Synopsis: Caleb and I (along with Sara who is not on this episode) went to Origins for the first time. Caleb ran Red Markets and Party Fowl while I just attended as a carefree con goer. We both had a good time, bought way too many games, and learned how Origins is different than Gen Con. Some (but not all) of the games we discuss include:

Thanks to all the listeners who met us at Origins, especially those who donated beer for the Mixed Six podcast.

Song: Summer’s End by Aekasora

News: RPPR B-Sides Volume 4: Unknown Markets is now available! Listen to incomplete Unknown Armies and Red Markets campaigns run by Caleb and I, and many one shots for various systems! We’re also going to Origins next week. Caleb is running demos of Party Fowl (BACK IT NOW ON KICKSTARTER!) and Red Markets.

Synopsis: I recently got my print copy of Mutant Crawl Classics so I have been thinking a lot about the science fiction of the 1970s. From movies like Logan’s Run to comics like Kamandi, it is a unique era and worth examining for gaming fodder. Thad and I talk about how to use it in games and what makes it worth checking out. We also have shout outs and anecdotes!

Shout Outs

Song: Un Sospiro Nel Profondo Nero by Adamennon

Party Fowl Board Game Kickstarter is live! In this episode, Caleb, Spencer, and I discuss the creation of Party Fowl, playtesting, duck puns, Metatopia, shipping, and other topics. We also have shout outs in the form of our favorite fictional ducks and of course some anecdotes about playtesting Party Fowl.

Song: The Duck by Beleza