In this preview of January’s Patreon bonus podcasts, we look at Netflix’s Bandersnatch and the ramifications of mashing up Dungeons and Dragons with wrestling. If you liked this preview, click on the links below to access the full episodes on Patreon:

RPPR After Hours: Choose Your Own Netflix

Mashup Mayhem: D&D and Wrestling

Every month, we publish patron-only podcasts on the RPPR Patreon, with a lot of great material. Some of you are missing out on this, so every month, we will publish a preview of our patron podcasts. This month, we have After Hours, talking about the rich lore of Payday 2 and Don’t Cross the Stream, about video game movies.

We will also be posting different clips on Twitter and on the RPPR Facebook group.

For Delta Green fans, Bridget will be posting two scenarios on her Patreon, for Dream Away Camp and an upcoming scenario!

patreonPatreon is a popular crowdfunding website that allows creators to earn money from their supporters and fans on a regular cycle. This gives creators new opportunities and new challenges. Ross Payton from Role Playing Public Radio, Faust Kells from The Third Wheel, and Matt Campen from the Drunk and Ugly podcast all have experience using Patreon discuss it at Gen Con. Be sure to check out our websites to learn more: Role Playing Public Radio, The Third Wheel  and the Drunk and Ugly.