Caleb Stokes, Jeff Barber, and I discuss our current work in game design at this panel, recorded at Gen Con 2018. I talk about the current state of Ruin, my architectural horror RPG, Caleb talks about Red Markets, and Jeff talks about Upwind. We also answer questions from the audience, trying to help them with their current design problems.

Iron Edda Accelerated is a roleplaying game about the heroes of a Viking holdfast during Ragnarok. They battle threats from outside and within for honor, glory, and clan. The game draws strongly from Norse mythology — although its focus on holdfasts allows for telling a variety of stories. I talked to the game’s creator, Tracy Barnett, about the game and game design in general.

If you think this is an interesting game, please check it out on Kickstarter!

RPPR and the Mixed Six are going to be at Gen Con this year with multiple events! We have panels, games, and seminars for our fans. Caleb and I talk about them with special guest Maddy.

If you are a $10 backer or above for the RPPR Patreon, you can join in an exclusive game run by Bridget! She is running 3 games for backers. Get on the RPPR Discord on channel #bridget-gencon-games for details! Not on our Discord but a patron of RPPR? Read this article to join the server.

We have also planned to record a Zweihander game run by the game’s creator Daniel Fox.