In the gaming community, there is always someone better than you. He knows more about the rules, his character is higher level and he owns more gaming books than you ever will. He’s also never wrong. About anything. And now he has his own show. Meet the Elitist Fuck.

Written by Tom Church
Edited by Chris Farmer

Elitist Fuck – Tom Church
Announcer/47 – Aaron Carsten
Dave Dawson – Ross Payton
Jerry Mitchell – Chris Farmer

The horrors beyond Time and Space pale in comparison to gaming sometimes. AB3 discovers this as he joins a Call of Cthulhu game run by Biff Bam, a Southern drawl speaking fan of Billy Ray Cyrus. Scrape, Scrape, Scraaapppeee.

Written by Al Bruno III
Edited by Chris Farmer

AB3 – Chris Farmer
Biff Bam – Ross Payton
El Disgusto – Tom Church
Weasley Crusher – Aaron Carsten
Cheating Bastard – Ross Payton