News: A new hero has been released for Base Raiders. Check out Elizabeth Solomon, a scholarly vampire!

Synopsis: For some reason, we’ve kept up making podcast episodes since 2007. It’s taken us that long to get to 100 episodes of the main podcast, but here we are. Of course, we had to do something special, so we’re doing a roundtable discussion of our history and answering listener questions. We also have Shane Ivey from Arc Dream Publishing and Greg Stolze on as guests. Because of all our guests, this is a longer than usual episode. In fact, this episode went so long, I broke it up into two parts. I’ll release part two next week. Thanks for listening to us. RPPR has been a blast so far and I hope to continue it until the inevitable Cthulhu/zombie/meteor-based apocalypse 😀

110731_playtesting_posterNews: Caleb’s Eclipse Phase scenario, the Devotees, is now out. Check it out!

Synopsis: Writing a new game is hard enough, but it’s only the beginning. Playtesting the game to see if it works is the second part. Seeing a group of players tear your precious game apart may be painful, but it is a necessary part of creating a better game. Caleb and I discuss our thoughts on Caleb’s recent playtesting of Red Markets.

Guangzhou: 1980s Cyberpunk Dystopia today!News: Caleb and I will be at Fear the Con this year! We will both be running games and attending events there. I will be at PAX East this year, as part of Pixelscopic, showing off their new game, Delver’s Drop. (Have I mentioned I’m working on it? I totally am!) Also, check out No Security, Caleb’s new book. I’ve also released 2 new short PDFs for Base Raiders: The Hedge Wizard and Agent Grayson.  Also, I’m back from China. You can check the RPPR Tumblr for photos (scroll down).

Synopsis: After reading the Angry DM’s article on the 8 types of fun, I thought it would be interesting to discuss our philosophies towards running games and what kind of fun we get out of it. We each give our own unique perspectives on the topic, including our GM bucket lists. We also have shout outs and an anecdote or two.

Shout Outs

  • Snakehead: A fascinating book about the complexities of human smuggling from China to the United States.
  • True Detective: This. Fucking. Show.
  • The Massive: A post-apocalyptic naval adventure and mystery. A group of environmental activists search for their missing comrades in a world falling apart.
  • Black Mirror: The Twilight Zone meets the Internet and social media.
  • Eco-comics: Economic analysis of superhero tropes. I’ve linked to a good post from the blog.
  • Sojourn: New sci-fi anthology featuring authors like Matt Forbeck and Dan Repperger
  • Shock Doctrine: A controversial expose of global politics and economics.
  • Illustrated Guide to Criminal Law: Want to learn about the law? Like comics? ‘Nuff said!
  • One Punch Man: This. Fucking. Manga.
  • Dragonfall: An incredible campaign for Shadowrun Returns.

Song: Load Bearing Fungus by Salkovich.