We’ve all been there: After hours of meticulously planning an epic campaign, our players kill the quest NPC and run off after the first shiny thing they see. The cure for this problem may be easier than you think. With your help we’ll create a world from scratch, and then we’ll crowdsource some story hooks with the audience to create a whole campaign of our own. You can steal this adventure and use it in your own game, or steal the techniques and keep your players chomping at the bit. (The map referred to in the panel is included in this post. Click on it to see a larger version)

This panel was held at PAX South 2018.

Panelists: Adam Davis [Executive Director, Game to Grow], Adam Johns [Executive Director, Game to Grow]

News: Patreon is keeping the current fee structure. If you canceled your patronage to RPPR because of the proposed changed, fear no more! Everything will be the same.

Synopsis: Labyrinths and mazes may seem similar but they diverge in one important aspect. A labyrinth has only one path to its goal (linear) while a maze features multiple paths to multiple destinations (nonlinear). Bill and I talk about designing linear and nonlinear scenarios and their place in creating great campaigns. We also have shout outs and anecdotes!

Shout Outs

Song: Old Haunts by 2 Mello

News: Red Markets is now available in print and PDF at Indie Press Revolution and in PDF at DrivethruRPG. Get your copy today! It makes a great Christmas gift.

Synopsis: The logistics of international shipping are maddening. Caleb went through a crucible but has finally delivered print copies to both American and overseas backers. Find out what went wrong and what lessons can be learned from it.

Song: Obey, Consume, Escape by Jon of the Shred