News: The RPPR Patreon has a new podcast, Questing for Answers! We’ve posted 2 episodes already and if you’re a patron, your questions can be answered in the next episode.

Synopsis: Origins has come and gone and Birk and I have a blast there. The Shadowrun 6th Edition Beginner Box was released there so we picked up some copies for review. Bridget, our resident Shadowrun GM, joins in to see what’s changed for the new edition. Birk and I discuss a new sci-fi horror RPG, Mothership, as well as the RPGs we played at Origins.

Check out The Mixed Six for additional Origins coverage

Don’t forget to follow Cry Novel on Twitter!

Song: Boxers Paradise (feat. ev?.?exi)  by Pad Chennington

Caleb is working on a new game! Called Doctor, Witch Doctor, it’s a fun storytelling game about medical melodrama shows and magic. Make up magical cures for weird magical diseases! Get addicted to weird magical drugs! We also talk about outlining larger projects, Red Markets updates, and Upwind: Three Beasts.

Song: Witch Doctor by Erthling

Cool villains are hard to pull off in RPGs, mainly because players tend to kill them as soon as possible. Aron, Tom, and I got together to talk about how to make villains more memorable in games. Perhaps they can’t be killed easily or come back after death (thanks raise dead spells!) or killing them won’t stop the plan. I also talk about some ideas for future Base Raiders projects!

Shout Outs

Music: Boss Fight, Title, and End from Night in the Woods OST Volume 3