Caleb is working on a new game! Called Doctor, Witch Doctor, it’s a fun storytelling game about medical melodrama shows and magic. Make up magical cures for weird magical diseases! Get addicted to weird magical drugs! We also talk about outlining larger projects, Red Markets updates, and Upwind: Three Beasts.

Song: Witch Doctor by Erthling

Many RPG campaigns inevitably have at least one session that’s more about shopping for new items and gear. Some players love it and others hate it. How important are items and associated game mechanics for them? Caleb, Jay B, and I discuss the differing philosophies of items in various RPGs, from Phoenix Command’s detailed rules to Fiasco’s non-existent rules for items. We also discuss an upcoming gear book for Red Markets, plus shout outs and anecdotes.

News: Party Fowl is out! If you haven’t already got a copy of the best duck-themed social gathering board game of 2019, then get yours today! Also, I am going to Australia next month, but RPPR will still be going strong. I will be posting about my trip on Twitter and Instagram.

Shout Outs

Music: Automated Refrains by Dan Terminus

Caleb Stokes, Jeff Barber, and I discuss our current work in game design at this panel, recorded at Gen Con 2018. I talk about the current state of Ruin, my architectural horror RPG, Caleb talks about Red Markets, and Jeff talks about Upwind. We also answer questions from the audience, trying to help them with their current design problems.