Do you want a career in tabletop games? Join our semi-esteemed panel of industry insiders as we discuss our own experiences building a career, along with tons of advice on what to do, and what not to do, when it comes to trying to turn your passion for games into the thing that pays your bills. This won’t just be a fun cheerleading panel about “following your dreams,” but rather a hard look at the realities of the industry and what it takes to push your way in. This panel was recorded at PAX South 2017. Panelists:

Matt Fantastic [Chief Princess Officer, Prettiest Princess], JR Honeycutt [Game Designer, Artana], Jeff Bourbeau [Superstar, Vile Genius Games]

rppr-b-sides-no-textFor the first time, we actually scheduled an official meetup and panel for RPPR fans at Gen Con. Most of the RPPR crew showed up and a TON of fans did as well. We played a few games, answered questions, talked about the podcast, game design, and of course had a Ross Payton Horrible Monster impersonation contest. Enjoy!

rm-panelRed Markets is a game of economic horror that wrapped up on Kickstarter in June. Come listen to the creator answer questions about the book’s progress & tell us how your beta tests are going. Caleb and Ross recorded this panel at Gen Con 2016.