strike-rpgStrike! is a new RPG Kickstarter that simplifies tactical combat from 4E Dungeons and Dragons with new game mechanics and genre mixing. Tom interviewed the game’s designer, Jim McGarva, to explain what Strike! is all about and what people will get from Kickstarting it. This is a shorter interview, but if you’ve been curious about Strike! check this interview out.

kaGh5_patreon_name_and_messageRole Playing Public Radio is now on Patreon! Instead of just asking for contributions and keeping the status quo, we are going to up our game by creating a brand new podcast series for our patrons. RPPR After Hours is a comedic roundtable where we talk about pop culture and obscure tabletop gaming products. To give you a taste, I’ve added part 1 of our first episode to the main podcast feed. We talk about Death Valley Free Prison, a vintage 1980s rpg supplement if there ever was one, the Oscars, and Destiny, the video game.If you enjoy it, you should become a backer in order to hear the rest of the episode.

Please note that we will continue to release the main podcast and AP episodes for FREE for the foreseeable future. Only bonus content created exclusively for Patreon will be locked behind the paywall.

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vintagevillainNews: A new Base Raiders PDF supplement, Vintage Villainy, is out! Pick it up today or if you backed the Boiling Point Kickstarter, you will get your copy soon.

Synopsis: You know you’re a true tabletop gamer when you see everything in terms of how gameable it is. In this episode, Tom and I discuss what makes something truly gameable or not. From action films to history books, there’s a lot of gameable material in the world, but some things are more gameable than others. Find out what works and what doesn’t. Plus, shout outs, anecdotes, and more!

Shout Outs

  • We Have Always Lived in the Castle: An excellent novel about a most unusual pair of sisters.
  • Mysteries at the Museum: It’s a TV show, about mysterious things in museums. Not really though. They explain what the thing is.
  • Death Skid Marks: Drive! Shoot! Take Drugs! Die! Play Again!
  • Nazi Mega Weapons: Nazis built really big guns. Mega usually means one million but here it means big. Not that I’m being pedantic.
  • Binary Domain: Shoot robots! Chat with teammates! Shoot more robots! Not that French robot, he’s cool.
  • Fordlandia: A book about Henry Ford’s failed rubber plantation in Brazil. Fascinating history and great writing.
  • Plague Evolved: Kill people with plagues in video game format.
  • Save Game: A new setting for Fate Core. Fun, although it needs a few tweaks. Pay what you want, so no excuse not to get it.
  • Earthworm Gods I and II: Apocalyptic horror novels about a rainy end of the world.

Song: The Getaway by Stellar Dreams from The 80’s Dream Compilation Tape – Vol. 2