News: Red Markets is now available in print and PDF at Indie Press Revolution and in PDF at DrivethruRPG. Get your copy today! It makes a great Christmas gift.

Synopsis: The logistics of international shipping are maddening. Caleb went through a crucible but has finally delivered print copies to both American and overseas backers. Find out what went wrong and what lessons can be learned from it.

Song: Obey, Consume, Escape by Jon of the Shred

News:I will be at Patrecon next weekend to learn how to improve the RPPR Patreon! It should be interesting and I will report back in the next episode. Caleb and Spencer are heading to Metatopia to playtest their new game Party Fowl. Check out photos of it on Facebook. Don’t forget about the Gobblin’ Kickstarter!

Synopsis: As you may know, Caleb and I have another podcast called the Mixed Six, along with another co-host, Spencer. He’s a huge board game player but had never played a tabletop RPG before until Caleb and I introduced him. We have been recording an ongoing series for the Mixed Six Patreon called Snippets of Adventure. We will make the first season available to Youtube and the first two episodes are already online. In this episode Caleb, Spencer, and I discuss the series and Spencer’s experiences as a new RPG player. Plus, shout outs and anecdotes, as usual!

Shout Outs

Song: The Price of Valour by Kai Engel

News: Reminder that we have a Patreon! Be sure to check out our bonus content via RPPR After Hours. Red Markets is now available to preorder via Backer Kit. We will be recording an episode of RPPR live at Gen Con 50! Check here for details.

Synopsis: After seeing Spiderman: Homecoming, we had to discuss the morality behind the movie’s antagonist, the Vulture. After all, he’s essentially a base raider, so I felt obligated to discuss some of the themes with Aaron, Caleb, and Tom. We also discussed the morality of the superhero genre in general. Plus, anecdotes and shout outs!

Shout Outs

Song: Interstellar Capitalism by Anonymous420