gencon2016We just got back from Gen Con 2016 and we have a lot of podcasts to share. Our first one is a panel we did on game design. Ross and Caleb continue their proud tradition of screwing up in real time, with special guest Jeff Barber. Lend your questions and comments to a live episode as the pair gives updates on Red Markets, Ruin, Upwind, and other game projects. More specifically, Caleb will be doing playtests of Red Markets at Gen Con. Ross has news about Ruin and other game projects in the works. Both have news about current freelancing projects and plenty of advice for aspiring game designers in attendance.

red-markets-posterNews: Check out the Red Markets campaign page. All of the episodes of the campaign are linked for easy access.

Synopsis: The first Red Markets campaign is done, so we had to talk about it. Caleb, Aaron, Tom, David, and I talk about the concept for the campaign, how we came up with our characters, and what worked and didn’t work. Find out what rules changed in the game as a result of this campaign, what was unexpected and what our favorite moments were. It was a fun and lengthy discussion, so no shout outs or anything else with this episode. See you at Gen Con!

Song: Odyssey by HOME

ennies2016nomineeNews: Please vote a 1for Role Playing Public Radio as Best Podcast in the 2016 Ennies Awards! Thank you for your support of this podcast.

Synopsis: RPPR will be at Gen Con this year in force! We have some great panels and other events lined up for you. Even if you can’t make it, we will be recording a lot of content for future episodes. Our official events are:

Be sure to sign up for the RPPR Gen Con Announcement Groupme to keep track of the latest games and events. Jeff Barber of Biohazard Games will be there running demos of Upwind. If you want to schedule a demo with him, email him now to make arrangements.

Song: Come back down by HOME