order a flaggen of ale in a tavern, Shakespeare leaves the inn to search for a part time job.
Remembering that there are merchants in the inn, Shakespeare goes back to the inn and approaches the merchents with a witty comment.
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Atilla Redcap
Atilla thanks the wonderfull kind rat and eats his magic cheese. Atilla searches the surounding area for a bottle cap or other sort of small metal he can make into a crown for his new king!
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
So Patrick is making me make a character. Damn him.
Rolling 3d6: (1+3+1): Total = 5
Rolling 3d6: (3+2+3): Total = 8
Rolling 3d6: (3+2+4): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (2+6+5): Total = 13
Rolling 3d6: (6+1+2): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (2+5+1): Total = 8
Ok so my character is a dwarven woman with crused legs(due to a mining collapse) she is claiming equal oppportunity dungeon crawling rights through the adventurers with disabilities act (ADA).
Elsie Thuderfoot
sitting in her chair (gnomish wheelchair) in town square passing out pamflets about ADA and the right for all adventurers no matter how maimed and disfigured to adventure for fame, gold, and loot.
Orc's eyes light up. He sends Sidney to take it from the cleric and then immediately begins to arrange it in the room. It's like a feng shui/interior decoration contest. Every orc has a different idea of how to position the new item.
Richelieu (65/1550)
Richelieu watches the orcs arrange their items with great amusement. He becomes so engrossed that he even forgets to try to sneak out of the room.
After 30 feet, Pakos finds a door straight ahead.
Attila Redcap begins to mutate wildly after he eats the cheese! He is now a skaven (ratman) and can speak the language of rodents.
He recovers all 2 hit points!
He gains the ability to backstab just like a thief!
He'll gain more powers if he actually levels up!
The rat speaks to him. "I demand that you save the rats of this village from a grave threat. The merchant Garth is trying to hire an assassin who will poison us. Stop Garth or kill the assassin!"
Shakespeare is offered a job by the merchant Garth. "Will you take this bottle of rat poison and poison some traps in the stables next to this inn? The traps are already placed but the exterminator was slain by a rat. Just pour a little poison in each of the three traps and I will pay you 200 gold coins!"
NOTE: In old school D&D, 1 GP = 1 exp point.
Check for traps
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Richelieu eventually realizes that the orcs have a lot of time on their hands. He can either continue to sit and watch but will become a NPC or otherwise do something.
Krokk is in the village. He sees Elsie talking about equal rights or something.
Elsie realizes that the peasants of this village are dumb and don't care about anything except barley and wheat.
Pakos finds no traps.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla bows to his new master, "Master I will do as you ask."
Atilla heads out from behind the inn and scouts up and down the street in hopes of finding the vile beast Garth.
Redcap needs to make a sneak check.
Krokk and Elsie can make a perception check to detect Redcap. IF they succeed, they see a wicked looking rat man with an axe sneaking around.
Pakos opens the door.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla sneaks up and down the streets.
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
Glad that the current economy offers such quick turnover in employment, Shakespeare takes the poison and walks out of the in to the stables. Standing outside of them he examines the rat poison and ponders his WWSKD bracelet.
Shakespeare searches the area outside the stables for an empty bottle.
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
Pakos finds a 20x20 chamber
two passages
one north
one going to the east
The chamber contains many pottery jars
Rolling 1d12: (4): Total = 4
Rolling 1d100: (47): Total = 47
There are also
Rolling 1d8: (4): Total = 4
giant frogs in the room. They look hungry.
Shakespeare sees the rat traps. They have a little hole to pour the poison in.
Redcap sees Shakespeare, holding a bottle of rat poison and looking at it!
Deciding it would be more profitable to skim off the top, Shakespeare looks for another bottle so he can water down the rat poison. Not like there's a real rush, rat's aren't big tactical planners after all.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla slowly stalks up behind shakespeare noticing he has some bottle clearly labled rat posion.
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Richelieu (65/1550)
Realizing that the orcs have forgotten about the contest of strength originally proposed, Richelieu begins rolling Winthrop in the direction of the stairs. Once they are out of the room, Richelieu says to Winthrop, "Well good buddy, looks like we got out of that one."
How much XP for outwitting Orc, Sidney and the orcs?
Pakos sprints for the passage to the north.
Elsie decides to go to the tavern to look for other handicaped adventurers to recruit for her own uses.
Look for gimps check
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
Oh by the way the tavern that Elsie is loking in is the most gimp acessable tavern in the town, she would know this from previous drunken drawf experiance.
Elsie prays to her god Hellen Keller in order to find some more gimps who want to take up adventuring.
There is only inn in the village. Elsie does spy a rat man sneaking up on Shakespeare.
Shakespeare must beat a 9 to detect Redcap sneaking up on him!
Bad news for Pakos. The sudden movement triggers a giant frog's predatory instincts. It launches its tongue at him.
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
The tongue sticks Pakos. The frog immediately begins dragging the thief towards its open mouth. Pakos has 2 chances to cut the tongue before he is eaten by the frog. He needs a 13 or better on the attack roll.
Richelieu rushes down the stairs before the orcs realize they have been tricked.
The cleric finds himself in a hexgonal room about 50 feet in diameter. There is a door to the north and to the south.
The barrel says "the treasure is somewhere in this room. Hidden, I think."
Rolling 1d100: (7): Total = 7
Richelieu will get 50 exp for getting past the first time. He will get the rest when he climbs back up the stairs.
Richelieu (115/1550)
Feeling that Winthrop the barrel hasn't steered him wrong yet, Richelieu says a little prayer to Haggart to help guide him to treasure.
"Oh, great Haggart, please guide my hand to the gold and other treasures in this room so that I can fill my pockets until they are overflowing and then cavort in town with grog and illicit drugs and prostitutes as your example has taught us. And help me find some more gold and treasure to fill my friend Winthrop the barrel with so that he will make a pleasant, and rich, noise as we move through the dungeon to more glorify your name."
Richelieu searches for treasure and useless crap in the hexagonal room. He makes sure to look in all of the corners of the room, as well as under the stairs, along the walls, the ceiling, pretty much everywhere. He is also on the lookout for the other magical barrel that Winthrop suggested might be in this room.
Hunt for Treasure
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
To the ratman whom she has spotted:
"Oh rat man you certainly must know the ways of wanting to adventure but being looked down upon. You certainly must not be picked for adventuring parties looking lke that. I mean most fair maidens would be appaled at your looks and want to wisk you away with a broom instead of give you their hearts and treasure. Come with me and join my merry band together we will drink and scour the countryside."
Elsie is also looking to employ a person/creature of large strength t push her chair arround. Perhaps a NPC of high strength and low brains
I wasn't sure if I needed to make separate rolls, so:
Hunt for Useless Crap
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
Atilla Redcap
Atilla Lookc back to Elsie and slowly puts his finger up to his snout. He turns back around and slowly starts to reach for the Bottle in shakespeares hands.
Slight of hand roll!?
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Richelieu did not notice the vilstrak (chameleon bug man) behind him. (it has a 75% chance to surprise and that's what I rolled on the previous page)
It attacks the cleric!
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
Vilstrak appear as a 6 ft tall cross between a human and a bug and has a hide with the consistency of heavy rock. Its forearms are half again longer than that of a human and much more massive, ending in two heavy fists.
What does the cleric do?
Gonna give Tad some time to roll to detect Redcap and act before moving on with the action.
Richelieu (115/1550)
"Winthrop, we go to war. May Haggart protect us. ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!"
Richelieu pushes Winthrop the barrel full speed at bugman's legs attempting to knock the creature over. (OOC: Again, Richelieu figures the magic barrel is his best weapon at this point.)
Run Check
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
Barrel Aim Check
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
Shakespeare pauses in his theft to consider his surroundings.
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
Using the barrel as an improvised weapon causes a -1 penalty but the charge gives a +2 bonus so Richilieu manages to hurt the vilstrak.
I will use the club for damage. Roll 1d4 damage. Minus strength penalties.
The bugman has
Rolling 1d6: (3): Total = 3
hit points.
Shakespeare notices a dwarf sized skaven sneaking up on him.
Richelieu (115/1550)
"Yes, we have hit him Winthrop," Richelieu cries out as they smack into the bugman.
Rolling 1d4-1: (3)-1: Total = 2
Pakos tries to cut the frog tongue with its tiny dagger.
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
The bugman says "f it was up to me, I'd let you go; but the lads have a temper, and they've been drinking all day!"
Two fisted attack action commences
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
And sees a fucking rat man sneaking up on him?!
Luckily for Shakespeare, his god knows of all things horrible. Shakespeare presents his holy symbol and banishes the Rat Man by his true name: Rick Aviles.
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
Pakos frees himself on the second attack! The giant frog retracts its bloodied tongue and leaps away. Pakos is next to the closed pottery jars. The other three giant frogs remain immobile. The thief is uncertain whether the other frogs will attack him or not.
Richlieuer takes
Rolling 1d4+1: (2)+1: Total = 3
Shakespeare's turning does nothing. The skaven is not undead or a demon. Redcap tries to grab the rat poison out of the cleric's hands but with a 6, totally fails.
All characters in the village are caught up with their actions.
Richelieu (115/1550)
2 HP Left
Richelieu smarts from the attack, but brandishes Torquemada his holy weapon in defiance.
"May Haggart guide my hand."
Richelieu swings Torquemada:
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
The bug man launches another pummeling!
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
The Fall of Richileieu
After receiving
Rolling 1d4+1: (2)+1: Total = 3
damage, the cleric collapses, bloodied and unconscious. Winthrop calls out to him...what, what's happening? I'm a barrel, I can't see very well.
Character Number 2 Time
Rolling 3d6: (1+5+3): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (2+1+6): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (1+2+3): Total = 6
Rolling 3d6: (1+6+4): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (3+6+4): Total = 13
Rolling 3d6: (2+1+5): Total = 8
SPECIAL NOTICE: I AM USING OSRIC AS A REFERENCE MANUAL http://www.knights-n-knaves.com/osric/
Shakespeare feels stupid for thinking that would work. Plan B. Big rat is probably worth more than small ones.
Shakespeare tries to feed Rick Aviles the rat poison.
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
Shakespeare fails in his attack. Good hustle though!
Redcap and Elsie can now act.
In the days obits:
The Church of Haggart with great sorrow wishes to announce the passing of Cleric Richelieu whose great exploits in the dungeon will remain hushed dinner conversation for at least the next one or two hours while diners attempt to figure out why the Church has bothered to spend so much money in taking up a full page spread to elucidate Richelieu's deeds. Richelieu was a great converter of orcs, having bested one Jerry Falwell in battle instead of killing Falwell straight out, Richelieu converted him to the great adventuring Church of Haggart and the two set out for riches. Unfortunately, as with so many adherents to the Church, neither Richelieu nor Falwell live to this day. Richelieu was also a great befriender of magical talking barrels. His adventurous deeds will surely be missed as he will not get to enrich great Haggart by making himself rich. If anyone should want to join the Church and follow in Richelieu's footsteps, please send a small pittance to Grand Priest Pat Buchanan at 123 Golden Elect Way.
Hairy Fapper
Memorized spell: Magic Missile
Hairy Fapper wakes up at the inn and wanders down stairs looking for adventure.
Hairy sees the nobleman, merchants and artisans talking and drinking. There is some kind of commotion outside the inn.
Hairy Fapper
Hairy checks his pockets to see if he has any coin left, deciding whether or not he'll stay in the inn or check out the commotion.
Pocket Check
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
He has 10 gold coins.
Hairy Fapper (100/2400)
Hairy slides up to the bar and orders a non-alcoholic drink because his poor constitution cannot take intoxicating beverages. He looks over the people in the inn before walking up to a group of merchants.
"Hello good sirs, would one of you have some sort of work for a man of my caliber to perform? Perhaps a great quest of pushing papers in a land of cubicles?"
Shmooze Check
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
The inn patrons sigh. "We only two quests right now. The first is to set the rat traps but someone already took that quest. The other quest is to reset the dungeon. There's a lever behind the portal to hell. Pull it and the dungeon resets in a new configuration."
Elsie wheels her chair behind Shakespear in order to gain a better aim and wheels her chair dirrectly at Shakespear. Note I am trying to knock him over to get the rat posion away from him.
She shouts " Anyone messing with those who are gimps and cripples messes with me!"
Attack with chair bludgeon
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
Hairy Fapper (100/2400)
"I'll accept your dungeon resetting quest."
Hairy Fapper strides confidently out of the inn, past the crazed dwarf in the wheelchair speeding toward the human carrying a bottle, ignoring the skaven with his greasy whiskers, and directly to the portal of hell.
"Now where in the . . . " Hairy stops himself from saying "hell" thinking this might sound like an invocation so close to the portal that bears its name " . . . is that lever."
Lever Search Check
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
Atilla Redcap
Atilla shouts, "STOP CALLING ME RICK AVILES! I AM THE GREAT HERO OF THE SKAVEN ATILLA REDCAP!" He then lets out a loud Squeak! "Stand down and give me the poison your trying to use on my people!" Brandishes his axe in a menacing manner!
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
time to get in on the fun
Rolling 3d6: (1+1+4): Total = 6
Rolling 3d6: (5+4+3): Total = 12
Rolling 3d6: (6+1+3): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (4+4+3): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (5+6+1): Total = 12
Rolling 3d6: (3+6+5): Total = 14
Ahren the Elf
Ahren comes into town, determined to find someone to ask about the portal to hell that has existed since he was born, but his parents refuse to mention it.
Finding people check
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
Str- 6 (-2)
Dex- 12 (+1)
Con- 10 (0)
Int- 11 (0)
Wis- 12 (+1)
Cha- 14 (+2)
Pakos attemps to dash, once again, to the passage east.
Shakespeare is pretty fucking intimidated. He hands over the poison.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla cleanches onto the posion and grabs the handels of the wheel chair Elsie is in. "Come, Come, Come! I Atilla Redcap thank you for helping me and my people Come meet my master!" Starts to push Elsie back behind the inn. "My master is a powerfull Rat that might be able to help your cause!"
"Yes Sir Recap take me to to this King, I am sure we will have much to discuss. And as for helpng your people, it was my pleasure. Your kingdom wouldn't happen to have any ale would it? After all this adventuring I'm getting mighty thirsty.Redcap what should we do with this poision? We woldn't want any of the young ones to get into it by accident."
Atilla Redcap
"Indeed, I was sent to stop the evil assain sent out to kill my masters people. He was goning to use this posion on them. So my master will know what to do with it." Atilla Sighs, "Im not sure if his kingdome has ale but it is behind the inn so we can stop there after we speek with the master!" Atilla lets out a squeek of joy!
