Do you have questions on actual play podcasts? Talk to Ross Payton (RPPR), Caleb Stokes (Dead Channels), Rob Stith, (Orpheus Protocol) and Ethan Cordray (Technical Difficulties) for all the answers you want! We talk about creating shows, running them, editing, marketing, and many other topics related to running an AP podcast. We recorded this panel at Gencon 2024. Enjoy!

Art for tabletop RPGS is not technically necessary but it does help. Chris and I discuss the role of art in RPGs and review Art by Nohr, a book by Mork Borg co-creator, Johan Nohr. We’re experimenting with video with this episode, so subscribe to us on Youtube for Gencon coverage and more!

Check out Chris’ Youtube channel where he discusses video game history and more. We’re doing a collab video so stay tuned for that.

Buy Art by Nohr


I have begun working on a new role playing game. It is called Labyrinths of Lost Futures, a modern day dungeon crawling hauntological fantasy. Delve into weird ruins with an enchanted gun and cellphone. Fight cryptids in a haunted trailer park. Escape a time loop based on a person’s childhood memories. Caleb has some questions and comments about the game. If you want to see some artwork of the game, check out the RPPR Patreon. The image in the show notes is by Patsy McDowell and is one of the levels of the modern mega dungeon I am working on.

The Night Clerk is on sale at DrivethruRPG! If you missed the crowdfunding campaign, you can get the PDF now. I’m working on a way to sell print copies.

Check out Delta Green Dead Channels to support Caleb and get great Delta Green content!

Hebanon Games Open Design has a Red Markets 2E playtest campaign in progress.