claunch-pic Last year, I briefly worked on a film called the Weight. I worked under Darrell Claunch, a local artist and graphic designer. He’s worked in video games and in Hollywood as a compositor on giant films like Iron Man. After talking to him on our trips to and from the movie set, I thought this might be an interesting podcast for RPPR, so here we are. We even talk about how the office politics of film studios could be used as fodder for RPGs. Enjoy! Be sure to check out Darrell’s blog and Twitter as well.

141683Only a short time after picking up the game from Drivethru RPG, Tom Church interviews Pierce Fraser, the writer and creator of HC SVNT DRACONES.  Find out all about this unique RPG, as well as the process that went in to making it.  And also get a short glimpse into the 4 part campaign being run for the RPPR crew in this game universe!

dossier-coverDracula is not a novel. It’s the censored version of Bram Stoker’s after-action report of the failed British Intelligence attempt to recruit a vampire in 1894. Kenneth Hite has restored the deleted sections, inserting annotations and clues left by three generations of MI6 analysts. This is Dracula Unredacted.

Follow those clues to The Director’s Handbook, containing hundreds of encounters: shady NPCs, dangerous locations, conspiratorial nodes, and mysterious objects. Together they comprise The Dracula Dossier — an epic improvised, collaborative campaign for Night’s Black Agents, our award-winning vampire spy thriller RPG. The mission: Hunt and kill Dracula now, once and for all, before Britain falls to him forever.

I interviewed Kenneth Hite about the creation of the Dossier, advice on running it, and other topics. It’s coming to stores this week and the PDF is already out! Check out the free resources available for running Dracula Dossier.