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Messages - Claive

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General Chaos / Re: What scares YOU
« on: May 08, 2014, 01:24:58 PM »
So... at the risk of performing thread necromancy, I wanted to put this here.

As I and many others have posted, things happening to your children is frightening, but nightmares are inspirational... so...

Your child falls and obviously cuts / hurts themselves and is crying on the ground.  You pick them up to comfort them.  You see that they have a small wound on their face.  And then a fly comes out of it, slowly the thing in your arms starts to crumble, it wasn't your child, your child is missing and you don't even know how long this thing had taken their place.  Did you even have a child before? your not sure anymore... but you feel in your heart of hearts you do...

Changeling the lost is pretty messed up.

General Chaos / Re: Kickstarter: Cool Stuff
« on: May 01, 2014, 11:41:42 AM »
Not really RPG related but I think its pretty neat

Solar Roadways Indigogo

RPGs / Re: Wild Talents question
« on: April 30, 2014, 12:54:40 PM »
I have an odd question, how would one go about making a magic spear for a character?

I'm thinking of making it a hyperskill with a few other miracles (flight to return etc) any other ideas?

Here's the first draft:
Heaven's Justice Spear (artifact)
All are: Focus -1 Accessible -1
Hyperskill Spear: Spray+1 Penetration +1 Go first +1 Native +1
3/dice (adds 1 spray dice to attacks, can use multiple sets, native stacks with user's own skill)
Flight U 1/dice.
Booster+2 (speed) Focus -1 Accessible -1 Obvious -1 (a flaming spear streaking towards the hero) If/then: only to return to the hero -1.
With three dice it means that the spear when called flies to the hero at supersonic speed but can't do anything else with the power.

Perhaps instead of putting a separate flight power on the spear you could give it the ranged power capacity?  That would let you "throw" it and have it return to you.  The way you have it now, the power has one die to return, you can't roll a set on one die... so you would have to "take your time" or get some other bonus to get it to work?

Using the example of focus creation on page 139, it might look something like this.

Heaven's Justice Spear 10d (A; 3 per die; 30 pts))
Attack Extras and Flaws: Focus (Accessible, Operational Skill (Melee Weapon(Spear))) -2, Obvious-1, Spray +1, Penetration +1, Go First +1, Native +1. Power Capacity: Range (5,120 Yards)
Effect: This is a magical spear that glows like the sun.  When rolling for this power use your Body + Melee Weapon (Spear) dicepool.  When it is thrown it creates multiple copies of itself that can strike multiple targets.  Once it hits it fades away, magically returning to the hand of the one who threw it.  It is incredibly sharp and ignores one point of armor.  It flies supernaturally quickly and adds one to its width for initiative purposes.  It contains its own reservoir of magic and cannot be negated.

RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« on: April 22, 2014, 12:31:38 PM »
Hello Ross,

I have been looking over the book (and playing in a campaign, amazing amounts of fun) and felt that I should provide some constructive feedback on the layout of the book.  Some parts of the book are essential to play and while I have printed out those pages, I think it would be better if they were perhaps repeated as an appendix in the back of the book (aka readily accessible without a book mark) in the next printing.  Primarily I am talking about the "Skill Trapping Diagram" on page 113 and the "Common Skills" information on page 115 - 116.

RPGs / Re: Wild Talents question
« on: April 18, 2014, 05:17:33 PM »
Double Post

RPGs / Re: Wild Talents question
« on: April 18, 2014, 05:04:20 PM »
But if you take "No Body" then you aren't a physical object?  If you want a physical computer drive, you need body (if only 1d). 

"No Coordination" would fullfill the role of being immobile.

You would then take the "alternate form" power to create a hologram of yourself, as per page 99.  When your powers were active, you would have a physical form.   Alternately, I would say that the "SideKick" power on page 154 may be more fitting, just add an additional useful quality to it so that you can "possess" the hologram.  If you want it to be able to pick up tools and what not, add an attacks quality and the Power Capacity: Mass Extra to it.

If you wanted to be blind without a a power for perceiving the world around you then you would take "no sense", you could then just take hyper sense and perhaps put flaws on it.  While your powers work, you can see.

For a tech control power I always liked
Techno-kinesis (U) 1d + 1 wd (6 per die = 30 pts)
Useful Extras and Flaws: Variable Effect +4, If/Then: Only for Variable Effect -1, If/Then: Only things a computer with wifi could conceivably do -1, Duration +2. Capacity: Range

You would also want to take the "Amorphous" quality, since you don't have arms, legs, etc.  Or purchase the "Custom Hit Locations" power.

Maybe take the "Size Shift" power, unless you want the computer to be man sized.

On the topic of reading recommendations, are there any must-reads for getting an understanding of espionage techniques/developing planning abilities for realistic espionage?

It's called "listening to Caleb and doing as he does".

But... aping Caleb isn't at all what Caleb is doing?  or *head explodes*

General Chaos / Re: What scares YOU
« on: April 09, 2014, 07:03:33 PM »
We have such subjects to teach you.

We have ways of making you learn....

Where can I find information on the Skype game ran as part of the $100 reward from the No Security Kickstarter?  Will there be a similar reward in the next kickstarter?

General Chaos / Re: What scares YOU
« on: March 17, 2014, 01:25:22 PM »
I read a short story years ago about a man who woke up one day and gazed into the mirror and doesn't see his own face but some stranger's.  Naturally he freaks out but tries to go through out his daily routine.  No one at his workplace notices that his face isn't his own.  The next day he is revealed to see that his own face has returned, but no one recognizes him.

I suppose I have a fear of becoming a pariah.  The idea that I could be labeled a monster or that the fickle world would turn its back on me for reasons beyond my understanding or control is terrifying.

General Chaos / Re: Kickstarter: Cool Stuff
« on: March 13, 2014, 07:20:15 PM »
Starcrawlers (Only 4 hours left but still pretty cool - procedural sci fi dungeon crawler)

Table Titans (web comic in paper form)

Proven Lands (Sci fi procedurally generated... everything?)

General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: February 27, 2014, 01:41:55 PM »
Wasteland 2 is currently making me feel like a horrible human.  So many people die because of what I don't do :-(

General Chaos / Re: What scares YOU
« on: February 13, 2014, 01:08:08 PM »
I scared of not being able to protect my family. I watched my 19 month daughter get chocked while eating and it scarred me to death. I've never felt that level of fear before.

+1 watched my 7 month old choke on... I don't even remember what...  Worst feeling ever.

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