Pakos makes another run for the passage and again his sudden movement draws the attention of a giant frog. It lashes out with its tongue
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Pakos is ensnared yet again and has 2 attacks to free himself. He needs a 13 or better to cut the frog's tongue or he will be eaten.
I assume the redcap group is going to the rat behind the stables?
If so, they see a big ass rat. It has a crown. It squeaks some commands that Redcap translates. "The rat king wants retribution. Kill the merchant garth and any who get in your way."
Atilla Redcap
Atilla translates the message to Elsie. "Master says that we must kill the vile monster Merchant Garth! He is the one responsable for these attacks and we must not let him continue with them." Atilla tucks the rat posion into his coat pocket knowing what he must do. Atilla turns to his master. "Master can you help young Elsie as you have I? Im sure she will be more willing to help our cause if she was able to walk again!"
the rat king produces more magical green cheese for Elsie to eat.
"Gulp! I bet this would taste pretty good with a pint of bitters!"
Elsie swallows down the cheese in one bite.
Elsie can walk again!
Elsie is now a skaven!
Elsie has gained the ability to hide in shadows like a thief!
Atilla Redcap
Atilla thanks the rat king once again and bows deeply to him. Atilla squeaks at Elise, "Do you have any money with you?" Atilla snickers, "I have a plan to buy a nice beer for the merchant and slip him the posion in his drink." Atilla searches his pokets for some money.
luck/search roll?
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
Shakespeare reflects on the fucked up turn his life has taken lately as the rat man takes his poison and leaves while pushing somebody in a chair with round things attached. Unable to poison the traps Shakespeare has to consider his next course of action.
Shakespeare returns to the river, case light upon a rock, and throws it into the water in an attempt to attract the attention of the attention of the river nagas from before.
Pakos attempts to cut some tongues yet again.
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Elsie looks in her pockets for money
search/luck roll
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
well looks like we don't have any money. Maybe we can scare some up? I still have my wheelchair care to perform some "miracles" Redcap?
Atilla Redcap
Atilla smiles, "What did you have in mind?"
" Just a simpe con job. I'll get in my chair and be crippled youheal me,I get up. W see who we can get to pay for some more healing."
Atilla Redcap
Atilla smiles an evil smile. "Perhaps this can work to our advantage also quick search for an old tonic bottle back here. If we do this infront of the shop keeps shop perhaps we can trick him into drinking some merical tonic." Atilla thinks a bit longer, "No, no, no that wont work. If he dies infront of us that wont do, lets just stick to your plan to get gold."
Atilla pushes Elsie's chair with her in it to the town square. Atilla grabs a box to stand on and shouts out to the crowed. "Come, come, come. All come and see the great healing I will preform for you today. I will help this young lass rise and walk again! I too can help you all with what ales you."
Rolling 1d20+1: (1)+1: Total = 2
Atilla Redcap
Atilla looks out to the crowed and can see that there not buying his act, he reaches down and whispers into Elsie's ear, "Quick lass poor it on!"
Elsie trys her best to convince everyone she is still crippled.
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
I'm beginning to wonder if the ruckus that our two would be con people are stirring up is going to attract Hairy Fapper's attention and what he would think of it.
I shall have to join this old school romp through a nostalgia I don't have.
Rolling 3d6: (3+4+1): Total = 8
Rolling 3d6: (5+6+2): Total = 13
Rolling 3d6: (1+5+1): Total = 7
Rolling 3d6: (6+4+2): Total = 12
Rolling 3d6: (3+5+2): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (5+1+5): Total = 11
Berkins - Wizard
Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 13 (+1)
Con: 7(-1) (Does that mean I have 0 hp, or 1?)
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 11 (+0)
Weapon: Dagger and Sling
Prepared Spell: Magic Missile
Berkins wakes up in the inn around 10 AM. As a sickly fellow, he attempts to get at least 12 hours of sleep per day. After memorizing his spell (which takes 4 hours) He wanders down into the main room of the inn looking for a risk-free adventure, hopefully one that involves a full breakfast. He searches the room carefully, as he saw signs the previous night that a vile Cat stalks these tables and chairs. His sling is drawn, he loads it with the spoon from last night's meal of gruel.
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
Hairy Fapper (100/2400)
Hairy Fapper hears the ruckus going on in the town square and decides to not continue searching for the lever to reset the dungeon for the time being. He walks to the square where he sees the two skavens attempting to hustle what he can only assume is water or rat poison and utterly failing to impress the crowd. He decides to stir the pot a bit against the two hucksters:
"What are you trying to do, sell us a potion that will turn us into rats? I saw the one in the chair not more than five minutes ago and she was a dwarf, now she's a friggin' rat. Who wants to become a rat?!?"
Incite a Riot
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Atilla Redcap
Atilla notices that clearly this is not going well and try’s to push more into his party’s favor. "You good sir." Pointing to Hairy Fapper, "I'm not sure who you are but this is my sick sister, and she has been a Skaven her whole life just like I, and ill prove that I have healing powers. Enough to make this young girl walk again!" Atilla jumps down from his box and stands in front of Elsie's legs, he starts to chant in his Skaven language after about 10 seconds reaches up to the sky and slowly places his hands on Elsie's legs. Atilla shouts, "Now stand! Stand my sister and show them the power of my healing!"
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
*Atilla waits for Elsie to stand*
Hairy Fapper (100/2400)
"Skaven her whole life? Skaven? More like Scum-men. You little rat."
Hairy turns to whoever will listen to him.
"Should we listen to the likes of these rats, these dirty rats? These lying rats?"
Fire Up the Riot
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Atilla Redcap
Atilla Looks behind him and sees the crowed starting to become unsettled he looks back at Elsie waiting for her to stand and hopefully win the crowed over!
Inspired by the words of Hairy Fapper, Ahren grabs a stone from nearby and throws is in the direction of the skavens
"stone the imposters"
stone throwing check
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
helping the riot check
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
I'd like to say that Patrick is an asshole. yep I married an asshole.
bolts upright from her chair as if God himself were pulling her up.
does a little dance to evade any rocks and yells ot to he croud. Stone stone the non-belivers my brother healed me can yount see I was lame and now I walk.
roll stage presence
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
Pakos frees himself from giant frog 2's tongue. It leaps away. Giant frog 3 and 4 shift slightly to view the thief more closely. Pakos has been dragged back near the pottery jars.
The crowd is confused, unable to tell who to root for. A young orphan, hobbling along with one leg and a crutch asks Redcap for a sample so he can walk better.
Shakespeare summons the attention of the water nagas again. "You haven't killed an evil creature yet." one of them sighs.
"Tell you what. You reset the dungeon and we'll call it a quest. Or whatever. What do you want?"
Hairy Fapper (100/2400)
"Come on! Let's see you heal the poor boy." Hairy urges the crowd closer to watch the Skaven perform a miracle if he can and if he can't then to prevent his escape.
Maneuver the Crowd
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Seeing (apparently) no sign of the cat? Berkins will slowly and carefully move towards the commotion in front of the end, being careful to avoid excited crowd members, lest one of them bump him and do a hitpoint worth of damage.
Rolling 1d20+1: (11)+1: Total = 12
And then begins trying to see what's going on with the obviously trustworthy miracle healers outside. He is relieved to see they are rat people as they will be the obvious first choice for any rogue felines. (not feline rogues, who would go for someone else in the interest of being sneaky. If they existed, which they don't because there's no such thing as a rogue yet.)
Determine the truthfulness of the skaven
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
disbelive the skaven
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
any miracle done by the skaven is wholeheartedly believed and endorsed by the new believer Ahren
"please take me under your wing, o mighty healer of the people"
Shakespeare apologises and explains his quest to end the threat of rats to the town and how Rick Aviles put on a rat dwarf costume and stole the rat poison.
So, he came to ask them if they happened to have any poison he could use to set the rat traps.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla turns to the young man with the bad limp and says, "Ahh another great example to be shown! Not only will I show you that I can channel the Divine powers of the gods them self Ill channel them threw this beliver here! Ahren! Come come come Ahren now focus your mind..... Clear all your impure thoughts...." Atilla begains to pray and chant again outloud. He reaches up into the sky stands on his tip toes and channels the power into the young man Ahren! He places his hands on the back of Ahren and whispers to him. "Now place your hand on the young crippled boys head!"
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Atilla Redcap
Atilla notices the crowed starting to get more mad as clearly nothing has happened. Atilla shouts, "Ahm, Clearly the young boy Ahren did not clear his mind. Must have been blocked by impure thoughts of young ladies of the night" Atilla Laughs at his own joke hoping to ease the crowed.
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Entirely entranced, Ahren wills with all his might to cure the child, banishing the thoughts of his moderately attractive cousin as per the directions of his teacher.
wtf am i doing check
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
*OOC to be honest you had a great place in my plan if I didn't have such a great bluff check last roll. im gonna wait tell ross or someone else post.*
*OOC to be honest you had a great place in my plan if I didn't have such a great bluff check last roll. im gonna wait tell ross or someone else post.*
Having gamed with Ross for several years, I know that he will some times go with the one good roll will negate a bunch of crappy rolls. Mathematically even if you added up the bluff rolls made between you and Kiki before that last one, I think mine are still higher. But we'll see how Ross rules it. The random number generator was kicking out a lot of 20s last night.
Pakos takes quick glance at the jars.
Notice or sum' shit.
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Sweet Zombie Jesus another 20. Why can't we get these on attack rolls.
Pakos figures out that the pottery jar lids are trapped. Opening them will release a poisonous gas.
Pakos tries to proceed to the north door so as not to attract the attention of any more frogs.
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
giant frogs try to detect the thief
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Atilla Redcap
Atilla sighs, "Alas my crowed, The sun grows bright and fills me with power, but I must rest my mind. These great Powers I have been provided with dont come with out a toll on my mind. Please join me in the inn if you wish, me and my party must prepare for the next great miracle! Meet us in the inn Around noon." Atilla Bows to his crowed and gently grabs Ahren and Elsie by the arm and starts to walk away.
Once Atilla and his party get out of site of the crowed they dart off into the shadows of an ally.
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
The faith healing produces indifferent results. The orphan wobbles a bit but seems cheered up. He seems happy for the attention and thanks the skaven.
Before Redcap can sneak off, a man in the back of the crowd claps slowly. Everyone turns to the man.
The man speaks " A town with adventurers a lot like a mule with a spinning wheel...nobody knows how he got it and danged if he knows how to use it! The name's Lyle. Lyle Lanley. I've got an idea...but nah. It's more of a OTHER VILLAGE idea."
Garth the merchant speaks up "Hey, we'll be the judge of that!"
Lyle produces a deck of cards. The back of the cards read "DECK OF MANY THINGS. USE WITH CAUTION."
Lyle Lanley: Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
Like a genuine,
Bona fide,
What'd I say?
A village : Many-deck!
Lyle Lanley: What's it called?
Patty+Selma: many-deck!
Lyle Lanley: That's right! many-deck!
[crowd chants `many-deck' softly and rhythmically]
Miss Hoover: I hear those things are the worst...
Lyle Lanley: I swear to you that it's not cursed.
Apu: won't it cause our bitter end?
Lyle Lanley: Not on your life, my Hindu friend.
Barney: What about us brain-dead slobs?
Lyle Lanley: You'll be given cushy jobs.
Abe: Were you sent here by the devil?
Lyle Lanley: No, good sir, I'm on the level.
Wiggum: The ring came off my pudding can.
Lyle Lanley: Take my pen knife, my good man.
I swear it's Springfield's only choice...
Throw up your hands and raise your voice!
All: many-deck!
Lyle Lanley: What's it called?
All: many-deck!
Lyle Lanley: Once again...
All: many-deck!
Marge: But Main Street's still all cracked and broken...
Bart: Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken!
All: many-deck!
[big finish]
Homer: many... D'oh!
Lyle asks "who wants to draw a card or five?"
Hairy Fapper
"Oh me! ME! I'll take five please." Hairy Fapper forgets all about the faith healers when he sees the magical item the stranger is carrying. Nothing could go wrong here.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla is intrigued by the man, he knows the mission must go on, but wants to see what will happen to the man who tryed to start a riot on him. Atilla turns to Elsie. "Lets stick around and see if this man who tryed to start a riot gets what he had comming to him." Atilla then turns to Ahren, "And you young elf, im Atilla Redcap this is Elsie, your welcome to do as you want, but know that if you come with us, we walk a thin line with the law, and we will be doing some dangerous acts." Atilla turns back to the crowd.
"wait, you're not a healer?!"
Ahren then wonders if he should join them in a life of crime. He then decides that his god, Codowalshagoth would approve, and he accepts, if tentatively.
Turns to Ahren
"Oh please won't you come with us? We have a great mission and the more people we have to help the better?"
Elsie whisper's to Redcap
"Is our leader going to want himt o change too? I know the god of the Skaven, Nicodemus, says to be warry of human and elf kind alike. "
To the strange peddeler.
" In a show of good faith Sir, I will take one card."
Hairy Fapper draws 5 cards
Euryale: The medusalike visage of this card brings a curse that only the fates card or a deity can remove. The -1 penalty on all saving throws is otherwise permanent.
Knight: Gain the service of a 4th-level fighter. The fighter appears out of nowhere and serves loyally until death. He or she is of the same race (or kind) and gender as the character.
Flames: Enmity between you and an outsider. Hot anger, jealousy, and envy are but a few of the possible motivational forces for the enmity. The enmity of the outsider can't be ended until one of the parties has been slain. Determine the outsider randomly, and assume that it attacks the character (or plagues her life in some way) within
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Gem: Gain your choice of twenty-five pieces of jewelry or fifty gems. (total value is 50,000 gp regardless)
The Fates: Avoid any situation you choose . . . once. This card enables the character to avoid even an instantaneous occurrence if so desired, for the fabric of reality is unraveled and respun. Note that it does not enable something to happen. It can only stop something from happening or reverse a past occurrence. The reversal is only for the character who drew the card; other party members may have to endure the situation.
Elsie draws
Idiot: Lose Intelligence (permanent drain). You may draw again. Elsie loses
Rolling 1d4+1: (4)+1: Total = 5
points of intelligence. She can choose to draw again or not.
Pakos manages to avoid detection. He goes to the east to find a 20x20 room, apparently a dead-end.
Rolling 1d12: (9): Total = 9
Rolling 1d100: (72): Total = 72
Pakos sees
Rolling 1d6: (1): Total = 1
bugbears in the room.
