evilmeterHow do you build a character with staunch ethical principles without stopping a game dead with the dreaded my-character-wouldn’t-do-that problem? Do RPG systems imply ethical philosophies? Should they? Caleb Stokes (No Soul Left Behind), Ross Payton (Base Raiders), Andreas Walters (Baby Bestiary), and Shoshana Kessock (Living Game Conference) discuss ethical concepts in characters, in game worlds, and at the level of design. Bring your questions and curiosity. This was recorded at Gen Con 2015.

rimwardNews: No Soul Left Behind is out! BUY CALEB’S BOOK! If you backed Boiling Point, check the Kickstarter to read the text for Sparkles the Unicorn.

Synopsis: Duality, a Rimward and gatecrashing focused Eclipse Phase campaign recently wrapped up on the Actual Play site. You can browse the entire list of episodes here if you need to catch up. Caleb, Tom, Aaron, and I discuss the campaign and what we liked and didn’t like about it. It took a long time to play and run and we did learn a little about ourselves and our favored play styles by doing so.

Shout Outs

  • The Annihilation Score: The latest in the Laundry novel series. An occult violinist battles demons, both personal and external.
  • Margin Call: a movie about the 2008 financial crisis and who caused it.
  • Exile: An extremely Lovecraftian horror film with some rather terrifying body horror.
  • Concept: A board game about figuring out phrases from common symbols.
  • Sonic Dream Collection: It’s like Deviant Art manifested itself.
  • Last Week Tonight – Televangelists: John Oliver examines how televangelists can make money without taxation because religion.

Song: D a n c e O f C a t s by Datasette

PS21102_Firewall_500pxTalk with Caleb, Ross, and publishers about how to get started writing for games. With a few tips, you could be barely scraping by just like the pros! The goal of RPPR’s GDW podcast has always been educational. To that end, Ross and Caleb will do their best to give advice on “breaking into the industry” in a post-Kickstarter age. The conversation will focus on the more logistical, legal, and mundane business of freelancing in RPGs. On the publisher side of things, Adam Jury and Rob Boyle from Posthuman Studios are dropping by to lend their expertise. Prepare to be demystified, warned, clued-in, and tipped-off about the path to seeing your work get included in games. Questions are welcome and encouraged.