Three game designers discuss their current projects and answer audience questions at Gen Con 2019. Find out about the new edition of Blue Planet, the latest from Red Markets, and more!


Ross Payton
Jeff Barber – Get the Quickstart guide for Blue Planet: Recontact for free!
Caleb Stokes – Get Trabajo now!

Ross Payton hanging out with the King in Yellow at Gen Con 2019We are back from Gen Con and we have a lot to talk about! In fact, we had so much to talk about it, I split the episode into 2 parts. Caleb, Maddy, special guest Sean Farris, and I talk about the games we played and bought and other highlights. In the second segment of this episode, Tom and Greg talk about their experiences.

Games we discuss (in no particular order, below the fold)

Song: 10 years of Vaporwave by EIS

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I have attended every Gen Con since 2007 and it has become a very important part of my life. It led to the creation of RPPR, my career in RPG writing, and the start of many deep friendships. Without RPPR, I would have never met Maddy. I have no idea what my life would be without Gen Con, RPPR, and Maddy. Enjoy this very special RPPR Live!