Rolling 2d6: (3+5): Total = 8
I'll use The Fates to cancel out The Flames. Essentially it means I never drew The Flames as per the rules of the card. The gems I need in diamonds for spell components.
The lone bugbear is hunting for food. Killing big ass rats with a crossbow. It chuckles as it nails one right in the head. It hasn't noticed Pakos yet but the thief will have to make a sneak check to do anything in the room without drawing the attention of the bugbear.
Orcus, demon lord of the undead appears "HAIRY FAPPER I FUCKING HATE YOU...wait nevermind." then disappears in a puff of fire and brimstone.
Hairy Fapper gains 50,000 experience points from the treasure! He is now level 6!
Elsie draws again
Moon: You are granted
Rolling 1d4: (3): Total = 3
to Elsie
"if it is to better the masses, then i shall venture on with you"
Always a lover of randomness, Ahren also decided to risk a draw of the cards
to peddler
"Here fair sir, i would also like to partake in your goods"
Quick, what do I know about bugbear?
Knowledge (if it applies)
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
how many cards ahren, you can draw up to 5.
Pakos knows this about bugbears:
Bugbears tend to form bands and live near goblins, a distant
relative. Although bugbears have 60 ft infravision, they can live
both above and below ground. Bugbears are quite stealthy and
surprise at 50%; and a “hear noise” roll will not detect them.
Bugbears use a variety of weapons usually gathered from fall-
en opponents. These include axes, morning stars, hammers,
swords, spears and missile weapons.
just one. im feelin lucky
Ahren draws a card because he is too scared to draw more than one
Rogue: One of your friends turns against you.
Rogue: When this card is drawn, one of the character's NPC friends (preferably a cohort) is totally alienated and forever after hostile. If the character has no cohorts, the enmity of some powerful personage (or community, or religious order) can be substituted. The hatred is secret until the time is ripe for it to be revealed with devastating effect.
By the way, that's now:
Rolling 5d4+1: (1+1+1+2+4)+1: Total = 10
hit points now.
Also, for the fighter cohort:
Rolling 4d10: (1+1+2+5): Total = 9
Hit points plus his CON bonus.
how do i not know someone is out to get me if i drew the card?
also i think it would be a good time to see what i know about skaven
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
The skaven are rat-men, known for their sneaky rat-like ways.
Though he was thinking about running away to the woods and the cave near town to avoid the potential riot, Berkins is drawn in by the song and dance number in town square.
"I would like to draw some cards! I'll take all five! Berkins is a savvy investor!"
With a grin.
Pakos attemps to sneak up on the bugbear as it's looking at the rats
Rolling 1d20: (2): Total = 2
After hearing a voice from apparently nowhere judge him, Ahren asks the peddler if he can draw the other 4 cards.
"to make it interesting"
Berkins draws from the deck:
Jester: Gain 10,000 XP or two more draws from the deck.
Throne: Gain a +6 bonus on Diplomacy checks plus a small keep. The character becomes a true leader in people's eyes. The castle gained appears in any open area she wishes (but the decision where to place it must be made within 1 hour).
Throne: Gain a +6 bonus on Diplomacy checks plus a small keep. The character becomes a true leader in people's eyes. The castle gained appears in any open area she wishes (but the decision where to place it must be made within 1 hour). Drawn twice!
The Void: Body functions, but soul is trapped elsewhere. This black card spells instant disaster. The character's body continues to function, as though comatose, but her psyche is trapped in a prison somewhere-in an object on a far plane or planet, possibly in the possession of an outsider. A wish or a miracle does not bring the character back, instead merely revealing the plane of entrapment. Draw no more cards. Strong (all schools); CL 20th.
Immediately the people of the village weep for their fallen true leader! "Will no one rescue our true leader?" They cry out. There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Two castles appear nearby, their banners of Berkins at half mast.
"Elsie! will you aid me in rescuing our brave leader Berkins?! for him i would travel to the depths of the nine hells! and luckily there is a portal right here!"
Hairy Fapper (50,000/60,000)
"Ah, poor Berkins, he had a true adventurous spirit drawing five cards. I may be willing to help supply an expedition to reclaim his soul after I have had time to meditate on my new found abilities. If you need me, me and my associate - Five God - will be in my rooms at the inn. I can take questions there."
Hairy and Five God retire to the inn.
OK, here's the deal with the name of my cohort. Over the 4th of July weekend, Kiki and I were gaming with Ross and the old RPPR crew. One of the guys there ended up telling a story, an incredibly long and creepy story, about he had sex with five different "girls" (or "girlz") in one day. During this story, Ross and Cody kept egging him on to continue telling it, while Kiki, Tom and I sat around disgusted. I ended up leaving the table and going upstairs to check my email. You'll have to get someone else to tell you who it was but he is a regular contributor to the New World campaign. He also plays nothing but fighter-types, which is why I choose my new moniker for him as my cohort's name.
Lyle turns to Ahren as soon as Berkins collapses. "well, normally I would say no, it's impossible. But in this case, I'll make an exception kid."
Ahren draws four more times!
Key: Gain a major magic weapon. A luckblade appears in his hand - it has the ability to grant wishes but the total number is unknown to Ahren but it has at least one.
Skull: Defeat dread wraith or be forever destroyed. A dread wraith appears. Treat this creature as an unturnable undead. The character must fight it alone—if others help, they get dread wraiths to fight as well. If the character is slain, she is slain forever and cannot be revived, even with a wish or a miracle.
Knight: Gain the service of a 4th-level fighter.
Star: Immediately gain a +2 inherent bonus to one ability score.
The dread wraith, a grim reaper looking motherfucker if there ever was one, lets Ahren have the first action.
Rolling for Murkin, Berkin's son.
Rolling 3d6: (2+3+3): Total = 8
Rolling 3d6: (3+2+4): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (2+6+6): Total = 14
Rolling 3d6: (3+2+5): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (1+1+2): Total = 4
Rolling 3d6: (3+1+4): Total = 8
"i wish i was a badass dude for the duration of this fight"
Atilla Redcap
Atilla Gasp at all the excitement going on around him and is full awe. His temptations grow with him to grab a card too.
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
oh, and ill take that bonus on my str
making me
Str- 8 (-1)
Dex- 12 (+1)
Con- 10 (0)
Int- 11 (0)
Wis- 12 (+1)
Cha- 14 (+2)
Atilla Redcap
Atilla can not fight the urge to ask for a card. "Good Sir I'll take 2 cards please!"
Ahren shapeshifts into a titan for the fight!
the dread wraith attacks!
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
Shakespeare apologises and explains his quest to end the threat of rats to the town and how Rick Aviles put on a rat dwarf costume and stole the rat poison.
So, he came to ask them if they happened to have any poison he could use to set the rat traps.
In an effort to break the ice, again, Shakespeare decides to try another joke.
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Ahren presumably dodges the first wicked swipe of the scythe, doing a quick roll (for a titan) and stabbing back in when the motherfucker lets his guard down.
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
plus whatever i get for being a titan
Murkin, Thiefy Boy-Man
Str: 8 (-1)
Dex 9 (-1)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 10 (0)
Wis: 4(-3)
Cha: 8 (-1)
Weapon: Dagger and Sling
Murkin, who up to this point has been disguising himself quite poorly as a local villager, pulls the small potato off his nose and screams "DAD! NOOOOOOO!"
He runs over to his father's body. "I know you never wanted me adventuring, on account of me being a bit 'daft', but since those evil cards stole your soul, I don't think you can stop me anymore... But I have no idea what to do."
Seeing the family resemblence and the shoddy nature of the disguise, Berkins was clearly playing along with his son's disguise, because it wouldn't fool anyone. Thinking for a moment, he smiles.
"I will draw 5 cards, just like my father. Perhaps they will grant me the tools I need to save him!"
The dread wraith hits! Ahren's newfound titan constitution saves him from a level-draining death but 2 more hits like that and he is forever dead!
the dread wraith has
Rolling 16d8: (8+4+4+6+5+5+7+1+8+4+7+7+2+7+1+7): Total = 83
hit points
Ahren needs to roll a 5 or better to hit the wraith. Each blow does 8d6 damage.
Ahren misses!
The dread wraith attacks again! It needs a 7 or better.
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
whoops sorry Tad.
at the lake
The water nagas do not have any rat poison. But they know there is a lot of rat poison. In hell. In fact, pretty much everything in hell is poisonous. Except the air.
"haha you undead curr! eat my badassness! may codowolshagoth guide my blow!"
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
if it applies
Rolling 6d8: (2+1+5+2+6+8): Total = 24
Redcap draws two cards!
Comet: Defeat the next monster you meet to gain one level.
Euryale: -1 penalty on all saving throws henceforth.
The dread wraith grins and swings it scythe
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
"suck it wraith!"
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Rolling 6d8: (7+6+1+2+5+7): Total = 28
Atilla Redcap
Atilla feels he needs to draw all 5 to get the full effect. "sir ill draw my other 3 cards."
i apologize it should be
Rolling 8d6: (2+2+1+3+5+4+3+4): Total = 24
Murkin draws 5 cards:
Euryale: -1 penalty on all saving throws henceforth.
Throne: Gain a +6 bonus on Diplomacy checks plus a small keep. The character becomes a true leader in people's eyes. The castle gained appears in any open area she wishes (but the decision where to place it must be made within 1 hour).
Vizier: Know the answer to your next dilemma. This card empowers the character drawing it with the one-time ability to call upon a source of wisdom to solve any single problem or answer fully any question upon her request. The query or request must be made within one year. Whether the information gained can be successfully acted upon is another question entirely.
Ruin: Immediately lose all wealth and real property.
Gem: Gain your choice of twenty-five pieces of jewelry or fifty gems. 50,000 gold pieces gained.
A third castle appears and then crumbles within seconds. The castle's ruins are immediately swarmed with monsters looking for new ruins to live in. Murkin gains 50,000 experience points! He becomes level 7!
The dread wraith has struck Ahren twice.
The dread wraith staggers from the titan's mighty blow! It laughs "With this final blow I stab at thee! Prepare for atheist hell - aka - nothinginess!"
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Ahren's soul is sucked out by the dread wraith! He is utterly obliterated.
Shakespeare considers the wisdom of going to hell for rat poison.
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
dies in a puddle of his own urine
Today we honor the life of Ahren, a quiet boy, who only wanted to know the purpose of the portal to hell that resided in the town near his birth. His adventuring days, though few, were quite fertile, as he not only attracted a powerful follower, he also battled epicly as a titan with the most dreaded of entities, a dread wraith. Though few will remember him, Ahren's spirit lives on.....no wait, sorry, it doesnt.
Shakespeare decides that it is an impossibly brilliant idea and heads back to town and entersd the portal to hell.
new character
Rolling 3d6: (4+3+1): Total = 8
Rolling 3d6: (3+2+4): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (5+5+3): Total = 13
Rolling 3d6: (1+2+6): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (5+2+4): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (3+4+2): Total = 9
Lyle sighs. "I made an exception to Ahren. EXCEPTION. Well. Whatever."
Redcap draws his final three cards!
Talons: All magic items you possess disappear permanently.
Idiot: Lose Intelligence (permanent drain). You may draw again. Redcap loses
Rolling 1d4+1: (4)+1: Total = 5
points of intelligence.
Sun: Gain beneficial magical item and 50,000 XP.
Rolling 1d100: (17): Total = 17
Rolling 1d100: (79): Total = 79
Rolling 1d100: (27): Total = 27
Redcap now wears a suit of +2 chainmail! He is now a level 6 dwarf
NOTE: USE THIS FOR DWARF CLASS RULES http://www.goblinoidgames.com/labyrinthlord.html
Percival the Dwarf
HP: 2
weapon: Axe
Str- 8 (-1)
Dex- 9 (-1)
Con- 13 (+2)
Int- 9 (-1)
Wis- 11 (0)
Cha- 9 (-1)
Percival is roughly shaken from his home as it is destroyed by a falling titan. He barely jumps out of the way and looks to see what the commotion is.
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
*ooc, looking for the luckblade
Sensing that he need only ask to have a question answered or problem solved, Murkin speaks.
"I want to reclaim my father's soul. What do I need to do?"
(also, did Berkin's castles crumble? Murkin hadn't actually made claim to them yet... though they certainly seem like they would be within his right to claim at this point.)
There are walls, ceilings and floors made out of sinners. A demon is nearby. It hasn't noticed Shakespeare yet. What now?
Shakespeare considers what he knows about demons.
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
Oh shit, Demon. Are. Bad!
Shakespeare runs the fuck away while looking for something that might make a good substitute for rat poison.
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
Murkin's castle appeared and then crumbled. Berkin's two castles are fine. However, they are not your own and stealing them is evil.
Murkin is blinded by science. Okay not really. But he is suddenly aware of three ways to free his father
1. Kill Asinius the Lich, Berkin's captor. Asinius lives in the Grey Wastes, a neutral evil plane.
2. Buy Berkin's soul back from Asinius. This costs 1,001 soul warms - maggot like mindless demons with human faces used as currency and food by powerful evil creatures.
3. Rescue the Princess of the kingdom from the red dragon. This will set off an elaborate chain of events that will eventually cause a paladin to raid Asinius' lair and rescue Berkin.
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
HP gain
Rolling 5d8+5: (6+5+5+7+2)+5: Total = 30
I assume I get my con mod as I level? If not ill Change it.
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
32 HP AC 7 or 17 if we get the base of 10 not sure on that either. +5 - chain +2 magic
STR 11 - 0
DEX 10 - 0
CON 13 +1
INT 9 -1
WIS 10 0
CHA 13 +1
Atilla Puts on his Chain mail armor.
There is a sinner drooling embedded in a nearby wall. Or Shakespeare could pull a strip of flesh off a sinner. It's like beef jerky.
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
Atilla is happy with the results that have happend here today, turns to Elsie, "Well I guess we dont have to worry if we can trust the elf. Now off to our master plan." Atiila heads off to a dark shadow filled ally.
*OOC oh forgott to ask Im leveling as a dwarf but still am skaven right?*
(Ah, true, his father is not dead yet.)
Now has
Rolling 6d6+2: (5+1+5+6+1+5)+2: Total = 25
"An evil lich name Asinius has taken my father's soul. In order to save him, we must destroy the lich. He lives in the Grey Wastes, but I don't know how to get there. But I have been given a vision that if we can rescue the Princess of this kingdom from the Red Dragon, it will cause him to be destroyed.
"What say you, loyal subjects of my father, and of myself? Will you join me to help destroy this wyrm and rescue the Princess?"
