evil-sparkles-closeupSponsor: This episode of RPPR is sponsored by Mystical Throne Entertainment. You’ll find a variety of settings covering dark fantasy, historical fantasy, horror, Greek mythology, modern action, and sci-fi.

News: Sparkles the Unicorn for Base Raiders is now available! Get it on DrivethruRPG or through the Base Raiders store.

Synopsis: In many groups, most role playing happens between players and the GM, not between the players. In this episode, Tom, Aaron, Bill, and I discuss how to encourage intra-party role playing and when is too much. Bill also reviews the new 5E D&D book, Out of the Abyss, in great detail. Plus, shout outs and anecdotes

Shout Outs

Song: Dreams by Iacon

nslb-coverNo Soul Left Behind, a full campaign for Better Angels, written by RPPR’s Caleb, is now available for purchase. In this special interview, you can hear how the book came to be, Greg Stolze’s thoughts on it, and a lot more! From hilarious playtesting stories to lessons learned on game design, this discussion covers everything you wanted to know about No Soul Left Behind. Don’t forget to listen to the RPPR Playtest campaign, if you haven’t already.

evilmeterHow do you build a character with staunch ethical principles without stopping a game dead with the dreaded my-character-wouldn’t-do-that problem? Do RPG systems imply ethical philosophies? Should they? Caleb Stokes (No Soul Left Behind), Ross Payton (Base Raiders), Andreas Walters (Baby Bestiary), and Shoshana Kessock (Living Game Conference) discuss ethical concepts in characters, in game worlds, and at the level of design. Bring your questions and curiosity. This was recorded at Gen Con 2015.