Pro bodybuilders have been using horse steroids for years; they're easier to obtain and, with the exception of Equipoise, are indistinguishable from steroids intended for humans. In defense of pro ballplayers trying to "obtain an edge", until recently there was no drug testing policy in MLB. It's a billion dollar business that will spit out the weak without so much as a congratulatory handshake for the decades of prep aspiring players put in to reach the bigs. I'm actually surprised more players weren't outed in the steroid scandals of the past decade. And it's been going on for
decades... read up on the rampant drug abuse that took place during the 70s, for example, and you will find tons of accounts of players loading up on amphetamines (and worse) before and during games. Hell, Doc Ellis pitched a no-hitter for the Pittsburgh Pirates while tripping on acid. (Although the jury is still out on whether this actually helped or hindered his performance

Really love the new campaign idea, btw. Been lurking and listening to RPPR shows for a while now but felt compelled to chip in and show some support for a great concept. Love the cyberpunk (or I suppose it's called trans-humanism now) themes and look forward to hearing them in action.