Bend Wills and Lift Spirits
Rolling 1d20+5: (13)+5: Total = 18
Oops. Did my HP math wrong. Need to add 12 more HP on for Con bonus, correct? 37 HP.
Shakespeare opens his "empty" coin pouch and gets some sinner squeezings. He also gets a strip of sinner jerky because he's just realized that he hasn't eaten since he spontaneously began existing several days ago. Or a few minutes. Or however many rounds.
Shakespeare saves against existential quandary.
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
Shakespeare fails his save and gets all fucking existenial.
Shakespeare has become a 19th century Danish philosopher and theologian.
Steven King is pissed.
Shakespeare fails his save and gets all fucking existenial.
Shakespeare has become a 19th century Danish philosopher and theologian.
Steven King is pissed.
Now every decision you must make must be an either/or.
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
32 HP AC 7 or 17 if we get the base of 10 not sure on that either. +5 - chain +2 magic
STR 11 - 0
DEX 10 - 0
CON 13 +1
INT 9 -1
WIS 10 0
CHA 13 +1
Atilla Puts on his Chain mail armor.
This is old school rules. Your armor class starts at 10 and then goes down. THAC0 system. Sweet huh? Did you bring your calculator?
CRAP I WAS HOPING IT WASENT! HAHA! So Thaco of 3 right, or is it 2 in the leveling guid ross posted it was a 9 for the base AC.
Pakos attempts to reach and stab the bearbug.
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Redcap the dwarf/skaven's AC is 3
Percival finds the luckblade. Only slightly used. It hums with magical energy.
Shakespeare gathers some drool in his coin purse and pulls off some sinner jerky. The demon hears the flesh being ripped! It looks at Shakespeare.
not going to describe it because basically any demon could kill him so it doesn't matter what type this one is.
Pakos attempts to reach and stab the bearbug.
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 1d20: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(1): Total = 1 </div>
A demon looking at someone tends to put meaning into their life. Shakespeare pulls the nearest banister out of sinner wall and points it at the demon before running away.
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
The bugbear is startled when Pakos charges the bugbear and futilely tries to stab it.
The bugbear drops its crossbow and attacks with its dagger
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
Shakespeare jumps out of the portal to hell!
The bugbear also misses with its dagger thrust. WHAT NOW PAKOS
"Who are you and what are you doing here!?"
I try another swipe at him.
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
The bugbear roars "I was hunting for my dinner before you tried to kill me!"
It slashes back at Pakos
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
The bugbear barely misses the thief! It needs a 13 or better to hit. Pakos needs a 11 to hit.
Shakespeare can't believe that worked. Ready to get his over so he can go get his drink the cleric heads to the place with the traps, whatever kind of building it was, he doesn't remember, with the sinner squeezings.
Pakos takes another shot at the bugbear.
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Rolling 1d4: (3): Total = 3
-2 strength
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
Atilla ponders what his next move will be, he decides to check the streets to see if he can still see the merchant out on the streets.
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Shakespeare reloads the rat traps with sinner drool!
The bugbear takes 1 point of damage
It has
Rolling 3d8: (6+8+7): Total = 21
hit points
Pakos runs the meta-fuck out of there.
The bugbear attacks yet again!
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Pakos manages to escape!
He is back in the giant frog room.
The bugbear is chasing after him, pissed off that the thief stabbed him.
The frogs twitch, ready to strike.
Shakespeare feels awesome. He returns to the inn to collect his reward and order a flagen of ale.
Garth the merchant is on the streets, talking to the nobleman and his 4 bodyguards.
The Inn
Shakespeare drinks the most delicious ale ever. It tastes like...victory.
Before the bugbear enters the room, Pakos shouts in a hurried and hushed tone so as to be heard by the bugbear:
"Hide in the jars and shoot him as he tries to come after me."
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
He thens tries to run back in the western door.
The bugbear's sense motive check
Rolling 1d20-2: (4)-2: Total = 2
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
Atilla trys to sneak up within ear shot to hear what Garth and the Noble are talking about.
Sneak-not sure what my armor pen is if any, but I assume its harder to sneak in chain mail.
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
The bugbear rushes forward, dagger in hand.
It pulls open a pottery jar lid!
The giant frogs both lash out
Giant frog 3 tries to grab the bugbear
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
Giant frog 4 tries to grab Pakos
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
The poison gas fills the room!
Bugbear tries to save vs poison - needs a 12
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
Giant frog 3 tries to save - needs a 14
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Giant frog 4 tries to save - needs a 14
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
Pakos needs a 8 or better on a d20 to leap out of the way of the gas or he will have to make a save of 13 or better or die!
Garth and the noble hear the skaven clanking around. They stop talking and look at the rat man. The 4 bodyguards put their hands on the hilts of their weapons.
Pakos tries to jump to safety...
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
and if he fails, he'll try to not inhale the gaz...
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Murkins waits to hear the response of the crowd about going after the red dragon...
Shakespeare savors his victory and then considers what to do next. Survival has given him a thrill he has not known since his random creation. Perhaps he should invest farther in his ability to survive.
Drink completed Shakespeare travels to the blacksmith to look at some armor.
Murkins attracts
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
level 0 villagers - peasants, artisans and the like. Even a dreaded housecat!
Pakos, alas, alone and forgotten in the dungeon, dies from the poison gas. If it is any consolation, both giant frogs die because they eat the bugbear's and Pakos' corpse, which are of course full of poison.
Percival walks up to Murkin and raises his voice in a resounding call!
"I harken to your call o mighty boy-man! i shall aid you in your valiant quest to rescue your fathers soul, as i wish to be a knight one day, or something of the sort. Come, join us breathren!"
help Murkin in raising a peasant army
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
also, i wish i was permanently stronger (idk how other dms do wishes, so watever your call is)
Percival attracts a single penniless hag to the cause. He is not a true leader.
Shakespeare sees that the blacksmith's inventory is strangely identical to the equipment listed in OSRIC or Labyrinth lords or the d20 SRD. Whatever.
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
Atilla looks up at them, "Have you seen my sister Elsie, I seemed to have miss placed her again?" starts searching baround looking for Elsie, trying to stay in ear shot.
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
"o penniless hag, what be you? have you any combat potential? and what be'est thine name?"
Percival raises his luckblade and calls out
inspire people
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
The first REAL dungeons crawler being dead. It is now time for....
Rolling 3d6: (2+3+3): Total = 8
Rolling 3d6: (5+4+1): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (3+6+4): Total = 13
Rolling 3d6: (6+2+1): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (3+5+4): Total = 12
Rolling 3d6: (6+6+4): Total = 16
Percival gains 2 points of strength!
Percival's speech inspires the pathetic villagers! They will do whatever you tell them to do! Charge a dragon, run off a cliff, kick a horse to death in 20 minutes or less, whatever.
Percival (100/2187)
Str- 10 (0)
Dex- 9 (-1)
Con- 13 (+2)
Int- 9 (-1)
Wis- 11 (0)
Cha- 9 (-1)
"now good Murkin, how do we go about saving your father and getting claim to one of his most excellent castles? I have a feeling one of them will have a round table, and i have always wanted to start a group of knights. and all knights need a castle given to them by daddy."
"First, noble Percival, we must find the Red Dragon. Then we and our glorious army shall ride out to meet the monster. Villagers! How say you. Do any of you know the whereabouts of the Red Dragon, or the King whose princess was stolen away?"
Gather information or something?
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Before I can get going again, I need some stats for my cohort. He's a fighter so he needs at least 9 in strength so depending on the rolls, I may need to adjust, I assume the (2/1 rule applies here).
Rolling 3d6: (3+2+4): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (4+1+3): Total = 8
Rolling 3d6: (5+1+3): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (2+1+1): Total = 4
Rolling 3d6: (6+5+6): Total = 17
Rolling 3d6: (5+6+6): Total = 17
I can I make a request to direct swap the 17s on the character for STR and CON to fit his predetermined character class? His stats would then read
STR - 17 (+3)
DEX - 8
CON - 17 (+3)
INT - 9
WIS - 4
CHA - 9
OOC: If I had a luck blade, this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icr0eW1fRSs&feature=PlayList&p=9681052703A10172&index=33)is what I would do with it.
*ooc. hm, what would happen if i wished to be a baller?
*ooc. hm, what would happen if i wished to be a baller?
With a 6-4 Impala?
so what is everyone doing now?
The dungeon has been reset - it is now a brand new dungeon.
Also, the dragon is 7 hexes away. OVERLAND JOURNEY.
so what is everyone doing now?
The dungeon has been reset - it is now a brand new dungeon.
Also, the dragon is 7 hexes away. OVERLAND JOURNEY.
How far is a hex?
Just asking so I know what supplies I need, and if I should perchance buy a wagon for my royal self.
Also, is there by any chance some convenient secret underground tunnels in the nearby cave system (dungeon) that might take me in the right direction?
Knowledge Caves n' Caverns
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
Hairy Fapper (50,100/60,000)
Hairy sends Five God to the Adventurers' Magical Goods Trade Emporium with a small shopping list:
Ring of Sustenance x2 = 5,000
Wand of Cure Light Wounds x2 = 1,500
Wand of Magic Missile (5th Level) = 3,750
Bracelet of Friends = 19,000
Handy Haversack = 2,000
+2 Full Plate Mail = 5,650
+2 Tower Shield = 4,180
+2 Long Sword = 8,315
I'll take the remaining 605 in coin.
Percival attempts to ready his men to travel the 7 hexes. he tells them it will be a long and arduous trek, and to bring proper supplies.
He says to meet in a days time in this spot
"Well now brave Murkin, shall we go and find a way to pay for our expedition in the new dungeon that ive been hearing about? After all, you look trustworthy, we should form a party."
*Not sure if you saw my post I was attempting to listen to the noble and merchant a 2nd time. while looking for elsie. *
the merchant and noble shut up because they heard you trying to sneak up on them. They are just staring at redcap.
Elsie is around.
Hairy can get all that shit. Whatever.
The pathetic villagers are too dumb to know what to bring. You guys better specify what you are buying.
You can get to the red dragon via the dungeon, but you can be sure those villagers are going to die or get lost if you go that route.
Hairy Fapper (50,100/60,000)
While Five God is out procuring our magic items, I'm going to prepare the following spells with the idea that we are going to go dungeon crawling to get to wherever the fuck we need to go. This on the basis that I assume someone from the town or other adventurers will ask me to assist in the trip.
Spells (1st Level = 4)
Ray of Enfeeblement
Enlarge Person
Feather Fall
(2nd Level = 3)
Protection from Arrows
Scorching Ray
Continual Flame
(3rd Level = 2)
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
Atilla walks away from the merchant, noble and his guards and trys to keep an eye on them from a distance to see what there up too.
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
Atilla falls into a puddle of mud and gets some in his eys. He winces in pain and trys to find his way to a well or foutain to wash his face in.
Search for something to wipe his face with
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
Elsie thinks about this whole 4 wishes thing . .
" Wish number one, I want to be just like one of my childhood heroes, Robin Hood."
(This would effectivly leave me as aa Skaven but grant me dual class as a theif (4) and archer (4).
Turns to Ahren
"Want to e one of my Merry Men?"
To Redcap
" Want to come too , I'm sure I can wish you both something nice and sve my other two wishes for emergencies?"
Ahren is quite dead.
Elsie becomes a skaven ranger!
Elsie gains a +1 long sword!
Elsie gains a +1 longbow!
Elsie gains weapon specialization longbow (+1 to hit +2 to damage)
Elsie gets a quiver of arrows
Elsie gets leather armor +1!
Elsie gains 50,000 experience points!
Elsie becomes level 6!
Elsie gains a 25,000 gold piece bounty on her head, placed by the sheriff of the kingdom!
Well if thats how that works, Percival wishes he is a noble knight.
"Now hear me! Any adventurers looking for adventure hearken to my call! We are off for fame and treasure and slaying of mighty dick dragons who kidnap skanky hoes. Those from any walk of life are welcome to join and share our loot of the dragon."
Percival goes about putting up flyers to notify anyone with the PC aura that we need help going to slay a dragon
ok ross so where's my band of misfit merry men. If I'm " just like Robin Hood" I want my drunken dwarf cleric (friar tuck)and fat orc fighter (little john) at the very least
My moderator privileges are overriding my ability to attach files. Trying to upload character sheets from Core Rules.
Elsie is like Robin Hood but she isn't identical to Robin Hood.
Percival becomes a level 1 paladin!
Percival gains plate armor!
Percival gains a shield and long sword!
Percival gains a war horse with barding!
Percival becomes lawful good!
Oh and a group of
Rolling 3d6: (1+3+5): Total = 9
bounty hunters hired by the sheriff to kill Elsie immediately attack the village!
They go on initiative
Rolling 1d20+1: (16)+1: Total = 17
They assume everyone is allied with Elsie so they gonna kill you all.
post character sheets in this thread - include ALL deck draws and wishes made
They assume everyone is allied with Elsie so they gonna kill you all.
Am I included in this BS? I was at the inn....
bandits going to the inn next
after they kill everyone standing outside
the NPCs (aside from pathetic villager followers) will not help you.
It is up to
to kill dem bandits
bandits going to the inn next
Hairy Fapper (50,100/60,000)
Five God gets back to the inn with the magical equipment and tells Hairy Fapper of the bandits approaching the inn.
"We should protect this establishment Five God." Hairy says to his companion who nods in agreement. Hairy helps Five God into his new armor and the two head downstairs. In the bar, they will attempt to rally the few patrons left and fortify the front by stacking tables in front of the door and chairs.
Rolling 1d20-1: (6)-1: Total = 5
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Percival mounts his steed, trots in a circle, and calls to his followers!
"We shall stop these bandits and save the town from destruction!"
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
ooc* do i get to roll for hp as a pally, or am i still at 2? how bouts my horse? i am lacking in reference bookage
ur horse is a war horse - use stats from OSRIC or whatever.
OSRIC work not for this noble knight, so his steed shall only have
Rolling 1d8: (7): Total = 7
and he shall have
Rolling 1d10+1: (8)+1: Total = 9
And Percival charges the bandits with his ragtag army at his heels, or hoofs, or whatever. when its his turn
Hairy Fapper
Oh, yeah, after Hairy finishes fortifying the inn. He'll go on initiative
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
and Five God
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
rolling for hit points
Rolling 5d8+11: (6+6+1+3+7)+11: Total = 34
rolls for initaive
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
Initiative, wot?
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
"Noble villagers, this is not your fight! Scatter to your homes and bar the doors until I call for you!"
Persuasion or somesuch.
