Caleb has restarted work on Slingstone, his superhero-slaying RPG. We have some playtests of the first version of Slingstone on RPPR B-Sides volume 5 if you want to hear that. I have an idea for a zine system-free version of Night Clerk, one of our more popular AP episodes. We also talk about creativity in the age of Covid-19.

Music: Private Caller by Saint Pepsi

News: If you haven’t listened to Night Clerk Radio in a while, check out our most recent episodes. We’ve fine-tuned our editing, so they’re even better than before! The RPPR Patreon is back on track, after a slight delay last month. Be sure to check out our latest After Hours episode where we playtest a game about making up bad game ideas.

Synopsis: I am running a Blades in the Dark campaign so I got Aaron, Bill and Jeff Barber (who has run his own campaign of Blades in the Dark) to discuss the system and setting. We talk about our favorite parts, least favorite, and ideas for other games. If you’re curious about this game, give this episode a listen!

Shout Outs

Song: Ancient Mechanized Citadel by Equip

News: My book Zombies of the World is out! Buy it today! Don’t forget to check out Night Clerk Radio as well.

Synopsis: We are preparing for a Blades in the Dark campaign, so Caleb, Birk, and I talk about planning heists as players. Heists are harder for some players to comprehend because force isn’t always an option. Discretion and cunning are harder to learn than murderhoboery, but hopefully this will help!

Shout Outs

  • Sun Down Motel: A novel about a haunted motel and two women who investigate it
  • Sentient: a comic about a generation ship, its AI, and the children it raises
  • End of Policing: a nonfiction book about changing how we think about the police and the legal system
  • Midnight Ultra: a psychedelic FPS about killing cultists and monsters in acid Quake graphics
  • The Shallows: a book about how the Internet is changing us.
  • Floor is Lava: A silly obstacle course show on Netflix

Song: Apropos by Mittsies