RPPR_B-sidesNews: RPPR B-Sides Volume 2 is now available! Get 24 actual play episodes and help support RPPR. This volume has playtests, con games, and more! In other news, Boiling Point is still being worked on as is the Sparkles supplement for Base Raiders. Also, Gen Con 2015 event submission has opened up. Contact Arc Dream if you want to run games and get a free badge and product.

Synopsis: The Final Revelation is the shortest complete campaign we’ve run at RPPR, but its complexity and depth merits a good post mortem discussion. Caleb, Aaron, and I discuss our experiences playing and running the game, purism vs pulp in cthulhu mythos gaming, player agency in RPG design, and other related topics. Tom wasn’t able to make this episode so no letter but we do have shout outs and a very special anecdote about shark fighting.

Shout Outs

  • Escape Goat 2: A great puzzle game about a magical goat and his mouse BFF.
  • Silver Screen Fiend: A new book from Patton Oswalt about his addiction to cinema.
  • Bad Robots: A UK prank show themed around malfunctioning technology.
  • Concrete Grove: Not quite a solid recommendation, but I read the entire book for what that’s worth.
  • Whiplash: A film about jazz, abuse, and obsession.
  • Tokyo Ghoul: an anime about the occult, cannibalism, and milquetoast student protagonists. Breaking new ground in anime tropes!
  • Touch of Cloth: A hilarious cop show parody similar to Police Squad, but way, way dirtier.

Song: A Dark Revelation by Dusk’s Embrace

sense-coverNews: The playtest draft of Boiling Point is out. If you backed the Kickstarter, please check your messages to see how you can access it.

Synopsis: We finished a playthrough of Sense of the Sleight of Hand Man, a Call of Cthulhu campaign set in the Dreamlands, so like with every campaign we finish, this episode is a post-mortem of it. I discuss how I approached running the campaign and the players talk about what they got out of it. We also have shout outs and anecdotes.

Shout Outs

Song: Demented Dreamlands by Krytpics.

433px-The_Lion_Bas-Reliefs_LACMA_46.27.5It’s been a while since we’ve done a proper episode of Game Designer’s Workshop, so Caleb and I decided to bring you guys back up to date. We’re still playtesting Red Markets and Ruin. We talk about the pains, progress, and lessons we have learned so far. It’s a lively discussion so if you want to geek out about RPG game design, this is the podcast for you.

Music: Sand x Slow by Admiral of the Red