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
Also, when my initiative comes around, Murkin will likely attempt to Hide in Shadows as the fleeing villagers create enough visual chaos to mask his temporary disappearance.
Dunno if 1 is the highest or lowest initiative in this version, so I'll just roll to disappear now.
Hide in Shadows (according to OSRIC I have a 50% chance, so I guess I need a 10. My dex is a +2 if it is relevant.)
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
Pathethic villagers initiative!
Rolling 1d20-5: (5)-5: Total = 0
Zimmermann was walking down the streets of (whatever) village, when suddenly....
(cue for dungeon master)
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
Atilla agrees to follow Elsie as her Quote Merry Men as he finishes washing the mud from his eyes.
Lets try that again
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
Zimmermann decides to draw 5 cards.
Rolling 1d22: (18): Total = 18
Rolling 1d22: (16): Total = 16
Rolling 1d22: (2): Total = 2
Rolling 1d22: (8): Total = 8
Rolling 1d22: (22): Total = 22
Zimmerman draws 5 cards while the battle swarms around the village!
Sun Gain beneifcial magic item and 50,000 xp.
Skull Defeat dread wraith or forever be destroyed.
Comet Defeat the next monster you encounter to gain one level.
Gem Gain your choice of 25 pieces of jewellery or 50 gems.
The Void Body functions but soul is trapped elsewhere.
Unnoticed by everyone, Zimmerman the bard collapses. The dread wraith kicks the comatose body but decides not to kill him because his soul will still exist.
In the Grey Wastes
Asinius the lich notices another adventurer's soul appears in his soul prison. He chuckles.
If Berkin is rescued, so will Zimmerman!
Harper the Harpist
Friendly neighborhood Bard
Rolling 3d6: (5+1+1): Total = 7
Rolling 3d6: (1+1+4): Total = 6
Rolling 3d6: (5+5+4): Total = 14
Rolling 3d6: (2+2+4): Total = 8
Rolling 3d6: (2+6+6): Total = 14
Rolling 3d6: (2+3+4): Total = 9
Draws 5 cards:
Rolling 1d22: (16): Total = 16
Rolling 1d22: (1): Total = 1
Rolling 1d22: (1): Total = 1
Rolling 1d22: (6): Total = 6
Rolling 1d22: (13): Total = 13
This is madness!
This is madness!
Power level over.......!!!!!!
Harper draws 5 cards
Balance - change alignment
Balance - change alignment again
Flames Enmity between you and an outsider.
Moon XVIII. You are granted
Rolling 1d4: (3): Total = 3
Doesn't the Many Deck run out eventually? This is getting into craziness....
There can only be so many Dread Wraiths hanging about waiting to kill adventurers.
cards are reshuffled into the deck.
Dread wraiths disappear if they kill their targets or something worse happens to them.
"I wish that the Dead Wraith disappears in the abyss to never return to this plane."
"I wish to be the best bard that be on this land."
"I that my harp have the ability to summon rodents to help me in times of distress."
fuck waiting for Tad
Shakespeare's Initiative is
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
Percival attacks?
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
The dread wraith tries to resist the magic. It needs a natural 20
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
Harper gains 50,000 experience points!
Harper is now level 7!
Harper gains A harp of the sewers! This magical instrument can be
used to summon up to 101 normal rats, if any are within 400 ft.
The rats take a turn to travel 50 ft and the pipes must be played
continuously. When the rats arrive at the player’s location he
or she will be able to command them telepathically but only
so long as he or she continues to play. When the music stops
the rats leave immediately.
Two bandits attack Elsie! They need a 15 to hit her
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
bandit 3 attacks percival. He needs a 18 to hit
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
bandit 4 attacks Redcap. He needs a 16 to hit him
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
bandit 5 hides in shadows! He needs a 35 or lower
Rolling 1d100: (62): Total = 62
bandit 6 attacks Hairy. He needs a 12 to hit him
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
Bandit 7 and 8 attack 5god. They need a 17 I think
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
Bandit 9 attacks a pathetic villager! He needs a 8
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
Once this round is down (I imagine), I'll start playing my harp to summon rats in order to stop the battle raging in the streets.
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Elsie takes
Rolling 2d8+2: (5+2)+2: Total = 9
damage from a vicious bow shot.
A pathetic villager is slain by a bandit. The villager coughs up blood, his intestines draped around his legs after being disemboweled, begging for help from his heroes. But he dies before you can do anything.
"NOOOOOOO!!!!! My brave follower! I shall forever mourn the loss of the nameless hideous hag who came to my call for aid"
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
Atilla Attacks Bandit number 4
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
*btw do i get any attack/damage bonus for being level 6?*
Pretty much everyone else can attack.
The bandits have an AC of 7.
dwarves have fighter thaco so at level 6, you have THACO 15
15-AC 7 = 8 or better.
The pathetic Villagers
They attack
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
swarming one of the bandits, they try to prove their worth
pathetic villagers rally to get revenge but bandit 9 throws some loose intestines hanging off his sword onto the pathetic villagers and they get scared :(
Shakespeare freaks out because his player wasn't paying attention and suddenly noticed his character's name mentioned in the same post as "initiative".
(Am I already hidden, or is that my action? And do I need to re-roll? I passed on a d20 but it looks like we're using d100's for skill checks.)
thief abilities work on a percentile.
you need to post your sheet murkin in the sheet thread
you need to post your sheet murkin in the sheet thread
Puttin it together right now.
Hide in Shadows: (need a 50% or lower according to chart)
Rolling 1d100: (85): Total = 85
Hairy Fapper and Five God
Hairy casts displacement on himself, providing him a 50% chance to miss all attacks that hit.
Five God attacks the bandit that tried to attack him (he his on a 7 or better).
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Harry Fapper and Five God
Five God lands a savage blow with his long sword. For
Rolling 1d8+5: (7)+5: Total = 12
5GOD clefts a bandit in twain! The bandit is dead.
Elsie attacks the bandit in front of her. "Die, die, die, die, die!"
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Elsie hits for
Rolling 1d8+2: (4)+2: Total = 6
Her shot totally kills a bandit! They have shit for hit points.
One bandits continues to attack Elsie! He needs a 15 to hit her
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
bandit 3 attacks percival. He needs a 18 to hit
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
bandit 4 attacks Redcap. He needs a 16 to hit him
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
bandit 5 hides in shadows! He needs a 35 or lower
Rolling 1d100: (78): Total = 78
bandit 6 attacks Hairy. He needs a 12 to hit him
Rolling 1d20:
(11): Total = 11
Bandit 7 attacks 5GOD. Needs a 17,
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Bandit 9 attacks a pathetic villager! He needs a 8
Rolling 1d20:
bandit 6 attacks Hairy. He needs a 12 to hit him
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
Bandit 9 attacks a pathetic villager! He needs a 8
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
Hairy is displaced! The bandit needs to roll a 51 or better to hit him!
Rolling 1d100: (31): Total = 31
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,001
Atilla squeaks, "BRING IT ON YOU BASTERDS!"
swing at bandit 4
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
Well, another pathetic villager is horribly killed. Stabbed in the head. The bandit laughs as blood sprays all around.
PCs can attack GO GO GO
Redcap hits! An axe does 1d8 plus strength modifier!
Atilla Redcap 50,013/70,000
Atilla feels his axe bite into the bandits shoulder
Rolling 1d8: (7): Total = 7
The axe is hungry and continues biting through the shoulder
the torso
the other side of the torso
it's pretty gory but bandit 4 is dead.
Hairy and Five God
Hairy says, "He hot flame asshole!" And casts Scorching Ray.
Touch Attack
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Five God swings at the remaining bandit.
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Murkin will attempt to duck behind some of the fleeing villagers and Hide in Shadows
Hide in Shadows (50% or lower to succeed)
Rolling 1d100: (61): Total = 61
Hairy and Five God
Five God misses and swears a swear that can't be repeated.
Hairy's touch attack hits for
Rolling 4d6: (4+5+5+2): Total = 16
fire damage.
Atilla Redcap 70,001/? ill look it up in a min
woot level 7 haha! thank you comet card.
hit dice
Rolling 1d8+1: (8)+1: Total = 9
The bandit's fiery death would make a great heavy metal album cover
If there are any Banditsleft Elsie attacks
"Feel my rath you scum"
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
If I hit (I hit with that right?)
Elsie does
Rolling 1d8+2: (2)+2: Total = 4
With your long sword you'd hit on a 6, so yes, you hit with that. I only know that from having to play your character last night because Ross is an impatient DM.
*haha Well, I think its him just trying to get threw the combat encounter faster so were not all stuck in one combat.*
The bandit's fiery death would make a great heavy metal album cover
The Bandit's Fiery Death would make a great name for a punk or speed metal band or album.
Percival attacks at any remaining bandits, cuz theyre assholes
Rolling 1d20: (2): Total = 2
Rolling 1d8: (4): Total = 4
Elsie kills a bandit, for a total of 3 this round. Only 4 bandits remain!
bandit 1 attacks Elsie, charging her with a spear. He needs a 14 to hit because he is charging
Rolling 1d20: (2): Total = 2
Bandit 2 attacks Hairy Fapper. He needs a 8 to hit! I forgot hairy's AC was 10.
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
Bandit 3 attacks Redcap in revenge! He needs a 15 or better to hit
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Bandit 4 attacks Shakespeare, seeing the cleric as an easy target. He needs an 8 or better to hit
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Redcap takes
Rolling 1d8+1: (2)+1: Total = 3
damage from the attack!
Hairy and Five God
Hairy uses the Friendship Bracelet to call Five God to him.
Five God attacks the bandit (needs a 7 or better to hit).
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
Five God hits for
Rolling 1d8+5: (4)+5: Total = 9
Percival, berating himself for his suckage, turns and makes another pass on his steed.
swing that doesnt suck ass!
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
damage that doesnt suck ass!
Rolling 1d8: (3): Total = 3
Realises these bandits are clearly too clever to be hidden from. He charges bandit 4 with his dagger, seeing how badly Bandit 4 flubbed that last roll. Perhaps this is an opponent he can defeat?
Desperately leaps at the Bandit 4, attempting to stab him in the squishy parts. He needs a 6 or better I believe?
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
And hopes to do
Rolling 1d4: (4): Total = 4
damage to the bandit.
If he has time, he will grab a sword from a fallen bandit to use in the next round.
Elsie attacks the bandit in front of her.
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
"die die die die die you scum"
Rolling 1d8+3: (2)+3: Total = 5
Atilla Redcap
Atilla yells in pain, "YYYYYYYAAAARRRRRRRRRR" and attacks the bandit on him.
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
search for the mercheant as a minor action
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
Atilla Redcap
Atilla smiles an evil smile as his axe hits the target.
Rolling 1d8: (6): Total = 6
Only one bandit remains!
He attacks his target, Shakespeare in a mad attempt to kill at least one enemy before dying!
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
Shakespeare collapses in a bloody heap, taking
Rolling 1d8: (6): Total = 6
Shakespeare is at -5 hit points!
He is dying but not out!
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla See's shakespeare go down, and attacks the man standing over him!
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Rolling 1d8: (7): Total = 7
:Hairy Fapper and Five God:
Hairy takes one of the wands of Cure Light Wounds and waves it in Shakespeare's direction. "Sigh. Why is it always the pretty ones that go down..."
Healing Power
Rolling 1d8+5: (4)+5: Total = 9
Only clerics can use divine wands.
oh and technically they shouldn't even exist in this world
but whatever
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla looks to Elsie, "should we attempt to help the would be assassin?"
Atilla searches to see if he can find the evil merchent.
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
The merchant is holed up in the inn, which has been fortified. All the doors are locked, windows shuttered and furniture barricaded against the entrances.
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla walks up to the door of the inn and knocks, "Hello, anyone left in there, the coast is clear take down the barricade."
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
Percival walks up and tries to lay on hands on Shakespeare. if he even can do that yet
"good work team"
Percival then sets off to travel seven...whatever the fucks, to reach the dragon. getting food, water, and a porno mag.
Percival heals Shakespeare!
Shakespeare has 1/1 hit points.
Redcap hears a voice from the inn "We'll wait for you adventurers to leave. Seems safer."
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla walks away from the inn and heads back to the ally behind the inn, too meet his master, "Master it goes well, I have become stronger im just waiting to get inside the inn and the merchent will be yours. do you know of any way into the inn?"
Hairy Fapper
Hairy throws the two wands of Cure Light Wounds onto the ground saying, "Anyone here a cleric? Can anyone uses these worthless things."
Hairy then shakes his fist in the direction of the DM.
Percival turns around in hopes of getting some better shit from the Hairy Fapper. Percival likes free stuff.
The rat king squeaks "now is the time of the revolution! Storm the Inn and kill everyone inside it!" The rat king is foaming at the mouth.
Shakespeare bleeds in a method which hopefully conveys he would be graetful for some healing.
Where is my harpist?
Harper the harpist is lurking near the stables. He sees everything that is going on in the village.
Only the skaven can understand the rat king's squeaking.
"Noble countrymen, those of you who still stand are clearly strong and brave. If you still wish to reclaim the soul of your fallen king, come with myself and Knight Percival, and we will see you armed and fed on the journey."
Diplomacy to get the scared and wussy villagers to come with me.
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Follows Percival's lead, going by the Blacksmith who was certainly once a great adventurer. "Goodly blacksmith, who was certainly not afraid of of such lowly bandits. Do you happen to have a strong sword, a several knives weighted for throwing, and a suit of leather armor that might fit one such as myself?"
"Also, if you have the supplies, please equip each of these noble countrymen who journey with with a sword, knife or axe at their preference. I shall of course pay you on their behalf. And should we come across such on our journey, I shall set aside a fine peice of metalwork as a special token for your kind service."
Diplomacy to get the Blacksmith to come out of hiding and sell him shit at a reasonable price
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Also buys food for himself and his adventurers on the journey. And a cloak to keep warm.
He will pay with the gems he received from his Deck of Many Things card.
I assume Percival can use the wands of Cure Light Wounds that I purchased. So consider them out of my inventory and in his.
Percival can use the wands.
Murkin better be specific with his purchases. When I see "I'm gonna buy some stuff" I see "I am going to buy things that will not be used in the adventure because I didn't say what they were"
Harper the Harpist
Harper approaches Murkin.
"I am but a humble harpist, who's only talent is to call upon the might of a hundred rat when I play my songs. I might not be able to swing a sword or shoot lightning, but I wish to lend my harp to this party, so that its beautiful music may guide our way throughout the darkest times, and that we bring our good king back on his throne."
