News: Get Zombies of the World and both Base Raiders supplements for $30! I will also be attending Go Play NW this month. I don’t have a schedule yet for games I will run yet but I will post on social media when I do. Stay tuned!

Synopsis:The small town mystery is an old but still viable subgenre. From Murder She Wrote to Stranger Things, we can’t get enough of local citizens sleuthing brutal murders and occult conspiracies. Shaun, Caleb, and I discuss the genre and how to use it in a tabletop RPG environment and how to apply elements of it in other genres and games. We also have an Unknown Armies anecdote!

Shout Outs

  • Bestiary 6: I finally had time to read the latest monster book from Paizo. Lots of interesting critters that could be used in other games.
  • Cadfael: A TV show about a medieval monk solves crime through deduction. It helps that all the bodies are dumped in the same pond.
  • Outcasts: A sc-fi TV show about a space colony that has to deal with mysteries and surviving in a harsh universe.
  • Belly of the Beast: A tabletop RPG about surviving in belly of a giant monster. An AP is coming!
  • 8 Tracks: Music streaming site that emphasizes playlists created by users.
  • Mystery in Space Volume 2/The Weird: A little known DC hero vs a jerk JLA.
  • The Murderbot Diaries: A great sci-fi novella about a rogue robot that just wants to watch TV but has to keep its free will secret.
  • 28 Days Later Omnibus: a collection of comics set in the same post-apocalyptic universe as the movie.
  • Agents of Dreamland: an excellent new interpretation of the Cthulhu Mythos in the modern era.
  • We also talked a bit about Wonder Woman and Nier Automata. Both are good.

Song: ?????_?????????.adx by High School Drama Teacher

We recently finished posting Fallen Flag, a Red Markets campaign, so I got Caleb, David, Shaun, and Faust together to discuss it. We talk about everything from creating the enclave to individual character arcs. If you haven’t caught up with Fallen Flag, check out our campaign page, which links all of the episodes. I’ll get Tom and Aaron to discuss the campaign in a segment in a future RPPR episode.

I recently spoke to Eli Kurtz, the man behind a new Kickstarter for a fantasy campaign setting for the Savage Worlds system. “The Blackwood is a fantasy setting inspired by folklore and high-flying martial arts action. It’s Grimm’s Tales meets Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It’s The Witcher series meets Kung Fu Hustle. It’s Iron Monkey meets Brotherhood of the Wolf. You are errants, a class of wandering adventurers, who search a landscape of deadly beauty for a way to save the settled folk of the Elder Kingdom from ruin.”

Learn more by visiting the Kickstarter for the campaign or check out Mythic Gazetteer. Eli can be contacted via Twitter.