News: I am going on vacation later this month, but don’t worry! There will be a lot of podcasts this month. We also have a new system for scheduling online games for the RPPR Patreon using our Discord server.

Synopsis: There is an annual contest on the Delta Green email list for writing short scenarios. The Shotgun Scenario contest forces contestants to write the best possible DG scenario under 1500 words. It’s gone on since 2005 and last year had some great entries. Dan, David, Tom, and I read a bunch of them to discuss what we liked about them. We also have shout outs and anecdotes!

Shout Outs

Song: Tracks from the Upwind EP by 2mello

Aaron, Tom, and I traveled down to Texas for PAX South 2018 and we had a blast! I finally got to play True Dungeon and we tried out multiple games that weekend like:

  • True Dungeon: An escape room with LARPing and pog collecting (kind of). It’s got it all!
  • Wild West Exodus: A new weird western themed skirmish game with great models and interesting rules
  • Tokaido: An excellent board game about traveling to Edo, in style.
  • 4 The Birds: a board game about getting your birds in a row (or square).
  • Tonight We Riot: An upcoming video game about fighting The Man.
  • Deep Sky Derelicts: A sci-fi dungeon crawling game, similar in structure to Darkest Dungeon.

We also listened to a bunch of great podcasts like:

Song: Spirits Seeking by 2mello

We’ve all been there: After hours of meticulously planning an epic campaign, our players kill the quest NPC and run off after the first shiny thing they see. The cure for this problem may be easier than you think. With your help we’ll create a world from scratch, and then we’ll crowdsource some story hooks with the audience to create a whole campaign of our own. You can steal this adventure and use it in your own game, or steal the techniques and keep your players chomping at the bit. (The map referred to in the panel is included in this post. Click on it to see a larger version)

This panel was held at PAX South 2018.

Panelists: Adam Davis [Executive Director, Game to Grow], Adam Johns [Executive Director, Game to Grow]