We are adding weekly livestreams to the RPPR Patreon via our Discord! More info is available on the Discord so sign up today. I will be posting classic episodes of After Hours on this feed for the next few months but if you want to binge all of them, you can for only $2 a month.

Synopsis: Did you know some people try to hypnotize themselves into believing they are ponies from My Little Pony? Well, I’m not going to link it. But it’s terrible and real. Aaron, Tom, Shaun, and I discuss better things those people should try to hypnotize themselves into being. We also review the following books:

  • Secrets of Shadowaloo
  • Time After Time (Part 2 of Aaron’s ongoing review)
  • Amazing Engine and For Fairy, Queen, and Country
  • Citadel of Fire

Song: Guile Theme

News: Night Clerk Radio is now available! Birk and I have created a new music review podcast focusing on vaporwave, dark ambient, and other haunted genres of music. Listen today on your podcasting app of choice or on Youtube.

Synopsis: Running and playing tabletop games online has become extremely popular lately so Birk, Kyle (from Best Pal Brigade featured in our episode art) and I discuss our experiences. There are many platforms to play games but choosing one is not the only challenge. Learning the differences between online and IRL games is essential to having a great time.

Promo: Thinking Too Hard About Anime, a new podcast from friends of RPPR!

Shout Outs

Song: Miles to Midnight. Listen to our review of the album on Night Clerk Radio.


News: RPPR B-Sides Volume 5: Gaming Gains is now on sale! Get 20 exclusive actual play episodes featuring a Caleb mini-campaign, Red Markets, Delta Green, and more! Also, check out the trailer for our upcoming new podcast, Night Clerk Radio! Don’t forget to check out Best Pal Brigade as well.

Synopsis: Itch.io is an indie game storefront that has recently expanded to physical games like RPGs and card games. As a competitor to DrivethruRPG, Itch.io has attracted a variety of indie tabletop games, including ones that you can’t find on DrivethruRPG. Kyle from Best Pal Brigade, David, and I talk about the tabletop PDF marketplace and review a bunch of games:

Shout Outs

Song: Nightfall Aboard by New Gaia