The New World
a 4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Campaign
Session 2

Players: Tom, Cody and Dan

IMPORTANT NOTE: This game is full of profanity, even by our standards. This is very much NOT SAFE FOR WORK.

Synopsis: The kingdoms of the old world have discovered a vast new continent across the ocean. Brave settlers have started the first colony in the net world. Among them, a small band of adventurers eager to earn glory and gold. In the first session, the characters ventured into the wilderness to find a source of fresh water. Upon finding a river, they came across a band of natives part of the The Black Raven tribe who fought them. After capturing one of the tribal warriors, the players learn of an ongoing tribal war and decide to talk to the other tribe, known as the Gray Fangs. The Gray Fangs tell them that a powerful water spirit can teach them a ritual that will conjure enough fresh water to supply the colony. However, after the characters ask for the spirit’s help, the spirit sends them to a dungeon in order to see if they are worthy.

The characters must find a way out of the dungeon in order to learn the ritual. Two groups stand in their way: a band of thieves and a tribe of primitive frog people. In this session, I called them tasloi, but in proper D&D lore they are called the Grippli. This mistake is corrected in the next session.

Due to a technical snafu on my part, the first session recording is gone. However all other sessions are backed up so this will not happen again.

We’re back from the best four days of gaming! We talk about everything from the new games premiering at Gencon to the awesome people we met to the games we played or ran. It was a blast and we look forward to next year. Some of the highlights this year include meeting Dave Arneson and getting a first edition of Blackmoor autographed, interviewing quite a few game designers and writers, playtesting a new Call of Cthulhu scenario from Pagan Press (which we recorded and will post to the podcast! stay tuned for that) hanging out with gamers and podcasters, sleeping very little and eating less and running Monsters and Other Childish Things. We will post our interviews on a regular basis for the next month or so.

Games and books mentioned:

Music: The Sword of Fire by Studiomig.

We’ve finally gotten around to looking at the monster RPG of the summer, the fourth edition of Dungeons and Dragons.  We cover the good, the bad and the ugly of the system. Special thanks to the Bear Swarm podcast for joining in on our first game of 4E. We also talk about Gencon, scuba diving and of course, a very entertaining letter from Tom.

Song: Journey by Excellent Adventure

Shout Outs: