RPPR presents a panel on game design, hosted by Ross Payton, Jeff Barber, & Shane Ivey. We discuss our latest projects, thoughts on making games, & answer questions from the audience. I also talk about my latest ideas for Ruin, the architectural horror RPG I’ve been working on for a while.

Years ago, I tried to do an audiobook of the Eye of Argon, the standard bearer of bad fantasy fiction. I never finished it but because we are celebrating our tenth year of RPPR, I asked Faust Kells from Thrilling Intent to record a proper audiobook.

Intro music is Surprising Power by Art of Escapism
Music played during the audiobook is from the album The Hermeneutic Circle by Nihilore
Audiobook recorded, edited, and produced by Faust Kells
Listen to the lost chapter on the RPPR Patreon!

News: Be sure to check out the RPPR Patreon for our latest After Hours episode! Pre-order Red Markets today if you haven’t already.  The deadline is September 2!

Synopsis: Gen Con is nearly here! It is the 50th year of the con and RPPR’s 10th year of existence! A lot of the RPPR cast will be at Gen Con this year to celebrate. Here are the official RPPR events:

  • Delta Green: Observer Effect – I am running this for Arc Dream. It is full, but someone may not show up on time, so swing by to see if there is an opening.
  • RPPR Live! Our big event for the year. Meet the cast, ask questions about the podcast, and a lot more!
  • Game Designer Panel: I will talk about my progress on Ruin and several other game designers will be there to answer questions.

Plus we will be attending the Delta Green panel run by Arc Dream. Many of us will be running unofficial games for RPPR fans as well.

If you want to coordinate and meet up with other RPPR fans at Gen Con, read this thread on the RPPR forums to find out what social media to check.

Shout out to Pathfinder Adventurer’s Guide, which I recently received as a review copy. It looks cool from an initial glance and I will have a full review in a future episode.

Song: The Coming Storm by Magma Dragon