puppetland-coverNews: Puppetland is now out! I wrote two adventures for it and we will do an actual play of it in the near future. Stay tuned. Also, Faust has moved to Washington so he can work for Camouflaj and we wish him the best of luck!

Synopsis: Caleb and I discuss the challenges and rewards of recording games, either for podcasting or sharing with the community, or just for posterity’s sake. Technically, it’s easier now to record than ever before but how does it affect the game itself? It definitely makes a GM more self-conscious about what kind of games they run and how they are run. Is it worth it? That’s a question only you can answer, but Caleb and I go over the pros and cons of recording games. We also have some shout outs and an anecdote from this Patreon special game: Delta Green – Hearts and Minds.

Shout Outs

Songs: Selections from Blank Banshee Mega.

dresden-picWe finished season 1 of Dan’s Dresden Files campaign so it’s time to talk about how it went. This campaign was unique because Dan managed to wrangle two separate groups of players into a single plot line that escalated as the game progressed. We talk about how that worked and what we thought about the Dresden Files RPG game mechanics. If you want to learn more about running Fate system games or the Dresden Files as a setting, check this episode out!

If you missed any of the episodes, use our campaign page to find all of Season 1’s episodes.

rppr-banner-3Sponsor: Upwind is being Kickstarted right now! Check out the campaign and back it today.

Synopsis: Jeff Barber has been working on Upwind and its Kickstarter since our first interview, so I checked in with him to see how the design of the game has progressed and what Jeff has learned about Kickstarter when preparing his campaign for it. We discuss the current state of crowdfunding for tabletop games, the challenges of publishing a game now and of course the mechanics of Upwind. Enjoy