Note: I wanted to give you all a free preview of a Patreon exclusive series, Palladium Poisoning. I’ll post one more episode of it later this month. If you enjoy it, please consider backing our Patreon to get access to all of the episodes and be sure to check out Faust on Third Wheel!

Synopsis: Rifts Adventure Sourcebook 2: Chi-Town ‘Burbs: Firetown & the Tolkeen Crisis is an odd duck. It focuses on providing plot hooks for running adventures in a sprawling city in the shadow of the Coalition States. It also features a fully fleshed out team of adventurers out for revenge against the CS. Six fully written up adventurers with personalities and back stories who aren’t just punching bags or mary sues. It’s weird, I know. Shaun and I discuss what kind of TV show would best suit these characters.

Song: 34 by HOME

Years ago, I tried to do an audiobook of the Eye of Argon, the standard bearer of bad fantasy fiction. I never finished it but because we are celebrating our tenth year of RPPR, I asked Faust Kells from Thrilling Intent to record a proper audiobook.

Intro music is Surprising Power by Art of Escapism
Music played during the audiobook is from the album The Hermeneutic Circle by Nihilore
Audiobook recorded, edited, and produced by Faust Kells
Listen to the lost chapter on the RPPR Patreon!

kaGh5_patreon_name_and_messageRole Playing Public Radio is now on Patreon! Instead of just asking for contributions and keeping the status quo, we are going to up our game by creating a brand new podcast series for our patrons. RPPR After Hours is a comedic roundtable where we talk about pop culture and obscure tabletop gaming products. To give you a taste, I’ve added part 1 of our first episode to the main podcast feed. We talk about Death Valley Free Prison, a vintage 1980s rpg supplement if there ever was one, the Oscars, and Destiny, the video game.If you enjoy it, you should become a backer in order to hear the rest of the episode.

Please note that we will continue to release the main podcast and AP episodes for FREE for the foreseeable future. Only bonus content created exclusively for Patreon will be locked behind the paywall.

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