News: We have created a new reward for RPPR patrons – extended early access! Get actual plays and panels recorded at Gen Con 2018 a month early! The first AP, Dagashi OVA Season 1, run by Bridget, is available now on the RPPR Patreon!

Synopsis: The new Witcher tabletop RPG is out and we have looked it over. I discuss the RPG with Birk, a new RPPR cast member, to discuss the game and licensed games in general. We also have shout outs and an anecdote

Shout Outs

  • Channel A Kickstarter: Back it today! One of the best party card games out there needs a reprint!
  • Garage: Bad Trip – a horror action video game with an 80s aesthetic.
  • Lovecraft’s Untold Stories: Early Access top down Lovecraftian roguelike shooter. Fun but still rough in places.
  • Castle Rock: A horror TV series on Hulu set in the Stephen King shared universe.
  • GLOW: a Netflix series about a lady’s wrestling show in the 1980s.
  • Scum and Villainy: A sci-fi crime RPG that uses the Blades in the Dark system.
  • Babbling Corpse: Vaporwave And The Commodification Of Ghosts – an excellent book about vaporwave

Song: Song of Storms by Polygon Dreams

Role Playing Public Radio, the Ennie Award winning RPG podcast, will record a live episode of their show. We will talk about Gen Con, take questions from the audience, & more! We wound up playing a game of Maid, reviewing a board game, and answering a lot of audience questions.

Thanks to Adam from RPX for recording the questions.

(Photos from Thad’s Polaroid camera)

We’re back from Gen Con and we had a blast! In this episode we go over the highlights and low points of our con experiences and more importantly, the games we played! Board games, card games, and of course, role playing games. What did we try out and what did we grab for future episodes?

If you want to hear how Caleb and Spencer did, listen to the Mixed Six Hot Takes Gen Con special, available to everyone, not just backers of their Patreon.

Shout Outs

If I left something out, post about it in the comments.

Song: Tracks from March of Thieves by Lux Viridis