Atilla Redcap
Atilla runs back to the town square and attempts to rally everyone in storming the Inn, "Hurry my fellows, I was just told that Merchent Garth is working with the evil sheriff and bandits, TO THE INN AND KILL HIM AND HIS LACKEY'S!"
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Hairy Fapper and Five God
"OK, ratman, just wait a gaw-darn-minute. Let's get some things straightened out. First, you turn the wheelchair bound dwarf into a full walking ratgirl. Then you try to scam people. Then we get attacked which I'm pretty sure is your fault as well. And now you want us to attack the people in the inn without providing a very good explanation. What do you good townfolk think?"
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Damn you again Ross for wanting to use D20 skill check rules instead of classic rules.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla just shakes his head, "I have told you this is my sister not a dwarf you can clearly tell that, you saw the bandits randomly attack us, and now I tell you the Merchant is conspiring with the sheirff that is out to kill us all, and you dont belive me. Fine go on your own path the rest of you come with me!"
Atilla starts to head to the inn.
Atilla Redcap
Atilla se4arches the bodys of the bandits before he goes to the inn.
Hairy Fapper and Five God
Seeing that arguing with rat-idiot and the idiot-townies is getting him no where, Hairy sighs a big sigh and says to Five God, "I guess we should go procure some horses before they burn the stables down."
Atilla Redcap
Atilla looks back to Hairy while searching the bandits, "There you go assumeing things again, I clearly dont have torches and dont plan on burrining down any buildings, I just want the people responsable of these attacks to be gone."
"Why yes my good sir Harper! Come join our band! we are the noblest knights in the land, treasure, adventure, and comely wenches wait for us. oh, and badassness, thats out there somewhere too. our first task is to kill this goddamn dragon! then we gotta find a round table or sum shit. oh, and we gotta get a wizard. maybe that Hairy guy can be our wizard. this looks to be promising. huzza!"
Percival waits to see if the people with PC auras come with him, if not, he thinks he is badass enough to take on some bitch ass dragon.
Ross is AFK this weekend because he's at some steampunk thing in Arkansas. He should have a post/update about it when he gets back.
L2BLACKBERRY! J/K I know AK dont have cell phone towers.
L2BLACKBERRY! J/K I know AK dont have cell phone towers.
They have cell towers. Ross doesn't have a Blackberry. A fact that I take advantage of at all times in making fun of him.
And I'm in Madson so we are all screwed. i'm working though so positng will be hard. If/ When I am not here Setherick can post for me . I trust him not to intentonally kill me.
L2BLACKBERRY! J/K I know AK dont have cell phone towers.
They have cell towers. Ross doesn't have a Blackberry. A fact that I take advantage of at all times in making fun of him.
Rolling 3d6: (1+1+6): Total = 8
Rolling 3d6: (3+2+6): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (1+1+1): Total = 3
Rolling 3d6: (6+4+4): Total = 14
Rolling 3d6: (5+2+4): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (5+5+6): Total = 16
Vanderbeek the Arcanist!
Str: 8 -1
Dex: 11 +0
Con: 3 -4
Int: 14 +2
Wis: 11 +0
Cha: 16 +3
Vanderbeek uses illusion spells to hide the fact that he starts with -2 hp. Vanderbeek is powerful ELF and cast many spells. One day his parents were killed and he got amnesia. Then he found out he was the CHOSEN ONE ELF THE BEST and his parents were killed. He forgot because he had DOUBLE AMNESIA. Vanderbeek then went to a creek where his parents were killed. He was sad and swore a BLOOD OATH of OATHYNESS to kill whomever had killed his parents. But his mysterious past was remebered and it was he who killer his parents. So he stab his legs and guts and got MYSTERIOUS AMNESIA because his parents were killed.
Vandeerbeek walks into town, struggling against the powerful malestrom that is the gentle spring breeze. He is so mysterious. He sense a PC aura around Percival.
"I can see you look trustworthy. Since I am an elf and better than everyone and so mysterious you probably want to hang out and kill dragons together."
Ravenwood festival was fun.
Anyway, what do you want me to handle? I'm a bit lost in what's going on. Gimme a recap
we killed the bandits, me and hairy flapper argued and I think I won, trying to convince the people to storm the inn because the merchent sides with the shierff according to me! And im busy looting the bodies of the bandits.
Percival is just waiting for the other PC's to see if they shall come and slay the dick dragon with him. if not, he will set off on his own.
I just showed up with my PC aura and a MYSTERIOUS PAST
"Yes Vandeerbeek, any company i can get in slaying the dragon is excellent. Come, and we shall slay that dick!"
"Percival, lets go to the map shop and buy a map to the dragon"
Vandeerbeek walks into the map shop and calls out the innkeeper.
"Human, bring me your inferior human map drawn with your dumb human hands so my superiority elf eyes may look at it"
Rolling diplomacy if that all works
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Hairy and Five God are off to buy horses before another PC burns down the stable.
Unfortunately, the peasants are too cowardly to storm the inn. Redcap and company aren't going to get NPCs to do their dirty work. However, they won't try to protect the Inn.
The pathetic villagers under the banner of Murkin want to kill the dragon and we've already seen how effective they are in battle.
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,O00
Atilla heads to the inn, and attempts to kick down the door.
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
The door holds.
A voice from inside the inn asks "What are you doing? What's going on?"
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla clearly can not kick the door to the inn down, walks back to Percival, "oh kay knight clearly I'm not strong enough to storm the inn by my self, if I help you slay this dragon would you help me and Elsie defeat the evil merchent?"
Realizing he doesn't have money for maps, Vandeerbeek goes back just in time to see Atilla. "Hey I have an idea, plus i bet the dragon is in the basement."
Vandeerbeek goes up to the door at the inn and peeks under the door and casts charm person on the innkeeper
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla is very confused by the new mystic and silently watches to see what happens.
"Hey innkeeper, its your best friend Vandeerbeek and I am cold and want to come inside. Open the door. Also we want to fight the dragon in your basement"
Percival rides up to Atilla
"I am not sure if there is just cause to kill the priest and his sister, ratness not withstanding. but perhaps the mythic Vandeerbeek will yield you better results. And if they display any dickness, i shall aid you. i absolutely hate dicks."
The innkeeper gets a savings throw! He needs a 17 or better to resist the charm.
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
The innkeeper is charmed!
He begins to move the barricades away from the door! However, all the characters hear a scuffle, then nothing. A new voice says "You vile magic user! Your sorcery shall not beguile all of us!" It is the voice of the nobleman.
Percival walks up to the door and does a detect evil in the direction of the bar.
"goddamn, this is getting rediculous. as is my spelling"
The Inn is not evil.
Detect evil does not penetrate solid objects.
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla waits to see what happens in the inn, "Good Knight, from what I understand the merchent was working for the shierff that sent the bandits after us earlyer, the noble men is posible a hostage controlled by the merchents evil magics!"
Rolling 1d20: (2): Total = 2
The noble replies "liar! There's a wanted notice posted in the inn saying that there's a bounty on Elsie the ranger in the amount of 25,000 gold pieces. The sheriff posts all bounties. Undoubtedly the bandits attacked us to claim the bounty!"
oh yeah
bandit loot
35 gold
3 usable sets of leather armor
2 long swords
2 long bows
30 arrows
1 gem worth 25 gold
3 weeks of rations
2 water skins
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla takes a sword, the 35 gold, the 1 gem worth 25 gold, 1 water skin, and 3 weeks trial rations.
Well, so long as i dont roll a 1, im not getting involved
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Percival goes over and takes a longbow and 20 of the arrows.
Then he calls once more for the dragon hunt, and sets off.
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla looks at the knight, "I will assist you knight if you give me a chance later to prove there dicks, Matter of fact I have prof that they are now, Merchent Garth hired that man back there," Atilla points at shakespeare, "to poison my people! and im sure a noble knight can not let geniocide of a population go un-challenged!"
Exhausted and having used up all his ELVEN spells for the day, Vandeerbeek calls out to the noble in hopes of parlay'
"Your a dick and I'm gonna find a dragon and have him kill you"
He then turns to Atilla and Percival
"Well they have killed the innkeeper. We will have to wait till a larval innkeeper crawls along and takes this inn as its shell, if my Human biology class has taught me anything.
Rolling Knowlegde: Human Biology
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
"In the meantime, lets find that dragon."
Somehow the players decide to go after the dragon. Or at least some of them.
It's a pleasant pastoral landscape, a fruited plain with amber waves of grain. A quaint little brook separates the players from Hex 2.
A stone bridge goes over the brook but a sign next to the path reads
who is staying at the village?
"Look guys. This bridge is either an illusion on a trap. I say we burn it down just to be safe either way.
Vandeerbeek disbelives the illusion
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
"Anyone have flint and steel? and the non weapon profeicincy burning bridges?"
the bridge is 4 reals
Percival looks left and right of the bridge. If the river isnt that bad, he simply fords the brook. at a distance away from the bridge.
River safety knowledge
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
river fording
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Percival fords the fuck out of the river
unfortunately this ain't oregon trail
A giant fucking crayfish pops out to attack Percival!
He is surprised on a 1-3 on a d6
Rolling 1d6: (6): Total = 6
there are actually
Rolling 2d6: (1+5): Total = 6
giant crayfish
They roll
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
for initiative!
oh yeah totally forgot
everyone who killed a bandit gets 15 experience points per kill
"Geneva damn it!"
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Percival tries to outdistance them on his horse, then make passes at them so he doesnt hafta get gangraped.
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
The attack harmlessly clanks against the armored shell of the monster!
Only one crayfish is able to attack Percival this round, the one that he attacked. It lashes out with 2 claws. It needs a 14 or better to hit!
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
Percival is pinched badly! The claw does
Rolling 2d6: (4+5): Total = 9
Percival is staggered and woozy! He can still act but just barely
Fuck that shit! Percival runs his bitch ass away and uses a charge from the wand he picked up
Rolling 1d8+1: (8)+1: Total = 9
the healing one from Hairy Fapper
"Shit. This bridge just got real."
Percival gets back to shore, wet, humiliated and with a nice big dent in his plate mail.
There is a low chuckle from underneath the bridge.
Vandeerbeek uses ELVEN MAGIC to set the bridge on fire
Casting "Milandra's Flaming Hummingbird of Bridge Burning"
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
"Vandeerkbeek conjures a small hummingbird several feet from himself because it is hot! Vandeerbeek points at the bridge. The hummingbird of flame, thinking with its small hummingbird mind hurls towards the bridge."
This is what Vandeerbeek narrates and what should happen if it does.
Percival, upset with his bitch ass ness, decides to challenge the troll to a duel
"Shut the Fuck up you cockbag cum shitter! i challenge thee to suck on my sword!"
Atilla Redcap
Atilla watches as the knight challenges the troll to a duel. Atilla walks up to the knight and whispers, "if it starts to go bad want me to jump his tubby ass?"
Vandeerbeek hallucinates about casting a spell because there is no such spell and this is a game with RULES and shit. Look at labyrinth lords for a spell list.
A massive two headed troll clambers up the bridge. Both heads grin
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
and my attack, since im a cocky bastard
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
if that hits, which i doubt, it does
Rolling 1d8: (7): Total = 7
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Vandeerbeek is still casting The FIRERY HUMMINGBIRD at the bridge
Oh shit, Vandeerbeek needs to learn to read. RETCON
Hairy Fapper (50,115/60,000) and Five God (8,030/16,000)
"Five God, perhaps we should back up a few feet." Hairy Fapper and Five God maneuver their horses away from the crazy people trying to fight the troll.
OOC: Assuming I haven't had time to take a 2 hour nap (as per Ring of Sustenance, which Ross OK'ed) so spells as follows:
(1st Level = 4)
Ray of Enfeeblement
Enlarge Person
Feather Fall
(2nd Level = 3)
Protection from Arrows
Scorching Ray
Continual Flame
(3rd Level = 2)
Vandeerbeek's mysterious amnesia kicks in again and forgets his magical training. In a fit of strength and cunning he lightly saunters to the troll with his sword!
Vandeerbeek closes his eyes and swings!
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
Atilla Redcap 70,046/140,000
Atilla sees the mage charge in with his sword and assumes were just all gonna go at it now!
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
Hairy and Five God
Hairy takes notes on the battle for obits.
The two headed troll, son of an ettin and troll, claws once at Vanderbeek! He needs a 2 to hit.
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
The other claw goes out at Redcap! He needs a 7 to hit
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Both heads lean in and snap at Percival! He needs a 8 or better to hit
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
In case you were wondering, old school games don't have a thing called 'balance'.
All of the PCs fail to hit. The troll's AC is 4. In the future, Redcap needs a 10 to hit the monster.
Vanderbeek takes
Rolling 1d6: (1): Total = 1
damage and collapses to the ground in a bloody heap.
Redcap also takes
Rolling 1d6: (3): Total = 3
damage but is still alive, I would imagine.
Poor Sir Percival takes
Rolling 3d10: (10+2+7): Total = 19
Percival is quite dead.
Actually, Vanderbeek is at 0 hit points so he can still act. Only Redcap stands against the giant.
Harper who has been standing close-by looking puzzled at what is unfolding tries to catch the attention of the Ettin/troll.
He yells as loud as he can: "Hello there, good sir Troll! I don't want to bother you while you are battling ruffians, but if it's not too much to ask, how much would it cost for me to cross the bridge?"
The two headed troll pauses. The left head says "Well, normally it's like a cow buuutttt..."
his foot kicks percival's corpse
The right head says "Maybe a little extra snackage..." and kicks vanderbeek a bit.
Hairy and Five God
"Why don't you offer him the dead paladin's horse? I think trolls like horse flesh." Hairy yells to the stranger talking to the troll.
well fuck. time for a new character
Rolling 3d6: (5+6+5): Total = 16
Rolling 3d6: (2+3+5): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (6+3+2): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (3+6+2): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (2+4+6): Total = 12
Rolling 3d6: (2+2+5): Total = 9
this nobody runs out and grabs the goddamn luckblade a-fucking-gain
Kelgar the Fighting Man
Str- 16 (+3)
Dex- 10 (0)
Con- 11 (+0)
Int- 11 (0)
Wis- 12 (+1)
Cha- 9 (-1)
Alas, poor Percival, a strange knight to these lands. Once but a mere dwarf roused from his thousand year sleep by a goddamn titan, he became a mighty and kick ass knight. But to no avail. Due to bullshit luck, him and his trusted steed charged headlong into a noble death by a two headed cocksucker. Now, his brother has come to avenge his death....
"I am Kelgar, and i shall vanquish you with the wishes my brother never really wanted to use"
You will have to beat the troll's new initiative in order to get the luckblade before he attacks you.
