This episode is also on Youtube with original video of Gencon 2024. Check it out!

We’re back from Gencon 2024! We recorded panels, played and bought new games, and a lot more. Caleb won a Gold Ennie for God’s Teeth! I wanted to get out a quick summary of Gencon to let you all know the highlights. Find out what panels and events we recorded and some of the new trends in tabletop gaming. Of course, we’ll have a more detailed breakdown of Gencon coming soon, but I wanted to get this out as quickly as possible.

If you enjoy RPPR, be sure to support our Patreon and get exclusive bonus podcasts, artwork, scenarios, and more!


I have begun working on a new role playing game. It is called Labyrinths of Lost Futures, a modern day dungeon crawling hauntological fantasy. Delve into weird ruins with an enchanted gun and cellphone. Fight cryptids in a haunted trailer park. Escape a time loop based on a person’s childhood memories. Caleb has some questions and comments about the game. If you want to see some artwork of the game, check out the RPPR Patreon. The image in the show notes is by Patsy McDowell and is one of the levels of the modern mega dungeon I am working on.

The Night Clerk is on sale at DrivethruRPG! If you missed the crowdfunding campaign, you can get the PDF now. I’m working on a way to sell print copies.

Check out Delta Green Dead Channels to support Caleb and get great Delta Green content!

Hebanon Games Open Design has a Red Markets 2E playtest campaign in progress.

We’re back for another episode! I found a bottle of Blanton’s bourbon and to celebrate my discovery, we recorded a new episode. Spencer even has a new food rating system!

Back The Night Clerk zine! A modern horror RPG scenario from Ross Payton!

We’re talking about a wide range of topics – check it out:

Beer: Prairie Artisan Ale Stuf’t (2)

Segment: Dissecting Our Fun (4)

Sub-Topic: Ark Nova is…big…and good

Beer: Brasserie Dunham Farbenku  gel

Segment: Binge Binger

Sub-Topic: What’s been your most recent binge addiction?

Beer: Second Shift Brewing Spiritual Delight (4)

Segment: Ready Player Drunk

Sub-Topic: Tears of the Kingdom GOTY?

Beer: El Segundo Brewing Steve Austin’s Broken Skull IPA (3)

Segment: Sportsplainer

Sub-Topic: There’s an incredibly deadly motorcycle race called the Isle of Man TT. Over a century old and over 260 people have been killed – not just racers but spectators as well. Where’s the line in allowing sports like this to continue?

Beer: Tighthead Brewery Chilly Water IPA (2)

Segment: Mixed Six Mock Draft

Sub-Topic: Republican primary candidates and cars from the wacky racer genre (wacky racers, rat race, Mario cart; twisted metal, death race, etc)

Beer: Prairie Artisan Ales Tiny Esses (1)

Segment: Drunk Enough

Sub-Topic: So what’s it been like to not monetize your drinking for the last year?

In case you missed it, the entire Mixed Six catalogue is now mirrored on

All of the main episodes are here.

All of the Patreon bonus episodes are here.

All of the Hot Takes on Ice and other mini-episodes and specials are here.

Join the Mixed Six Discord Server, now open to the public to discuss this episode and catch up with the community.