npcksJames D’Amato and Kat Kuhl from the One Shot Podcast developed a party card game to help gamers role play more. Noisy Person Cards can be thought of as a warm up exercise to a proper RPG. James and I talk about how NPC came to be and what he’s learned about Kickstarter so far. After the interview, there’s an actual play of the RPPR group trying the print and play version of NPC. Be sure to check out their Kickstarter, going on now!

ua-ksCaleb and I talked to Greg Stolze about his latest project, the third edition of Unknown Armies, a post-modern horror role playing game. Urban legends, obsessions, occult conspiracies, and the invisible clergy are all part of a compelling modern game. It is also a profoundly humanist game, where humanity is the center of the universe, not cosmic and unfeeling alien gods beyond our comprehension. Greg talks about changes to the setting, new mechanics for Unknown Armies and game design in general. If you are interested in checking out the game, I recommend backing the Kickstarter so you can read the latest draft of the game now.

Unfortunately, we did have some recording errors, so some of the questions will have an echo. I tried to fix it in post but there’s only so much you can do.

mechawestAsk anyone, from the lowliest farmhand in Missouri to the wealthiest banker in New England who they consider to be the most important figure in history, chances are they’ll give the same answer: Robert Fulton. By his simple act of installing steam engines into antiquated clockwork armors from the Napoleonic Wars, he changed the face warfare forever. Armed with massive Colt repeaters, these mechanical behemoths were the premier soldiers of the American Civil War, with both North and South creating untold devastation that fractured the nascent United States by wars end.

Now a more dangerous Wild West has risen from the ashes of Reconstruction. Iron Rangers from the US Calvary clash with Comanche Iron Killers. Cattle rustlers conduct midnight raids in rickety Turkey Walkers and groups like the Chinese Freeman Society and New Africa fight to hold claim to their new territories. This is the world of Mecha West.

Mecha West is a standalone game setting utilizing the MECHA RPG system. Written by Chris C. Carter and Edward M. Edelac, the game presents an alternate history look at Post-Reconstruction America where Steampunk Mechs are the staple weapons for lawmen and wandering gunmen alike. Aaron interviewed Chris and Eric about the setting and what influences they took from the real history of the Wild West. Mecha West is currently running a Kickstarter, so if you like Steampunk warfare, give them a look. If you also interested in running MECHA games, their current games are available for purchase on DrivethruRPG.

Kickstarter link:

DrivethruRPG MECHA link: