Many listeners have asked me for advice on running their first game. After the most recent question, I realized we didn’t have an episode explicitly focused on this topic. Special guest Kory Bing, Tom, and I discuss how to prepare for your first game, from session zero, to the social contract, and designing your first adventure. We also talk about Kory’s comic, Skin Deep, and its rich lore.

Shout Outs

Music: Above the Southern Rim by Music D20. Back the Patreon to get access to more music to use with your games!

The SCP Foundation is a subgenre of speculative fiction, covering horror, fantasy, and sci-fi, all contained in a very specialized writing style, meant to reflect the internal documentation of a mysterious organization that secures, contains, and protects weird objects and entities. I talked to a volunteer of the SCP Wiki, Vivax, to discuss how SCP fiction can inspire GMs and players. Check out the following resources on the wiki:

Music: The SCP Foundation main theme by Ajoura

Red Markets has a whole line of supplements, such as Veblen Goods and Trabajo, an enclave book. Sean Farris, one of the writers behind the Veblen Guide, visited Springfield and talked to Caleb and I about Red Markets. We discussed the challenges writing supplements for an existing game and collaborating with others, among other topics.

Song: Needle and Thread by Kill Matilda