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
Harper starts to play his harp of the sewers.
"O' sneaky ones, I call upon you,
the little and the bigger too,
my enemies you'll shock and awe,
by your judgment of tooth and claw!"
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
initiative i pray to god do better than a 13!
Rolling 1d20: (10): Total = 10
o, this is Kelgar
Kelgar is saved by a horde of rats! The two headed troll is swarmed by them. He is blinded and stumbling around blindly. Kelgar will need to make an athletics check of 5 or better to get the blade and avoid getting stepped on.
"I pray to SAD GOD to aid me in being nimble so as not to get fucked up by rats and shit"
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
I actually wanted them to attack the insane stranger who's meddling with my business with the troll but okay.
"i shall now avenge my brother and aid you amazing people with auras around yous"
"i wish i was a badass dude so i can kill this troll/ettin asshole!"
Kelgar picks up the luckblade!
"You're welcome, I guess. But push the troll down the bridge while you're at it so he doesn't just bash all of us once the rats clear up.
"i shall now avenge my brother and aid you amazing people with auras around yous"
"i wish i was a badass dude so i can kill this troll/ettin asshole!"
Kelgar becomes a bad ass! That is, an ass of poor or bad quality. Literally. He is a donkey is what I am saying.
i go and kick that troll in the goddamn teeth
donkey kick
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
and my damage
Sorry, too many sides!
and my damage
Rolling 10d100: (50+12+40+54+90+91+6+46+1+94): Total = 484
Kelgar the donkey doth strike the troll with both hooves.
he is a highly superstitious troll and believes that an unseen wizard just polymorphed Kelgar. The troll hides under the bridge again.
The party journeys for a day. They are now deep in a forest. It begins to rain. and rain. and rain.
It is also getting dark.
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla Puts his cloak over his head as the rain comes down. "So, now that the knight is dead, um why are we out here any more any ways, this was the knights quest. Do you think the dragon has phat lutz!?" Atilla says to the rest of the party as he sits down to make camp.
survival (aka my tent/camp making check!)
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
Hairy Fapper and Five God
Hairy and Five God see that people are starting to make camp for the night under the torrential rain. Hairy mutters under his breath, "Sure, gotta rain the day I don't memorize Tiny Hut. Five God remind me from now on to always memorize Tiny Hut or get a wand of Tiny Hut or get a Tiny Hut I can put in a dimensional hole. Jesus. Let's make camp. Oh, goddamn, I don't even have Alarm memorized today. What kind of magician am I...guess will have to go with the old can and string alarm system."
Hairy and Five God make camp the best that they can.
Hairy Makes Camp
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
Five God Makes Camp
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Time to roll up a new character, with Vandeerbeek dead and all
Rolling 3d6: (3+2+2): Total = 7
Rolling 3d6: (6+4+4): Total = 14
Rolling 3d6: (2+3+6): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (3+5+2): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (5+6+1): Total = 12
Rolling 3d6: (3+5+1): Total = 9
STR: 7
DEX: 14
CON: 11
INT: 10
WIS: 12
CHA: 9
Pick Locks Find/Remove Traps Pick Pockets Move Silently Climb Walls Hide in Shadows Hear Noise
17 14 23 23 87 13 1-2
Renay is CN so he can take stuff. Once he took stuff because he was THE CHOSEN ONE. Also his parents are dead and he has amnesia.
Renay walks out of the woods and says "It's dangerous to go alone. You folks look trustworthy. I was on my way to slay a dragon that no one has mentioned yet"
Renay decides to try and take a watch in the dark woods and the dark night in the dark rain. Rolling to see stuff other than rain!
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla says, "well now that we have some what of a camp made up whos gonna take first watch!? ill do last."
Hairy and Five God
"Since my companion and I only require two hours of sleep a day, we'll take the later watches if someone else takes the first one. Also, allow me to help with the watch situation."
Hairy casts Daylight near the fire (will last 1 hour).
"Since I'm already watching, I will take first watch also"
"hee haw!"
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla wishes he was still a dwarf as he falls asleep dreaming of that fine ass going hee haw, only his dwarven charm could win that ass over. too bad hes a skaven now.
The rain eventually subsides. When Hairy Fapper is on watch, a lone pilgrim, wet, bloodied and battered, staggers near the camp. He says "We were attempting to cross a stream when a flash flood swept through us. I was knocked down and barely managed to cling to a tree to survive. A wagon full of orphans is still out there! Won't you help us?"
"Hee Haw"
Kelgar the ass has now found himself with a new craving for orphan-flesh. He follows the man.
Hairy Fapper and Five God
Not to be completely unsympathetic, but as Hairy listens to the man, he will be listening for any signs of falsehood.
Detect Lie
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
Hairy Fapper and Five God
Hairy's spells for the day:
Spells (1st Level = 4)
Ray of Enfeeblement
Enlarge Person
Floating Disc
(2nd Level = 3)
Protection from Arrows
Scorching Ray
Continual Flame
(3rd Level = 2)
Tiny Hut
the pilgrim seems to be telling the truth.
Hairy Fapper and Five God
Hairy casts Continual Flame on a torch. (OOC: I would have done this with my previous spells as well so that should give me two continual torches.)
"OK, Five God, let's go rescue some orphans. But first let's wake someone to watch camp."
Hairy kicks the nearest adventurer and tells them he'll return shortly. Hairy and Five God prepare to follow the orphan leader.
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla gets kicked and wakes up! "WHAT THE FUCK YOU KICKING ME FOR!"
Harper the Harpist
Harper wakes up from the shouting.
"Aieeee. If silence is gold you are coal, my friend. Are we under attack?"
Being an orphan, because his parents are dead mysteriously, Renay is moved by the pilgrim, and resolves to not take his stuff till after the orphans are safe. Renay will join the party if they are going to save the orphans, nut he won't go alone, or first.
The Flash Flood zomg
The BRAVE adventurers who decide to help the HAPLESS orphans follow the pilgrim. After a mile or so of stumbling around in the dark, rain soaked wilderness, they come across a raging torrent of water at the bottom of a valley. It's about 40 feet in width and moving fast and deep.
A covered wagon, illuminated by a single covered lantern creaks and groans. It's wedged against a large boulder but the water is obviously tearing it apart, piece by piece. It will undoubtedly collapse before the waters subside. The wagon is perhaps 25 feet from the players' side of the shore.
At the camp site
Nothing is going on.
"Hee Haw!"
Kelgar, being a donkey, easily traverses down the valley and starts looking for his dinner, orphans.
looking for food roll
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
Kelgar the wonder ass sees the wagon, as described before.
Kelgar needs to learn how to read. He then jumps in the river to swim to the orphan wagon, as he is quite hungry
Swim check
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Hairy Fapper and Five God
Hairy casts Floating Disc and directs it towards the stranded orphans. (OOC: At 6th level, floating disc lasts six hours and holds six hundred pounds (or 120 fifty-pound orphans).)
The donkey gets close to the wagon. Close enough that an orphan jumps out and latches onto Kelgar's neck, squeezing quite hard! Kelgar can't breathe!
The other orphans are scared by the floating disc. Someone will have to coax them onto it.
"HEE Hach! Cracksnermp!"
Kelgar starts swimming back to shore and tries to knock the kid out with either a headbutt or hitting him on a rock
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
swim the fuck away
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
beat the orphan
Hairy and Five God
"Hey, you there, get onto the disc. There's some candy on it."
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
(OOC: Sorry guys, got dragged away to a last minute business trip to Alabama. Where the hotel had NO WI-FI. What the fuck is that shit? DENNY's has wi-fi and the Sheraton can't manage it?)
He buys a rope, a sword (rapier), a set of leather armor, five throwing knives, a couple week's rations, wineskins and a waterskin. Additionally he buys a horse to carry his lazy self.
Finally catching up to the party after an overlong shopping trip in the village (He will bribe the troll with whatever is handy. Or buy him a cow or whatever, just tell me how many gold pieces it costs).
Seeing their feeble attempts to coax the orphans onto the floating disc (for he can identify orphans at sight, being an Adventurer) Murkin chimes in with a more helpful lie.
"Lie not to these poor orphan children, Hairy. The candy is with me on the shore. I was just off fetching it for you."
Tell A Fib
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
Hairy Fapper and Five God
"Ah, hell, this isn't working. Time for a new tactic." Hairy says to the group.
"Get the hell on the damn disc or I'll send my friend out there to get you!"
Rolling 1d20: (13): Total = 13
Renay is suspicious of these orphans. Why would they assault the donkey? Renay uses his insight to understand the motivation of the orphans
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Also he looks to see if any of them are packing knivies or something
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
"Shit, that orphan has a knife!!!"
Renay looks for a rock to throw at the killer orphans.
Rock looking roll
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
If 17 is good enough to find a rock, Renay will target an orphan.
Rock throwing (Renay does not live in a glass house)
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla pulls the cat carcus out of his cloak and starts to prepare it for roasting over the fire. Atilla keeps the skin to make into a hat later.
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla pulls the cat carcus out of his cloak and starts to prepare it for roasting over the fire. Atilla keeps the skin to make into a hat later.
I completely forgot you kept that cat. That's funny as hell.
Kelgar the donkey swims away from the wagon towards the shore! He gets within 10 feet of the shore. Unfortunately, he fails to dislodge the poor orphan in time and passes out.
The hapless orphan continues to cling to the currently drowning donkey as it is swept downstream. Kelgar will surely die unless the other players save the ass.
The other orphans begin to peek out of the wagon, almost setting foot on the disc when they see someone throwing rocks at them from the shore. They hide back in the wagon terrified.
The pilgrim yells out "There are trees nearby! Someone could tie a rope to the tree and swim out there or make a bridge or SOMETHING!"
omg critical thinking time
Well ugnis13 gets my vote for best roleplaying
I too have been enjoying his ass.
I see the donkey, but I do not see the sack of grain or the tiger.
Renay sees the donkey floating down the stream. If he could just get ahold of it, things would be ok, he just knows it's. Renay looks along the bank, for a tall slender tree that will bend under his wieght and won't break. He wants to climb to the very top, so that the tree will bend downward, over the river, so he can reach in an grab the donkey. The he can use the tree to pull himself and the donkey to shore. Also he'd like it if someone could hold the tree because they are very shakey when being climbed.
Renay rolls some tree finding skill
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
Back in the camp
Harper dreams of angels playing various instruments while fornicating at the rhythm of their music.
Renay finds a suitable tree! Renay can either attempt to save the ass by himself or another PC can join in to help out.
Hairy and Five God
Hairy sighs deeply.
"OK, you damn kids, I warned you. Except you've made me so mad, I'm going to come get you myself."
Hairy directs the floating disc back to shore and he gets on the disc. Before floating back out to the kids, Hairy ties a rope around his waist and gives the other end to Five God just in case something might knock him off the disc.
He directs the disc back to the orphans.
Hairy going onto the disc, Renay decides to save the donkey.
Tree climbing roll to bend it just right
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
grabbing that ass (and watching myself)
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla enjoys his fine meal he got to eat. He sighs and rest his eyes.
Fort check to stay awake and keep watch
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla Falls asleep with a wide smile on his face.
Renay grabs the ass! Unfortunately, he didn't set the tree right. It's beginning to sway. The orphan takes advantage of the situation and climbs over Renay to the tree and finally to safety. However, Renay is barely holding on as it is. If he chooses to just save himself, he needs to roll a 3 or better to pull himself back. If he decides to save the ass as well, he needs to roll an 11 or better. Failure indicates falling into the river and then only a 16 or better will save him from death. Kelgar is half-suffocated already so he needs an 19 or better if he tries one last time to swim to shore.
Hairy Fapper gets to the wagon and sees that the orphans are all orcs! They look at him confused and scared. He needs a bluff check or 5 or better to convince them that he wants to save them and to follow him.
Hairy Fapper
Hairy tries to remember the correct orcish words to say get on the disc, I'm here to help. Here goes nothing he says to himself,
bluff the orc orphans
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
It's all up to Renay now!
Hairy's incoherent screams convince the orc orphans to climb aboard the disc. Normally I would say that shit wouldn't fly BUT THE DICE NEVER LIE
Hairy Fapper and Five God
Hairy directs the disc back to the shore and helps the orphans get off of it. He tells Five God to watch for anyone who might try to harm these helpless young orcs.
Hairy's incoherent screams convince the orc orphans to climb aboard the disc. Normally I would say that shit wouldn't fly BUT THE DICE NEVER LIE
Do you want role playing or not?!? At least PhD preliminary-examination-fueled-insomnia role playing?
I live and die by the dice never lying
atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla dreams of simple times growing up on his dads donky farm and all the fine asses.
(sorry guys, closed on on my house Friday. It has been busy.)
"Hey you stupid orphans! Your parents are dead! Take that! ". Renay is known for his unkind insults when he is walked upon. However his rage gives him strength, and will a yell he gives the donkey a mighty pull!"
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Congratulations! Renay saves Kelgar the ass.
Hairy Fapper and Renay gets 500 exp for heroism.
Kelgar gets 1 exp for trying.
Hairy Fapper (50,615/60,000) and Five God (8,030/16,000)
Hairy asks the guarding of the orphans what will happen to them now.
"*clk;ah clk;ah* Hee Haw!"
Kelgar looks around for the one orphan he managed to procure
finding the little rascal
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 1d20: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(12): Total = 12 </div>
Renay walks up to the pilgrim to turn in this quest to find out what is going on.
"So, pilgrim, are you and these orphans perhapse fleeing from the dragon we have been blood bound to slay? Perhapse you know of the foul beast?"
Renay is going to find out everything this pilgrim knows about the dragon we are questing to slay
dragon-question skill!
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
Murkin (Who is such a good thief the story keeps losing sight of him)
Follows Renay over to the pilgrim to listen to his dragon-question story. Listens to the Pilgrim to determine if he is hiding anything in his ensuing explanation. (whatever it may be)
Sense Motive
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
The pilgrim knows of Ferugg the big ass Red Dragon some 5 hexes to the east but there's also Swampy the Black Dragon 2 hexes to the south.
He is planning to take the orphans to an adventurer's guild where they will become embittered loners with military grade training in hand to hand combat, assassination techniques and assorted skulduggery tricks. In other words, they will all become orc fighters, thieves or assassins but will claim to be half-orc.
Hairy Fapper and Five God
Hairy hates to break up a good party, but since he wasn't really set on the dragon slaying mission anyway, he and Five God promise to escort the orphaned orcs to their new home where they can become merciless adventurers. He even promise the orphan orcs that Five God will let them pick up his sword and they can help him put on his armor.
