Caleb and I discuss the possibility of creating a second edition of Red Markets and Base Raiders. It’s a major task, so examining the pros and cons is a necessary first step. Updating the mechanics, revising the lore, and improving the information design are all big challenges, not to mention the logistics of getting a game funded by crowdfunding.

Check out Hebanon Games to see Caleb’s latest game design work.

News: I started a new bonus podcast on the RPPR Patreon. Recommendizer is focused on media recommendations. In episode zero, we talk about two new horror video games, Signalis and Scorn and some underwater horror movies.

Song: Dotlights – Come In And Stay on Chillhop Essentials Winter 2022

We’re back for one more round with Synnibarr 3ED. Caleb, Thad, Baz, and I dive into the GM (or Fate in the parlance of Synnibarr). We’re all guests in Raven’s house, so find out what his wisdom for running a RPG is. What is the ADDA model? Why are there so many random tables? We’ll try to unravel the mystery that is Synnibarr but we may find ourselves stranded on the Worldship…

Join the RPPR Patreon to listen to the full episode!

Caleb has Delta Green Dead Channels

Baz is on Twitch as FutureWolfington

Designing new monsters for your RPG is a time honored tradition for most GMs. I got Greg Stolze and Caleb Stokes to talk about their approaches to creating new creatures for games. Is the monster a metaphor or just a weird new enemy to fight? Get some tips on becoming Dr. Frankenstein for your next game!

News: Caleb is running Delta Green on Twitch on September 28 at 6 pm CST. Follow the Delta Green Twitch channel to get notified when the game goes live. It should be fun!

Greg started a Patreon for his fiction. Sign up to get his latest works.

I’m starting a newsletter with original content, links, and updates for all my projects. Sign up below and get a free PDF of the Death Stratum, a new monster usable for any horror or fantasy RPG.

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Shout Outs

Music: The Devil’s Eyes by White Bat Audio