Rudolph Fillian
Phase Four -- Whose path have you crossed?
Story Title -- What a bunch of animals
Guest Starring -- Lucky Barlow
The biker gang took over a local hangout while passing through. The leader maneuvered a young lady of minor magical powers into a bad situation. Enjoying his absolute control over her, he even gave her a way out, a game of chance to get her out of the jam. She convinced a stranger into helping her. A self-proclaimed professional gambler. The leader didn't care, since he would be able to control the game with his magic. Or so he thought.
He ended up losing to the gambler and lost his power over the girl. After he lost, he ordered his guys to make an example of the gambler. Rudolph was getting pretty fed up with the bikers at this point, sabotaged their efforts and helped the gambler and the girl make their escape.