Synopsis: Our 100th episode was so long I had to break it up into two parts! In this half, I first talk to Adam Scott Glancy of Pagan Publishing for a sneak preview of the upcoming Gencon WW1 Call of Cthulhu games, among other topics. Then it’s back to the roundtable to answer more listener questions. Enjoy and thanks again for listening!

News: A new hero has been released for Base Raiders. Check out Elizabeth Solomon, a scholarly vampire!

Synopsis: For some reason, we’ve kept up making podcast episodes since 2007. It’s taken us that long to get to 100 episodes of the main podcast, but here we are. Of course, we had to do something special, so we’re doing a roundtable discussion of our history and answering listener questions. We also have Shane Ivey from Arc Dream Publishing and Greg Stolze on as guests. Because of all our guests, this is a longer than usual episode. In fact, this episode went so long, I broke it up into two parts. I’ll release part two next week. Thanks for listening to us. RPPR has been a blast so far and I hope to continue it until the inevitable Cthulhu/zombie/meteor-based apocalypse 😀

110731_playtesting_posterNews: Caleb’s Eclipse Phase scenario, the Devotees, is now out. Check it out!

Synopsis: Writing a new game is hard enough, but it’s only the beginning. Playtesting the game to see if it works is the second part. Seeing a group of players tear your precious game apart may be painful, but it is a necessary part of creating a better game. Caleb and I discuss our thoughts on Caleb’s recent playtesting of Red Markets.