News: The Mixed Six Patreon is up! Please check it out. The Mixed Six is now on iTunes as well.

Synopsis: Many gamers have a tough time grasping the power of Fate rule systems and player disadvantages in general. Aaron, Shaun, and I discuss how Fate aspects work by using anime and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure as a lens to examine how it works best. Character flaws make for better storytelling, as they create drama and conflict. We also have shout outs and anecdotes.

Shout Outs

  • Observer Effect: A new Delta Green scenario is available in PDF. When things go wrong in a physics lab, they go WRONG.
  • Invisible Cities: A unique novel of fantastic and impossible cities.
  • Humans: A sci-fi drama about androids and their feelings.
  • Baltimore: A horror comic series featuring an alternate history WW1 and a plague of vampires. Written by Mike Mignola.
  • Ice Fantasy: A Chinese wuxia drama TV series now on Netflix.
  • Rain Temple: One of the best vaporwave albums to come out this year.
  • Being There: a comedic movie about a man’s unlikely rise to power.
  • Spectral: A team of commandos fight ghosts in a war torn country. Great fodder for Night’s Black Agents.
  • Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: Kamen Rider doing Kamen Rider things. I don’t know. Ask Aaron.

Song: Bloody Stream (JoJo’s Bizare Adventure Remix)  by CLIVE™ | #TheGreat

rppr-b-sides-no-textFor the first time, we actually scheduled an official meetup and panel for RPPR fans at Gen Con. Most of the RPPR crew showed up and a TON of fans did as well. We played a few games, answered questions, talked about the podcast, game design, and of course had a Ross Payton Horrible Monster impersonation contest. Enjoy!

summoningCaleb’s Delta Green campaign, God’s Teeth, has been concluded but there’s still a lot to talk about. From the opening raid on the orphanage to Working Group Masticate’s last scene, we discuss what worked in the game and what didn’t. How did the new rules for Delta Green, like bonds and crippling injuries affect the campaign? Caleb also explains how he came up with every scenario for God’s Teeth. If you enjoyed this campaign, consider supporting Delta Green by buying the Agent’s Handbook or any of its other fine products.

Ad: Legends of Tabletop –  We release actual play episodes of various game systems every Monday and conduct interviews weekly with other podcasters, gamers, game designers, authors and more.  So no matter what you’re playing, pull up a chair, roll some dice, draw a card and have some fun. 

Song: Atone by Chinese Hackers.