News: Reminder that we have a Patreon! Be sure to check out our bonus content via RPPR After Hours. Red Markets is now available to preorder via Backer Kit. We will be recording an episode of RPPR live at Gen Con 50! Check here for details.

Synopsis: After seeing Spiderman: Homecoming, we had to discuss the morality behind the movie’s antagonist, the Vulture. After all, he’s essentially a base raider, so I felt obligated to discuss some of the themes with Aaron, Caleb, and Tom. We also discussed the morality of the superhero genre in general. Plus, anecdotes and shout outs!

Shout Outs

Song: Interstellar Capitalism by Anonymous420

For the second time, Tom interviews Pierce Fraser, the creator of the HC SVNT Dracones RPG. A couple of years after the release of the core book, a Kickstarter for a new sourcebook is underway, filling in many details and ideas for the game setting. Tom speaks with the creator, giving you the lowdown on this new book and the miniatures!


Synopsis: After the text is written and the art is drawn, the book still needs to be prepared for printing. Guess what? It’s not exactly an easy process to master. Caleb has valiantly thrown himself into it though and we can all learn from his struggles. Learn about covers, book binding, paper weight, and everything else you always wanted to know about book printing but were afraid to ask.

Song: When the Livin’ Ain’t Easy by Somewhere Off Jazz Street