News: Check out the new Raillery episodes, where the RPPR crew dusts off the Xbox version of the Warriors for hobo gang fights on the rooftops of 1970s New York. Not to be missed!

Also make sure you subscribe to the blog at Hebanon Games for access to the scenarios from the No Security Kickstarter.

Synopsis: Role playing games cannot simulate everything perfectly nor should they. Yet when a particular campaign or scenario visits a conflict not well handled by the rules, what should happen? How fair is it to run a game where the rules are ill-defined at best? Is it better to run a well-polished but simple game or a complex yet clunky game? Tom and I try to strike a balance between plot and polish. We also have a unique letter from Tom and a letter from a listener, plus shout outs of course.

Shout outs:

  • Lone Survivor: Awesome survival horror computer game, with a unique plot and soundtrack.
  • DayZ: The super popular zombie apocalypse survival multiplayer mod
  • Superbrothers Swords and Sworcery EP: Indie retro-style adventure computer game for iOS and Steam
  • Breath of Death: A tongue-in-cheek RPG from the creator of Cthulhu Saves the World
  • Nimona: Funny new webcomic about a supervillain’s new sidekick
  • Alpha Flag: Intriguing mystery webcomic of a man trying to recover his mind.
  • Dadtucks: What if the D&D cartoon was played out as a RPG scenario?
  • Godel’s Deliveries: See RPPR regular Thad hock pizzas in a dystopian plague-ravaged world!
  • Aliens vs Predators CCG: Play as human, alien or predator in this dead but fun card game.

Music: The Plot by the White Rabbits.

News: Support the Killsplosion Kickstarter and get 10 new preview RPPR AP episodes!

Zombies of the World Episode 4 is online. Watch it here.

Synopsis: World building is an important skill for GMs but it’s a tricky skill to learn. It’s easy to get lost in the details, obsessing over minor elements that will never see the light of day. Tom and I discuss how we approach world building and the pitfalls we’ve learned to avoid. Tom also has a short story that will be used in the Killsplosion RPG called Clucking Hell. You can read the story on Kickstarter as well.

Shout out:

Killing Floor: It has a chicken suit skin for players. YES.
The Stuff: In 1980s horror film, yogurt eats you!
Danger 5: New and insane web series from the people that did Italian Spiderman
Black Roses Rock music causes demonic possession apparently.
Metachaos: 1/1d6 SAN loss experimental short film.
Carnosaur: A cheap cash-in dinosaur horror movie with a weird subtext.
McMafia: A great breakdown of current global crime syndicates.

Music: Blood Brothers: First Blood by Mad Decent

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News: Check out the newest RPPR Kickstarter: Killsplosion! A rules light competitive PvP tabletop RPG. Get 10 preview RPPR Actual Play episodes when you contribute $20 or more.

Zombies of the World on sale! Get your print copy autographed by the RPPR group or get the PDF for only $2.99

Synopsis: We’ve been talking about adventure and campaign design lately, so we thought it would be appropriate for an episode on horror campaigns and how to run them. The pacing for a horror campaign is different because characters in these games tend to wear down through attrition. Thus, you have to take into account their reduced capabilities when designing adventures or plan for a new way to insert new player characters when the existing ones die or go mad. Furthermore, less is more when it comes to horror. A slight aberration from the mundane is often more terrifying than random tentacle monsters. Tom did not write a letter but we do have shout outs and anecdotes.

Shout outs:

Song: Forest of Fear by Bob Dean