Aaron spoke with Kyle Carty about the recent Savage Tokusatsu Kickstarter recently. They discuss the genre, the new mechanics for the game and a lot more. If this interview interests you, check out the Kickstarter today! There’s also a free test drive of the rules now on DrivethruRPG.

Sponsor: BPB Games is running a Kickstarter for their latest project, Savage Tokusatsu, a supplement for Savage Worlds that lets you use transforming heroes, kaiju, giant robots, and more! RPPR’s Aaron is working on this project, so be sure to check it out!

News: We have a new show for the RPPR Patreon! Don’t Cross the Stream looks at a title on a streaming site and analyzes it for its gameable material. We have 3 episodes online as of this episode. Check it out!

Synopsis: I have mentioned the Picaresque genre/style several times over the years on RPPR but I recently realized we haven’t done a full episode on it. In short, it’s about sympathetic outsiders who dabble in criminality, with no real overarching plot. Sounds like more than a few RPG campaigns I’ve been in. Bill and I talk about the genre, how it can be used as inspiration for RPG players and GMs, and more. We also have shout outs and an anecdote!

Shout Outs

Song: Evening Tide by Kulpa

Even though Red Markets is out, Caleb is still hard at work designing new games and fulfilling stretch goals. He gives an update about Party Fowl, a new card game currently in development. Meanwhile I have made a few breakthroughs while working on Ruin. I now have concrete ideas on how a game should work and have made progress on character generation rules. Hopefully I will have playtest rules at Gen Con this year!