Will Schar of the All Roads Tavern podcast won the first Night at the Opera Delta Green scenario writing contest and I agreed to critique the winner of that contest. I asked Adam Scott Glancy of Pagan Publishing to join in the critique, so we both read the scenario A Soft White Damn. It’s an interesting piece, exploring a small town with many dark secrets. We had an interesting conversation about scenario writing, setting, and pacing.

News: Our resident Shadowrun GM, Bridget, has launched her own Patreon. Check it out to support a new game designer. We also put together a LARP version of Puppetland and put it on Youtube. Aaron is streaming on Twitch for Raillery so subscribe to find out when he’ll play next.

Synopsis: After running The Reign of Terror for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition, I started thinking about how historical settings should be used in RPGs. Bridget, who ran several Fate games set in medieval Japan, and Thad, who is Thad, come in to discuss the topic. We also have shout outs and an anecdote!

Shout Outs

Song: Ride Again by Quine

This is our newest RPPR Patreon bonus podcast series, Don’t Cross the Stream! In each episode, cast members like Caleb, Bridget, and Thad review and break down a title currently available streaming on Netflix. We then figure out how gameify it – either by creating new mechanics or random tables or creating entirely new mini-games. We also write up one of our ideas into a PDF you can use!  If you like it, please back the RPPR Patreon to access all of the episodes and PDFs today!

Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe is a weird movie. It is ostensibly a Chinese summer blockbuster sci-fi action movie, but it’s more like 3 or 4 movies in one. There’s aliens, kaiju, the Chinese Red Army’s secret archeological unit, an Elvis impersonator who sings about Genghis Khan, dramatic shifts in tone, and undead werewolves (I think).Bridget, Caleb, Fae, Thad, and I all watched the movie and analyzed it for the show. We also figure out how to turn this mess into a playable game. Up next is a playable mini-game by Bridget!

Song: Right Place, Right Time by Willbe.