News: The RPPR Patreon just finished a six part podcast series on the mega dungeon Castle Greyhawk. It’s a very funny and weird module and we had a lot of reviewing combing through it. Patrons at the $10 level and higher can get one on one RPG design/advice consultations in May and June. If you want Ross to look at your project, here’s your chance! We are also offering remastered actual play episodes of some classic episodes, like Somewhere Lane. Back the Patreon today to get all of these rewards and more!

Synopsis: Outcasts are a common theme in many RPGs, but how do you handle them, both as a player and as a GM? Tom and I talk about the various flavors of outcasts, from cosmetic back story to immersive games about being an outcast. We talk about outcasts in D&D, Mutants in the Now, and Vampire, among other game settings.

Shout Outs

  • Mutants in the Next: A supplement for Mutants in the Now,Kickstarting now!
  • The Devil’s Candy: A brilliant book on the film making process. Find out how the flop, Bonfire of the Vanities, was made. Watch this video essay for one fascinating anecdote from the book.
  • This Grand Life: A Life simulator video game. Tom approves!
  • Weird Tales of a Bangalorean: A compilation of weird short stories set in Bangalore, India.
  • How to Drink: A Youtube channel about making cocktails and mixed alcoholic drinks.
  • Infernax: A retro side scrolling Metroidvania. Very fun and on Gamepass.
  • Castlevania 2 Redacted: A fan remake of Castlevania 2 for the NES.
  • Trek to Yomi: A black and white side scrolling samurai themed action video game.
  • Atun-Shei Films: A Youtube channel about history and movies.
  • Our Flag Means Death: A comedy show about pirates. Hilarious!
  • The Sadness: An incredibly gory Taiwanese zombie movie inspired by the comic series Crossed.

Song: Outcast by AMITWOutcasts are a common theme in many RPGs, but how do you handle them, both as a player and as a GM? Tom and I talk about the various flavors of outcasts, from cosmetic back story to immersive games about being an outcast.


The public domain expanded this year and Caleb and I dive into it to find gameable material. Anyone can use these books, images, or music, for whatever project they can imagine. I found a list of characters from pulp fiction magazines with such interesting heroes like the vigilante Crimson Clown, and a group of French boy scouts who explore the hollow earth.

News: We’re doing a weekly livestreams on Twitch and Youtube! The first episode is available publicly here. We’ll be looking at RPGs on DrivethruRPG and other sites for the best and the weirdest. If you miss the livestream, the videos will be available for RPPR patrons to watch whenever you want.

Check out Caleb’s Dead Channels Patreon for a Delta Green campaign, Insolent Impulse. I’m playing in it!

Shout Outs

  • Inscryption: A roguelike deck building and escape room puzzle video game.
  • Berserk: legendary dark fantasy manga series
  • LuLaRIch: A mini series about the MLM company LuLaRoe
  • Sifu: A martial arts action game with amazing combat
  • The Power of the Dog: a movie about outsiders in the West
  • For All Mankind: An alternate historical drama about the Space Race
  • All of Us Are Dead: A Korean zombie teen drama show with Red Markets vibes
  • Raccoon Sky Pirates: a new indie RPG about raccoons with a sky ship pulling off a heist.

Continue Reading

Quake 1 is an incredibly influential video game, not just to other video games, but to tabletop RPGs as well. We played Slipgate: Chokepoint recently. Now that we’ve re-played Quake 1 and a RPG inspired by it, Chris and I discuss the thematic and mechanical differences in translating pixels to a paper game.

(on a personal note – I plan to post more episodes here more frequently. The last few months were extremely hectic but now that the wedding is over, I can focus more on RPPR podcasting. I have a lot of great topics for upcoming episodes so stay tuned!)