Renay looks and sees an orphan who looks like he has that special adventuers spark. He feels like if he could bring the young Orc orphan under his wing, it would be totally sweet underling. Renay approachesthe pilgrim
"hey ferugg, let's talk here. Those orphans probably want to eat weekly. I'll do you a favor and take this one off yer hands free of charge. I'll teach em the stuff taking trade, as I am a master stuff taker. What do you say there"
Fast talking !
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla is still nice an cozy asleep.
See if he wakes up
Rolling 1d20-5: (7)-5: Total = 2
"Hee! Hee Haw! Heeeee!"
Kelgar heads south after having told his party of his ingenious plan.
Murkin knows that the pilgrim is telling the truth.
Hairy Fapper heads towards the city and its famous orc orphanage, which is 3 hexes to the north.
Renay gains a level 0 orc orphan henchman/torch bearer.
Kelgar wanders south alone and is swarmed by a dozen hungry wolves. He needs to roll a 18 or better to escape the wolves by himself.
If someone wants to risk his life to try to save the donkey, feel free.
Those continuing to the east find a well traveled road. There is a merchant caravan, filled with luxury goods but lightly guard with only 5 human soldiers and 3 merchants. They are neutral towards the party.
Those heading north find it a desolate wasteland in this hex. As it grows dark, the party sees some ruins nearby - the burned out hulk of an inn. Does the group make camp in the ruins or camp under the stars? The weather is miserable but not unbearably cold.
Kelgar runs his fucking ass off.
Rolling 1d20: (4): Total = 4
Kelgar tries to wish on his "luckhoof". He wishes he is as fast as the wind
nuthing happens.
Unless one of the other players risks their life to save you from 12 wolves, you will die.
ANY player can attempt to try. Sleeping players are awakened by the donkey's HEE-HAWS.
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla is startled by the sounds of a donky in distress, he dons his armor and charges south twords the sound with his long sword drawn out, "Dont worry little ass daddy will save you!"
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
wolves go on init
Rolling 1d20: (5): Total = 5
Rolling 1d20: (2): Total = 2
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla Charges the wolf close to the ass, with a Loud Squeek strikes at him!
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla lands his blow.
Rolling 1d8: (5): Total = 5
Harper wakes up.
My god, there's a donkey in need of help.
I run up to the fight and pull out my harp.
"When in need for a donkey,
don't call for a monkey.
For this one bad ass,
you don't want to sass.
With the strength of a truck,
your skull he will fuck."
<img src="http://slangdesign.com/forums/Themes/default/images/dice.gif" alt="" />Rolling 1d20: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(12): Total = 12 </div>
Hairy and Five God
Hairy doesn't know that Ross is running this game and how bad of a move he is about to make, but he suggests spending the night in the ruins because it may be safer and warmer.
Renay and unnamed Orc torchbearer
Renay walks along with his torch bearer, whom does not have a torch because Renay didn't buy one yet. Renay finds two large sticks on the ground, and gives on to the orc.
"I knew an Orc once. His name was Hurcalot So we don't get confused, your name is now Hurcalot"
Renay and Hurcalot
Renay and Hurcalot encounter the neutral merchants. Renay recalls that true neutral aligned people strive for balance in all things (see the alignment section where the Druid switches sides to keep it equal) Since there are only Renay and seven people in the merchant caravan, at least two of the caravan should join Renay on his quest to slay the dragon. Renay explains to the merchants how they are currently not acting in their alignment and the corrective action needed to rectify the situation so they do not take an exp penalty.
Explaining alignments to the merchants
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
Harper's music distracts many of the wolves! Enough that a gap forms in the circle around Kelgar the donkey! Kelgar needs a 6 or better to escape! If he fails, he will take 3 bite attacks from the wolves.
Redcap is attacked by four wolves!
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Renay convinces a merchant and a guard to join him with the most retarded and metagaming argument in gaming history ever. So retarded it becomes convincing.
Hairy and company settle down for the night. Suddenly, a loud mocking evil LAUGHTER MOO-HA HA HA MOO-HA-HA pierces the air. Hairy notices that there is a basement in the ruins! An orc orphan also notices a dozen pair of red eyes in the wastelands around the ruins.
Seeing how artfully Renay is pursuading the merchants to switch sides, he suggests in addition that they should share any dragon-killing weapons or secrets they might have. The removal of the dragon for certain would make this area safer for travel, particularly important for merchants such as they.
Haggle some free shit out tha merchants.
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
If they don't care to follow or help out, Murkin sees no reason to do anything other than ask to share camp for the night before moving on.
Get them to share camp for safety and shit.
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Redcap takes
Rolling 2d4+2: (3+4)+2: Total = 9
damage from the wolves biting at him!
Kelgar runs the shit-fuck away
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
"Hee Haw!"
The party finds the merchants in the middle of hte next day so they don't want to bed down right now and they are going towards YOUR STARTING VILLAGE i.e. the other way.
Realizes he got his route mixed up and thanks the kind carvan for pointing him back on course.
"Have a safe trip then, Traders. If a fellow by the name of Burkin is there when you arrive, give him my regards. A little taller than me, heavier set, with a good sized beard I imagine. He carries a large book like a wizard, with the pages mostly blank."
Suggests to Renay and his true neutral assistant that they move along, pointing out to Neutral that his caravan is going away from the dragon, he should head towards it to balance things out.
travel swiftly roll or somesuch
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
Atilla Redcap 70,045/140,000
Atilla Attacks the same wolf again!
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Out of character: Please. Alignments are serious business and exp loss is a well recognized disease.
Renay and company (Hurcalot, Slylock, Ajax)
Renay and his companions take Murkin's advice and continue their quest to destory the evil dragon who has plagued the land for centuries. They converse as they travel and learn about each other summarized in this character sheet form
Orc Torchbearer
Hurcalot's parents were killed mysteriously by a stranger and he was found on a stormy night. He was raised in an orphanage were it was found out he was THE CHOSEN ONE by a wizard or some shit. Hurcalot enjoys carrying torches and hitting things with them.
Slylock parents were mysteriously killed at a young age. Slylock traveled the countryside, working the lucrative trash loot circut, taking And selling things like wolves hair, bird beaks, and spider hearts from the corpses of monsters slewn by wandering adventuers. He eventually got enough money to be a proper merchant. He also came across a wandering mysitc who proclaimed he was THE CHOSEN ONE. Slylock talks a lot, mostly about how much enjoys being a merchant and the rising price of duck eggs. He likes things like pies and has a collection of wood carvings back home.
Ajax parents are dead, but he doesn't remeber how or under what circumstances. He became a gaurd after a wierd old guy said he was THE CHOSEN ONE and he spent the summer in the sewers bonking rats with a stick. Ajax is gruff and enjoys fine spring days. Also he likes dogs.
Also please note if you add all the alignments, the party is true neutral, but the individuals are not.
Alignments are very important to roleplaying and the lack of them in 4th Ed is why it is poo pop pee pee.
Hairy and Five God
Hairy directs all the orphans to stand in a corner where they will be safer and out of combat. He then tells Five God to stand in front of the stairwell to the basement. Hairy also casts "shield" on himself to lower his armor class to 6.
Spells (1st Level = 4)
Ray of Enfeeblement
Enlarge Person
Floating Disc
(2nd Level = 3)
Protection from Arrows
Scorching Ray
Continual Flame
(3rd Level = 2)
Tiny Hut
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla prays his swing has hit the wolf it was a close blow but in his fit of rage is unsure if he has injured the beast! "mmmm wolf will make a fine dinner for tonight!"
this game is no longer a dungeon crawl and I can't keep track of all this shit.
the only reason this game has lasted as long as it has is because I could make it all up on the fly or through random tables. This game is sufficently complex that I can't run it on the fly anymore.
Sooo, what are we going to do?
I still haven't moved yet so I am kinda distracted by things.
I could reboot with existing PCs in a randomly generated dungeon - going to fully generate it before I post. I'll even post a map so you can just say where you're going. The map won't reveal room contents of course.
someone else could run the game as is
or something else
what say you?
I fully figured it was getting outta hand haha. ill do what ever fits the thread, im more impressed i lived so long haha.
I'm all for "a wizard did it" soft reset. I've always wondered how Renay would turn out if his father was killed by
future Romulans future orcs instead of in a mysterious way.
Kelgar is no longer a donkey. I'll post a new dungeon soon.
" HEE *ahem* well thats better"
the orbital retcannon unleashes a massive blast upon the unsuspecting campaign world
When the dust settles, every PC wakes up in a dungeon. You are all members of the same adventuring having decided that all of you look trustworthy after meeting in a bar and getting a treasure map from a mysterious old man in a corner who fed you some kinda bullshit about saving the world.
You are in room 1. There is nothing of note in this room.
Reintroduce your character
post your stats and everything you have on you.
You don't know how to get back to the surface right now so food and supplies are an issue. A WIZARD STOLE ALL BUT 3 DAYS OF FOOD AND WATER FOR EACH CHARACTER
There are three rates of dungeon movement
Paranoid: Ultra-slow, ultra-cautious. 1 square per 10 minutes of travel. No chance of random encounter. Thief auto-detects traps.
Standard: 1 square per minute. Standard chance for random encounters ~ 1% per square, rolled once for trip so 11 squares equals 11% Thief gets one chance to detect hidden traps if he declares before and then rolls.
Fast: 10 squares a minute: no chance to detect traps. 5% per square of random encounter.
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,001
Dwarf lvl 7
41/41 HP AC 3 THACO 14
STR 11 - 0
DEX 10 - 0
CON 13 +1
INT 9 -1
WIS 10 0
CHA 13 +1
+2 Chain mail armor, 1 axe, 1 cat skin will be used to make a hat one day, a bottle of posion, a long sword, 35 gold, the 1 gem worth 25 gold, 1 water skin, and 3 days trial rations.
Backstab: Skaven ability granted when he turned into a Skaven, +4 to attacks when moving silent and Hiding in shadows x2 damage.
Atilla is stuned, "Ok, Lets try to find our way out of here, any of you guys know wich way to go? If not I say we head out threw the west door and start making our way from there, everyone knows west is allways a good way to go!" Atilla then squeeks pulling out his long sword ready for action.
STR: 7
DEX: 14
CON: 11
INT: 10
WIS: 12
CHA: 9
Pick Locks Find/Remove Traps Pick Pockets Move Silently Climb Walls Hide in Shadows Hear Noise
17 14 23 23 87 13 1-2
Renay is CN so he can take stuff. Once he took stuff because he was THE CHOSEN ONE. Also his parents are dead and he has amnesia.
Renay has been known to have a silver tongue and uses it
Renay is deeply saddened by the loss of his companions. He would shed a single tear if he wasn't so paranoid as to suspect the very square he was teleporter onto to be trapped! Wizards are not to be trusted. Renay overcomes his emotions and begins to check for traps.
Trap detection (is it a percentile or d20? I'll roll both)
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
Rolling 1d100: (30): Total = 30
Hairy Fapper
STR 9 (-1)
DEX 9 (-1)
CON 6 (-2)
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 11 (+0)
CHA 8 (-1)
THAC0 = 19
AC = 10
HP = 11
Notes: -1 to all Saving Throws
(1st Level = 4)
Ray of Enfeeblement
Enlarge Person
Feather Fall
(2nd Level = 3)
Protection from Arrows
Scorching Ray
Continual Flame
(3rd Level = 2)
Five God
STR 17 (+3)
DEX 8 (-1)
CON 17 (+3)
INT 9 (-1)
WIS 4 (-3)
CHA 9 (-1)
THAC0 = 16 (melee) / 14 (with +2 Longsword, Damage 1d8+5)
AC = -4 (Full Plate + Shield)
HP = 21
Ring of Sustenance x2 = 5,000
Wand of Cure Light Wounds x2 = 1,500
Wand of Magic Missile (5th level) = 3,750
Bracelet of Friends = 19,000
Handy Haversack = 2,000
+2 Full Plate Mail = 5,650
+2 Tower Shield = 4,180
+2 Long Sword = 8,315
Renay finds no traps in room 1.
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla starts to head off to the west, "Bahh traps are for wimps theres no traps in here the worse thing were prob gonna see is a chair, with a wobbly leg, now thats a drunks trap!" Atilla laughs at his joke as he heads west at a standerd speed.
Redcap spends 28 minutes walking 28 squares and stops 1 square north of room 1. He can open the door to the south, which leads back to room 1 or go north or go north then east.
Rolling 1d100: (58): Total = 58
500/ How is level made?
Renay is still suspicious but follows the dwarf, letting him go first. Are there torches on the wall of the dungeon? If so, Renay takes one. Renay is also looking for any 10 foot poles he can find.
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla heads north and stops at the first intersection heading east makes a quick listen check to see if he can hear anything down that hall.
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
There are torches on the wall but they are all burned out.
Renay takes a burnt out torch. As he walks, he takes the burnt part of the torch and draws a crude approximation of a human face on the other end, attempting to create a decoy for very stupid monsters, or those not familiar with humans. He quietly approaches Attilla.
Arts and crafts roll
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
Harper the Harpist
50,000 / ???
Musical summoner of Rats, level 7
CON 14
WIS 14
Instrument: Harp of the sewers!
(This magical instrument can be
used to summon up to 101 normal rats, if any are within 400 ft.
The rats take a turn to travel 50 ft and the pipes must be played
continuously. When the rats arrive at the player’s location he
or she will be able to command them telepathically but only
so long as he or she continues to play. When the music stops
the rats leave immediately. )
Is there light in the room or are we in total darkness?
Hairy Fapper and Five God
Hairy and Five God proceed cautiously toward room 10.
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla is shocked at the great picture of a human ren drew, and gladly lets him take lead since he was fooled clearly the monsters will be also!
Atilla Redcap 70,001/140,000
Atilla drops to his knees and quickly understands he is ascending into madness and kills him self.
Actually we were playing the quiet game. You lose!
Sorry, I just got around to unpacking my desktop PC (with my notes on this game) but to be honest I don't think this game will ever capture the manic speed of the first few hundred posts. Still, it was great while it lasted.
I dare anyone else to run a similar old school game.
Sorry, I just got around to unpacking my desktop PC (with my notes on this game) but to be honest I don't think this game will ever capture the manic speed of the first few hundred posts. Still, it was great while it lasted.
I dare anyone else to run a similar old school game.
I agree, thats why I killed my self off, figured it would be the only way I could get out of it without being killed by somone else haha! or starvation. No way in hell could I handle the first few pages of this as a DM. haha!